View Full Version : First taxi in years!

25-07-06, 11:52
Hi everyone,

I've just been in a taxi with my Occupational therapist, for the first time in 2 or 3 years. I usually go in her car, she's now getting me used to taxi's.

My anxiety went down when we set off and stayed low. The taxi driver also went a different and longer way to the one i'm used to.

Heather x

25-07-06, 11:57
well done, a huge pat on the back. im just starting work with an occupational therapist by the way, is it good? just wondered


25-07-06, 12:07
OH HEATHER THATIS FABULUOS,WELL DONE!Taxis are one of my biggest triggers,so i know how much that took hun,CONGRATULATIONS!Love mary-rose,xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

25-07-06, 12:33
Well Done Heather !!

I have just started to use taxis also, and i know how hard it can be, you have done so well!!



25-07-06, 16:15

That is great news! You are making great strides, keep up the good work.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

25-07-06, 17:36
How fantastic, well done you!!!! my husband is a london taxi driver (yes, i know!!) if you ever got in his cab, and so many others, explain the probs. they will help you! They are given a bad reputation, they are not all bad though, pity he isn't as understanding with me when i freak out!!! again well done, keep at it and keep in touch. xxx

25-07-06, 18:44
Well done hun!:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

marie ross
25-07-06, 18:45
Hi Heather,

Thats brilliant new - you sound like you are doing so well, keep it up gal!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

Will Loynes
25-07-06, 19:42
Hey Heather,
thats a big in road to dealing with things, well done you!!

polly daydream
25-07-06, 22:47
Well done Heather that's great news, keep up the good work.

Best wishes,


27-07-06, 11:32
Thank you all for your replies.

Jackie - I have found my occupational theapist a great help. They deal with how your anxiety is affecting your everyday life. Mine is doing exposure work with me, slowly exposing me to situations I get anxious in, so I become comfortable and confident with them.

Carlin - The taxi was from a firm who specifically take people to the clinic. I was still worried though of how he'd be etc. My OT explained to him that I may need to stop at some point and that I am anxious, and he was very good, I didn't need to stop but he opened the window for me. I think it is best for me to be honest with any taxi driver and tell them I'm anxious.

Thanks again everyone,

Heather x

08-08-06, 11:48
I've just been out in a taxi again today, and this time I did the journey back on my own! Although my OT did talk to me on my mobile throughout.

Usually I need my OT/home support lady with me there and back. But the aim was for me to have a go at going home on my own in the taxi. I was scared this morning and felt like crying, the panic rose at first, but I did it, my OT talked to me on the phone and it helped. My anxiety went down and I did it.

Suprised myself again, I didn't think I could do this today.

Heather x

08-08-06, 12:18
Good on you girl!!!!

(Hope you're going to reward yourself with something nice!!)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Magz :0)

08-08-06, 12:28
Thank you Magz, I have had some chocolate :D

Heather x

08-08-06, 14:32
How fantastic, you have done real good mate!!! xxxxxjean

09-08-06, 15:10
Thank you Jean :D

Heather x