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21-08-12, 09:01
After having a rough ride on Cit and Fluox, and trying Mirt im now on Ven orders of my new doctor. She said it is best suited for my GAD, and alot of doctors will not prescribe it because it is an expensive drug?
Fingers crossed i dont get horrible side effects, i just want to be me again!

I also asked her about the ringing in my ears and lightheadedness, and she said she has dealt with other cases the same, and it should go away in time :)


21-08-12, 09:20
Good luck, what dose are you starting on, im also on ven after a rough ride with cit and then a big fail with mirt xx

21-08-12, 09:24
Im on 75mg, 2 x 37.5 a day, one in the morning and one at night.

21-08-12, 09:33
i take ven too and it has changed mt life, much easier to start than cit, with little or no side effects for me. i think its worth a go, it has given me my life back, hope it does the same for you .

why not join us all on the ven thread from cit to ven, plenty of lovely people on there with loads of support . take care xx

21-08-12, 09:34
I started on just one 37.5mg but i was withdrawing from mirt at the time aswel, im now on 150mg slow release xx

21-08-12, 11:29
Hi I take venlafaxine too (150mg once a day) after trying citalopram, fluoxetine, escitalopram and lofepramine (not in that order lol).

Venlafaxine has been by far the most effective for me. Most of the side effects settled after the first few weeks....and I also started on a low dose and gradually increased.

Hope you get on ok....good luck:)!


21-08-12, 12:34
I have just been prescribed ven (37.5mg day) but it will take me at least a week to pluck up the courage to 'go for it'. I am very med phobic after awful experiences on various other anti d type drugs. I am watching and reading all the posts with much interest so please keep us posted on how it goes for you. Good luck :hugs: Kitti x

21-08-12, 18:34
Thanks guys, I'm hoping it works for me, I just want my life back!

22-08-12, 08:51
Well that's me started on them!
Fingers crossed!
Feeling very anxious this morning and my head is very foggy?

22-08-12, 09:00
Good luck, i didnt have many side effects from the ven only a bit of heightened anxiety and felt a bit sick x x

22-08-12, 09:03
That's how I feel at the moment. Do you know if you can take propranolol with venlafaxine? I need something to take the edge off the anxiety. Thanks

22-08-12, 09:12

I was prescribed Oxprenolol which is a beta blocker at the same time as ven, so you probably can but it's a question for the doctor.


22-08-12, 20:38
Well my first day on Ven and its been a good one :)
Lets hope 2moz is the same!

22-08-12, 21:08
Thats a great news :D keep us posted x x

22-08-12, 23:13
Well my first day on Ven and its been a good one :)
Lets hope 2moz is the same!

Very encouraging, great news, hope it continues well for you. Kitti :)

24-08-12, 17:45
3rd day on Ven and no weird side effects yet, starting to feel a little better about everything. Just hope it continues!

24-08-12, 18:21
Great news :yesyes: xx

25-08-12, 16:36
Think some side effects are kicking in, i cant stop yawning and it feels real funny after, like nauseous? and also im getting hot flushes all the time?
Still feeling lightheaded aswell :(
Did manage to go to town for my acupuncture appointment, but i feel so sleepy now?

25-08-12, 16:50
Hi there,

I got that nauseous feeling after yawning too - it's a bit strange but it passed after a couple of weeks. Just now and then it pops up again but nothing serious.

You will start to get some side effects around now but keep at it and feel free to join in on the other active ven thread where you'll get support from lots of people who've been through exactly the same as you.

Take care


25-08-12, 19:02
I think you are doing just great....I am feeling far less worried about starting mine on Tuesday because of your posts so thank you for sharing your experience.

Pip speaks wise words...stick at it and stay positive.

Kitti x

25-08-12, 19:08
Hey kitti, yeh ive had no nasty side effects yet, not like when i was on Cit and Fluox.
I feel far more positive this time round, i wouldnt worry to much about starting them, just go with it! :) Gav

26-08-12, 09:27
Feeling abit down today, i have heightened anxiety, feeling more sick aswell. Hopefully it wont get to much worse!

26-08-12, 09:36

Totally normal and nothing to worry about. The best thing is to keep distracted and getting some fresh air helps the nausea so you could go for a walk?


26-08-12, 09:50
Thanks Pip, any idea how long it lasts for?
Im going for a walk in abit, get some fresh air, i didnt sleep well either woke at 5.30am and couldnt go back to sleep?

26-08-12, 10:08
2-3 weeks Gav is the norm. You'll probably peak at around 10 days and then gradually get better. If you don't already, you'll probably start to feel a bit fuzzy headed too but again, walks in the fresh air really help.

If you're having a bit of trouble sleeping, make sure you're taking the tabs in the morning. I can't remember if you're on 1 or 2 a day.

The most important thing is just to carry on as normal. You'll see huge benefits but at the minute, your brain's just adapting to higher seretonin levels. If you're still feeling generally ok by this stage, you'll be fine.


26-08-12, 10:21
Im always feeling lightheaded have done for months, the ENT specialist said it was due to the anxiety levels in my body? Im on 75mg a day, 37.5mg in morning and evening.

26-08-12, 10:33
My advice would be to take the morning tab as early as possible after breakfast and then the pm one 12 hours later. The earlier you can take the pm one, the less effect it will have on your sleeping.

Once you're settled on the dose, speak to your GP about the extended release caps or tabs as you only take them once a day and they affect your sleeping less.

Keep at it - you're doing really well!


26-08-12, 10:48
Hi read your post I have had both cit and mir made feel suicadal now only on diazepam i feel awful hope my gp may give me ven it sounds good best wishes Denise xx

26-08-12, 12:24
Hi Denise, sorry ur feeling that way, i felt the same when on Cit and Fluox wasnt good at all. I would speak to ur gp again, hopefully Ven will be for you. Im hoping my side effects wont get alot worse! But im alot better than when on the previous meds.

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

Noticing more symptoms today, ive got a lump in my throat all the time and its hard to swallow? also i keep getting a tingling sensation up the back of my neck? Is this normal? I guess the drugs are getting into my system now.

26-08-12, 12:52

The throat sensation is just increased anxiety, as are the other aches and tingles you're getting. Just ignore them and try not to let them bother you.

When I started, I just carried on at work as normal and didn't really notice them as I was so distracted. It was only when I was at home with time to think that they started to bother me so I just went out for a walk or read.

You'll be fine


26-08-12, 13:20
Thanks Pip, i guess im just analysing everything to much! im scared il have another bad reaction like on my previous meds.
Lost my appetite today, need to eat really aswell.

26-08-12, 13:59

Yes, even if you're not hungry, keep eating. The worst thing you can do is not to eat at all but I know it can be difficult to force something down. When my anxiety's high and my appetite goes, I find eating little and often the easiest. A dry mouth sometimes makes it worse so I go for soup or cereal with plenty of milk.


26-08-12, 23:05
Well what a bad night I've had! After feeling pretty rough all day, I had to go to my mums 60th birthday party at a local pub. There were loads of family and friends there. I Spent the whole night feeling anxious and sweating? I've never had this before? And don't understand why I was like this?

28-08-12, 10:24
So day 6!
still have these SE, increased anxiety, dry mouth, hot flushes/sweating, heart pounding, loss of appetite, nausea, lump in throat, trouble sleeping, tingling feeling up back of neck/head, lightheaded and ringing in ears.

Been taking diazepam, which is helping alittle. Im starting to feel down and low because im feeling so ill, i cant function at all and my hand is shaking as i type this!
Ive just arrived at work, and cant be bothered to do anything because i feel so ill.
Dont know how much more i can put up with or when il start to feel better, im scared i wont feel better now, or il get even worse!

28-08-12, 10:29
Hi Gav the side effects shouldn't last too much longer just hang on in there and take your diaz to help xx

28-08-12, 10:39
Cheers nic,
I did sleep abit better last night, but im very anxious again.
Im hoping when the SE die down this will ease alittle?
I didnt have a good day yesterday, with alot of stress, this hasnt helped.

28-08-12, 10:45
Stick it out Gav - it should start to improve in the next day or so.


28-08-12, 10:45
Good for you for going into work tho at least it will distract you, next time you see your doc ask about the slow release tablets as there alot better and you get a smoother ride with them but their very expensive hence why there not prescribed often andd you only need to take it once a day xx

28-08-12, 11:56
Hi Gav things should settle soon as the others have said. I found the side effects a bit rough to start with but like nicola when I got the extended release ones that helped a bit (also because Im rubbish at taking tablets and kept forgetting the second dose!)

Hang on in there X

28-08-12, 12:49

Beta blockers are an option - they really reduced my pounding heart, shakes and sweating. I think you mentioned this before. Have a word with your GP.

I promise it gets better.


28-08-12, 13:05
Ive just spoke to my gp, she is hoping my SE will be better by next week, and has given me more diazepam, better than nothing i guess?
Fingers crossed!

28-08-12, 13:11

Keep working (or at least busy). You'll find it speeds up the effects and you'll feel better more quickly. I speak from experience!


28-08-12, 13:34
My head is so spaced out and foggy, i find it hard to do anything or motivate myself.
I know what you mean tho. Im praying i get better soon, as i dont want to swap to another AD again!

28-08-12, 13:50
Hi Gav, it will get better. I remember the foggy head feeling and I found it difficult to work during that, but I persevered and gradually the feeling got less and I started to feel more alert. I also let my line manager know what was going on and my occ health department, so they were able to offer support and help. Just at the point where I considered taking time off things started to improve.

Like Pip says I found being at work helpful on the whole, as it kind of took me out of myself and I 'had' to try and focus on other things.

I dont know if this is any help but I got through some of it by thinking 'I'll keep going just for today' every day and every day I took my tablet(s) and gradually things improved. Trying not to look too far ahead was helpful for me. (does that make any sense lol? Im not very good at explaining myself sometimes :))

You're doing really well, keep at it.


28-08-12, 15:11
Thanks for the support, the only thing is with work is i run my own business and its only me here. The stress of having time off is getting to me because i have bills to pay, jobs to do etc, when i do take time off all i think about is work and i get anxious again.

I think the only way out is to sell the business, but thats not going to be easy, i just want out and no ties anymore!
The worry and stress is making me ill :(

28-08-12, 15:47
Keep at it gav, like i said i nearly gave up on day 4 and that was only on 37.5mg a day but i rode it out with the help of diazepam and gradually it got easier your doing really well :hugs: xx

28-08-12, 18:58
Thanks for the support, the only thing is with work is i run my own business and its only me here. The stress of having time off is getting to me because i have bills to pay, jobs to do etc, when i do take time off all i think about is work and i get anxious again.

I think the only way out is to sell the business, but thats not going to be easy, i just want out and no ties anymore!
The worry and stress is making me ill :(

Gav - you'll feel differently in a few weeks so hang on in there. I too remember the fuzzy head but I reminded myself how I was feeling before (and for how long) and thought that nothing could be worse than that. The first time, I decided I had to give it a go because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I know it's easy for me to say because I got through it to where I am today but I still remember what it feels like and I hope I don't forget because I want to help other people through this horrendous illness. It still pops its head up now and again to remind me but I ignore it and it goes away again.

We're all with you on this one. It will get better! I wouldn't say that if I knew it wasn't true.


29-08-12, 08:37
Well I slept through til 7am which is a first in a long time. I've taken 2.5mg of Diaz, I can't face getting up though? Wish all my worrys would go away! Guess I must try get up and have a shower now. Feeling spaced out, and my ears are ringing.

29-08-12, 09:37
Hi Gav,

Glad to hear you slept ok, not so here, tosssed & turned all night and had a little panic when I got up. I have taken my 5mg diaz, feeling spaced out too but restless at the same time so I need to wait for the diaz to kick in and will take my Ven about 10am...if I can manage to eat some breakfast lol.

I hope you feel better today, stay positive, you are doing just great!

Kitti :)

29-08-12, 09:58
Yer i could hardly eat my breakfast, feeling really sick today? i hate it so much!
Its strange as i was feeling alittle better last night?
Good luck for today kitti.

ps. how do you find 5mg of diaz, i usually cut them in half.

29-08-12, 10:17
I am cool with the diaz because I have been on 12-15mg a day for sometime now anyway.....so I have taken the Ven and the shakes have started.....I'm waiting for the euphoria trip now lol...

Good luck to you too Gav :)

29-08-12, 13:00
God i wish these side effects would do one! I can not function, my legs are shaky today aswell, prob due to lack of food, cannot eat due to feeling sick.
Im in a real down mood today which isnt helping, everything i think is negative!

29-08-12, 15:22
Well if it's any consolation, I never had my 'high trip' today lol...I'm a bit like you, wobbly and quite low, feeling sicky too. I've had a couple of hours sleep, I really needed it as hardly any last night.

I hope you feel better by the time you see this....Kitti :)

29-08-12, 15:48
Thanks Kitti, im alittle better now, i always seem to be worse in the mornings?
Still have no appetite tho!
Just hope its all worth it!

30-08-12, 12:53
So day 8!
feeling mildly better than yesterday with the SE's, just wish my lightheadness and ringing in ears would go away, im pretty sure it wont for a long time tho, ive had it for nearly 3months now even before starting meds. Im scared it will not go away, which makes me anxious even more!

30-08-12, 13:06
Good news! Once the side effects start to ease, it gets better and better.


30-08-12, 13:09
Well done for reaching day 8 :yesyes:

Just remember the tinitus was there already, it's not a side effect of the Ven, although it must be very annoying....you are doing great!

Day 3 for me, shakey and serotonin overload...my mind and body are not sure what to do with all the excess adrenalin....managing ok though, and slept for 8 and a half hours last night :yesyes:

Take care....Kitti x

30-08-12, 13:41
Good news! Once the side effects start to ease, it gets better and better.


Pip, do all the side effects go completely once settled down on the Ven?
ie.. will i feel normal again while taking the drug?

Wish i could feel more up beat today, just feel down :( need to think positive i know!

30-08-12, 22:34
How are you doing tonight Gav, hope all ok and you are feeling better :hugs:

I have a bit of a headache and a little dizziness, but apart from that I'm feeling quite good. Managed to eat a little too (beans on toast...yum lol) Kitti x

30-08-12, 22:43
hey kitti, im doing ok 2nite thanx, still light headed etc and a bit tired! i managed some tea aswell.
Glad ur feeling quite good 2nite :) ur doing well.x

31-08-12, 10:23
Well woke with a headache today, and now have a migraine, thats all i need on top of everything else! Head feels spaced out and foggy, wish i could flick a switch and get the old me back again!

31-08-12, 10:52
Hi Gav, sorry to hear about your migrane....that's awful. I was very anxious & pacing this morning....head fuzz and shakey. Had to force my cereal down again to take the damn tablet, feel a bit sick. Have the adrenalin rush now but too fuzzy to know what to do with myself lol....

You will get there, once the headaches pass I'm sure the rest will be manageable.....thinking of you, stay positive :yesyes: Kitti x

31-08-12, 12:08
Hey Kitti thanx
Yep the head fuzz and shakes are no fun at all! I find the sickness the worse to cope with! Hope you feel better soon.x

01-09-12, 10:05
Well yet another rubbish nights sleep, woke at 5am needing toilet and had headache. Couldn't go back to sleep? I'm still in bed now, but keep thinking about things that are making me anxious, I just want to push these thoughts to one side but find it hard, as they keep popping up! Still feeling flat and down, just can't seem to cheer up? It's like my brain won't allow me to? Is this depression?

01-09-12, 10:17
Morning Gav,

I think there's often an element of depression when anxiety gets bad but, for me, it's definitely secondary.

From reading your recent posts, I think you're on the brink of feeling much better. I'm going to give you some advice that I've given you before which will sound trite but get yourself out of bed, have a shower, force some toast down and go out for a few hours. It will help you to stop thinking about how you're feeling and give you a bit of energy.

I'm just about to go out and see my neighbours and then, if the weather dries out a bit, I'm off for a long walk to clear my head which is a bit fuzzy - that's what 2 glasses of wine does to me these days.

Try to enjoy your day off as much as you can.

Take care


01-09-12, 10:40
Hey pip
Yep ur right, I just lack motivation..lol
I'm my worse enemy sometimes.
I've got acupuncture later today in town, not sure if it's doing any good tho to treat me? Seem to just feel sleepy after!

01-09-12, 10:57
Gav - Pip's orders are to get ready and go into town early to do a bit of shopping before your appointment. Maybe you need a new magazine to read or something nice for dinner. It doesn't really matter what but it will take your mind off things for a while.

And anyway, you can't lack that much motivation if you're prepared to go out especially to have needles stuck in you! Rather you than me...


01-09-12, 15:19
Hey Gav,

Sorry to hear you are still feeling pretty crap. I hope the trip into town and accupuncture helps you. Maybe a good sleep when you get home will help too?

I had a bit of a weird morning, anx up, palps, shakey, spaced out, heavy head but not really a headache, dizzy, nausea....I am trying to go with the flow and using all my CBT techniques to try and fight off the physical things. Feel like I am doing everything in slow motion and finding it hard to concentrate on anything really.

Here's to a better afternoon/evening :yesyes: Take care, Kitti x

02-09-12, 10:46
Well feeling down again today, need to get out of bed. Most of my SE's have eased, fingers crossed. Not feeling any better really in myself? My lightheadness and foggy feeling is really getting to me.. I'm so scared it won't go away, also my ears are ringing so loudly. I think this is what is getting me down all the time, it's not a SE of Ven as I had it when I first got ill with stress/anxiety before I started taking any meds, Really don't know what to do?
Has anyone else heard of this before?

02-09-12, 10:59
Hey Gav,

Good to hear most of the SE's have eased but sorry to hear you are feeling down. When are you back to the docs? Maybe mention the ringing on your ears...I'm sure I read it on the leaflet as a possible SE so possibly making it worse?

I still have the shakes and the lightheadness, dizzy and anxiety is up. All still pretty manageable although not pleasent. I definitely don't feel down, just a bit weird lol. I'm definitely sticking with it even though I am so damn tired all the time. Oh, and freezing cold!!

Hope you improve as the day goes on :hugs: Kitti x

02-09-12, 11:29
Hey kitti
I got docs 2moz morning. I will speak to her about it again.
I've been reading on the net that some people have this for years!
The ent specialist said it was due to stress/anxiety, I'm hoping that when my anxiety etc eases it will get better? But at the same time feeling like this is making me anxious.
Glad ur not feeling down, ur doing well. Gav.

02-09-12, 17:33
Well after dragging my ass out of bed at 1pm, i showered and had breakfast. Met up with my family for a walk with the dogs, seemed to clear my head alittle... only had 2mg of diaz 2day aswell, felt abit on edge thinking about work stuff earlier. Going to chill 2nite, got docs 2moz and counselling on tuesday which will be good to talk about my problems etc, hopefully this will help me! :)

02-09-12, 18:16
Good luck with the counselling, Gav! I hope it goes well for you and that you find it beneficial. I also went out for a walk with family today, it helped to cheer me up a bit. It is difficult to drag yourself out of bed sometimes when you're feeling low, but just doing little things like getting washed, dressed and meeting up with people for a while can all make you feel a little bit better. :hugs:

02-09-12, 20:14
Yes lying in bed all day doesnt help at all! I had no motivation to get up, im worse in the mornings, usually by the afternoon im feeling alot better and wish i got up earlier!..lol Good job it was a lazy sunday!

02-09-12, 20:39
Well, you both done better than me....had a PJ's day and done nothing :doh: lol....
Good luck at the docs tomorrow Gav x

02-09-12, 20:49
Pj days are the best days :D good luck at the docs gav x x

03-09-12, 10:58
Just got back from doctors, shes changing me to 75mg slow release once a day, she did say about upping the dose to 150mg a day, but i feel its to early.so going to leave it at 75mg for a few weeks and see how i am? she seemed quite pleased with my progress. And she gave me some more diazepam. so all quite positive! :)

03-09-12, 11:20
Great news Gav....I hope the slow release helps you. Glad to hear you got some more diaz too :)

I am not too bad this morning, bit shakey and fuzzy headed still....it will pass, lots of adrenalin today too, not sure if thats good or bad lol....

Have a great day, Kitti x

03-09-12, 12:46
Gav - sounds positive. I'm in 75mg slow release. Which type did you get? They tend to help with the sleeping and nausea, particularly if you take them in the morning.

Kitti - nearly a week now and you're doing fine. You might be ready to go upto 75 next week?

Pip x

03-09-12, 12:50
That's quite a scarey thought Pip....I have docs today, we'll see what he says :scared15: K x

03-09-12, 12:54

At the minute, you're getting the side effects with little benefit. When you get to 75, you should really start to feel the benefit. I increased after a week and it was ok - just a bit more of the same side effects. In your own time though. No point rushing when you're doing well.

Good luck at the docs - let us know how you get on.


03-09-12, 13:01
Thanks Pip....will do :yesyes: Kitti x

04-09-12, 08:38
Well not a very good nights sleep for me, woke at 4.30am with headache then couldnt go back to sleep!

Got counselling at 9am, never had it before so dont know what to expect?
Should be ok tho!

04-09-12, 08:52
Good luck with your counselling Gav xx

04-09-12, 09:40
Hi Gav,
I hope you find the counselling a positive experience. Let us know how you get on.
All the best...Kitti x

04-09-12, 10:11
Thanks Kitti and Nic, Well im back, it was ok. just talked through the things in my life that have triggered my stress/anxiety, not to sure if it helped a great deal. And i need to stop worrying about being ill because it is making my anxiety worse!

04-09-12, 11:31
Still early days Gav....you'll get there. Did you decide what to do about upping your dose? Take care, Kitti x

04-09-12, 11:57
Going to see how i feel this week, maybe up it week after? I start the slow release 75mg 2moz morning just picked them up.
Although i want to go on the lowest dose i can get away with, and i dont want to be on them forever, they are a nightmare to come off ive heard. My doctor said she will be able to get me off them very slowly. Hope ur well today.x

04-09-12, 13:10

What brand of slow release have you got?


04-09-12, 13:17

What brand of slow release have you got?


Not sure il check later, does it make alot of difference then?

04-09-12, 14:14

What brand of slow release have you got?

LOL we're always comparing the different brands we have :roflmao: xx

04-09-12, 15:36

It makes no difference. I always ask this question (as Nicola has pointed out!) because I'm nosy! I've had every brand going and have never noticed any difference.

Pip x

04-09-12, 17:06
Ive got Venlalic XL 75mg prolonged release tablets (venlafaxine).
Start them 2moz!

04-09-12, 17:11

A lot of people have done very well on those - you'll be fine. How are you feeling? Last week I said you'd be feeling a bit better by now and I like to check that my predictions are accurate!


04-09-12, 17:49
hey pip
well my SE's have gone, so i do feel abit better, im still light headed and it feels foggy, and my ears are ringing all the time, but the doctor said this should ease in time. my general mood is low, just cant snap out of it, feels like something is holding me back? I think my anxiety has got less aswell?
im just unsure on what dose i should be on? but going to give it til next week and see how i feel? i guess there was a reason why my doctor suggested upping to 150mg?

04-09-12, 18:21
my general mood is low, just cant snap out of it, feels like something is holding me back?

I feel exactly the same way. I just wish my mood would lift already, because not only is it difficult to cope when I'm so down all the time, it's also making me lose my motivation again. I feel crappy, so I don't want to do anything, but if I don't do anything, I have nothing to distract me from the anxiety. It's like there's no escape. :weep:

Still, I'm glad to hear that you'll be starting the one a day slow release version. Please keep us posted on how it goes and if it works out any better for you. :)

05-09-12, 10:18
Well thats my first 75mg XL taken this morning, just been for a short walk aswell.
Only felt slightly on edge this morning so just took 2.5mg of diaz.
Im hoping the XL will sort my sleeping out! i woke at stupid o'clock with banging headache again today :(

05-09-12, 10:35
Hi Gav,

Good luck with the slow release Ven, I hope it makes a difference for you.
You are doing great....over the worst now so stay positive and keep at it.
Hope the sleeping issues sort themselves out and the headaches pass.

Good luck & have a great day, Kitti :) x

05-09-12, 10:58
Thanks Kitti, hope ur doing well today, how u feeling?
Im just foggy headed, headache is gone now i think which is good.

05-09-12, 11:45
Well, the shakes have started and I am feeling a little drunk....palpitations too, but it's ok, I am coping well, getting used to it. I have such a dry mouth though, it's driving me crazy!!

Glad to hear your headache has passed :) x

05-09-12, 20:50
Well didnt have a to bad day 2day (day 14), a couple people said i sounded alot better in myself, so maybe things are moving forward atlast! still got foggy head etc, but i do feel an improvement from say a week ago. Havent felt any different by taking the XL either.
Ive started dealing with the things that have been making me anxious, and i think its working. I know its early days but atleast its a start!

05-09-12, 21:41
Great news Gav :yesyes: sounds really positive.

I've not been too bad today either, getting used to the SE's and kind of know what to expect now, so I guess that's progress too :) Kitti x

05-09-12, 22:01
Well done Kitti, i really think ur SE's will ease off soon.
I think eating again is helping me quite abit, dont feel so drained and hopeless.
My mood has slighty lifted aswell, which is nice.

Keep with it hun ur doing well.x

06-09-12, 08:57
Another night bad nights sleep, woke at 5.30am with headache? Then I can't get back to sleep! Grrrr!

07-09-12, 12:04
Well, woke feeling alittle nauseous 2day, it has passed, and i was feeling ok.
But now im feeling on edge, and my mood has dropped? so gave in and took 2.5mg diaz.
Least its the weekend soon!

07-09-12, 13:43
Are you still working Gav? I feel a bit flat today but ok, I'm getting used to the se's now, but I take diaz regularly anyway so I guess that helps.

Stay positive, you're well over the worst now :yesyes: Kitti x

07-09-12, 18:48
Hey Kitti, hope ur well.x
Im trying hard not to rely on diazepam, but sometimes i just need it to take the edge off. Ive actually perked up this afternoon, still going to work when i can, not doing alot though!

07-09-12, 19:06
Glad to hear that your mood has lifted a little, Gav. I hope you're also feeling better physically. I know how it feels to not get much sleep and also be bothered by headaches, so try to hang in there. And the weekend is almost here so you can relax and have a lie in. :D

10-09-12, 21:52
Day 19 update!

I think today has been the best day for a very long time! :)
My lightheadedness is easing, and i havent even noticed it all day.
Managed a full day at work on my own all day and was fine.
Im still on 75mg XL.. going to stay at that for the moment as i feel im improving every few days at this time.
If i feel im not improving il look at increasing to 150mg, ive got doctors appointment in 2 weeks so can ask her then.
Im on 2.5mg diaz first thing in the morning just to take the edge off as im worst then, or have been. Im eating again, which is good as ive lost well over a stone!
really feeling positive and can see theres light at the end of the tunnel, if i look back 2 months ago i couldnt even go out the house or eat. So glad i changed doctors and got a good one to sort my meds out!

My sleeping has settled down since changing to slow release aswell, and i feel less up and down. Lets hope this good continues!!

10-09-12, 22:07
Well done Gav, great news, especially for us newbies to Venlafaxine :yesyes:

10-09-12, 23:16
Excellent news Gav. I knew you'd get there and we'll done for sticking it out. It's hard work but it's worth it!


11-09-12, 07:51
Yeah I feel I'm getting somewhere now at last.
Although I woke at 3.30am with a banging headache, still got it now!
Thanks for the support!

14-09-12, 09:13
Well had a pretty good week! My ears are still ringing, which is getting on my nerves now..lol

Woke this morning with headache, and dont feel so great, quite heady? Nothing to bad tho, hopefully it will pass now ive got up and had shower and breakfast.

Didnt sleep to great so thats prob why?
Got doctors a week sat, so going to stay at 75mg XL and see what she says then?
I dont want to up meds really, unless i really have to!

14-09-12, 10:24
hi gav

I have just started ven 7 days agonow (posted on my own page add to it if you feel)
can I ask what your probs are?

I wake about 8ish of sometimes earlier and pushed myself to get up as soon as I sit up I start heaving my mouth is so dry to, this start my stomach off which can sometimes leave me with diarroah , my appitite has gone its like my brain is saying no dont have it yet my stomach is empty. first thing I reach for is my diazepam to calm me.

i have suffered from this for over 30 years on and off and at the mo not coping again I am so confused with it all, the thoughts that go round your head constantly are soul distroying feel totally depressed. wish I could just get up normally without the symptoms.
weening off cipralex and mo with ven and diazepam although I dont think its working or if it is I dont know what I would be like without it then lol

I dont work on esa,
what do you do to get through your day? and have you been suffering long

14-09-12, 10:51
Ive only been suffering with anxiety for around 3months, i first went on Cit but couldnt take it without being sick. Then i went on Fluox for 3 weeks, that really messed me up, being sick every morning didnt eat for days, shakes, brain fog etc.. i came off that, week later started Ven and its been alot better!

Im back to work now, run my own business, ive had alot of time off but getting there now. Havent felt anxious for a week now, and havent been taking diaz for a few days either.

I have been dealing with the problems in my life that triggered my anxiety and this has helped, i dont think taking meds alone will make someone better, so i decided that i needed to deal with everything in my life that triggered me to become ill.


14-09-12, 11:09
glad your seeing light at the end of the tunnel at last
suppose your work is a distraction now your back

when you had all the symptoms did it get you down? no motivation?

as I hate mornings the symptoms are horrendous and hard to shack off and manage to get on with your day.
I have cbt 3rd one later and already feel I cant go as if something holding me back even though I know it might do me good. god I hate feeling like this.everything is such a massive effect.

14-09-12, 12:35
Yesh i felt very depressed all the time, wish i could stay asleep because i felt no pain then. I would wake up my heart pounding and i would shake/sweet at the thought of dealing with the day! Mornings were the worst. I found it very hard to do anything even make a drink etc

I found having family around me, and not being on my own helped... if i was left on my own i would think about things and all the what ifs, and get more anxious.
Ive been to counseling but didnt really help alot.

Hope you feel better soon, its early days on ven for you, need to give it atleast 3-4 weeks.

14-09-12, 12:39
I have been dealing with the problems in my life that triggered my anxiety and this has helped, i dont think taking meds alone will make someone better, so i decided that i needed to deal with everything in my life that triggered me to become ill.


That's spot on and exactly what I've been doing. In my opinion, it's the only way to improve. When I have reviews with my GP, I've always been adamant that I'm in control of my recovery and that he's there to support my actions, not the other way around. Make sure you tell yours next week.

Regarding your tinnitus, I've had this for years but only notice it when it's very quiet. I downloaded an iPhone app which plays background music and then I can't here it at all. Worth a try if it's bothering you - especially good when you're in bed as long as the other half doesn't object!


16-09-12, 13:58
Well after a pretty good week, im feeling quite crappy today.
Feeling like i got no energy and spaced out, im alittle on edge aswell?
My mood is really low aswell which doesnt help.
Not sure if its the Ven making me feel depressed or if i am depressed?


16-09-12, 14:07
Sorry to hear you are feeling quite crappy...I hope it passes soon.

I have felt like that for 3 days, also freezing cold, wrapped up in jumpers and a scarf lol...oh the joys eh?

Hang in there, you have done so well up to now :hugs: Kitti x

16-09-12, 14:17
Gav - don't get too hung up on the odd day when you're down. This happens to all of us and really doesn't mean that things won't continue to improve. I always remind myself that everyone, including those who don't suffer from anxiety or depression, has bad days but we're much more sensitive to it and look out for it happening. Don't let it become a self-fulfilling prophecy; just ignore it through your usual distracting activities and I'll guarantee you'll be back on form in no time.

Kitti - stick with it, you're nearly there. Have a good chat with your GP tomorrow and decide when to increase. I'm confident that would help you and you've got nothing to fear now as you know what the SEs are and that you can take them in your stride. Good luck!

Pip xx

16-09-12, 15:43
Yer pip i start to analyse everything when i dont feel well after a few good days.
Strange thing is i cant remember how i used to feel before i got ill, or how i should feel now...lol

I have been improving every week which im so happy with as its still early days on Ven.

17-09-12, 10:07
Well not to sure whats going on?
Woke up today alittle anxious, feeling sick, bit shaky,dry mouth, and had alittle hot flush? Could hardly eat my breakfast.

Just dont understand why im going backwards? Now im worrying?

17-09-12, 11:02
hi Gav.

Its horrible isn't it when we go backwards are minds go into overtime again and its hard not to analyse everything from symptoms to thoughts:mad:

I keep waking through the night and earlier around 7.30 I try to get make to sleep cause I still feel very tired but the thoughts start so like today I did my mindfullness cd in bed before getting up but to be honest I cant remember what was being said!!
So got up 8.15, and still the heaving and stomach renching god I hate it you would think I would be used to it by now, but it still hard to deal with. Still struggling eating managed biscuit to have ven and going to get weetabix now althrough really dont want it.


17-09-12, 11:07
Yep i dont understand as i was pretty good last week, i did feel low all weekend?
Im at work now, so trying to forget about it, ive got doctors on saturday so il see how this week goes and speak to her then.

17-09-12, 11:09
well done you for going to work:yesyes:
your doing great xx

17-09-12, 11:18
Gav, you have done great as clio says, at least you managed to get to work...I hope the distraction helps.

I feel like you did this morning every morning, bad one today. I am going for my review at the docs tonight so I'll see what he says then.

Stay positive, have a good day x

17-09-12, 11:25
you still sleeping good kitti? what day are you on with the ven?

I still only just managed breakfast!! not a chance of me getting to group on weds morning., they did say not to worry I can go to the next group in a few months time so maybe I will be in a better state by then.
it takes me about an hour to get meds down me. still need the diazepam

have you been managing to get out? what up up to today:bighug1:

17-09-12, 11:41
Clio, it's 3 weeks tomorrow for me, sleeping like a baby lol.

I do still have problems eating in the mornings to take the damn tablet, but my appetite is generally better.

It's almost like I have withdrawal symptoms in the morning before I have my tablet, I'm only on 37.5mg...maybe I need an increse?? Still hard to get out/motivate myself.

Sorry to hear you are still not feeling so good and can't get get to the group. I'm sure things will get better for you....side effects are minimal for me now.
Hang in there :bighug1: xx

17-09-12, 13:19

If you're going to wait a while to increase, you could ask your GP if it would be a good idea to split the tab and take 12 hours apart? That might help. Otherwise, if you increase, it will resolve itself as you'll either take one am and one pm, or you'll get the extended release.

Let us know how you get on at the docs.

Take care

Pip xx

17-09-12, 13:29

If you're going to wait a while to increase, you could ask your GP if it would be a good idea to split the tab and take 12 hours apart? That might help. Otherwise, if you increase, it will resolve itself as you'll either take one am and one pm, or you'll get the extended release.

Let us know how you get on at the docs.

Take care

Pip xx

Thanks Pip, my doctors appointment isn't until 7pm, I will update later. Is it possible I am feeling withdrawal in the mornings? That's how it feels to me....like I really need to have my Ven, never felt like this with the diazepam.....strange. :) xx

17-09-12, 16:15
Well started to feel abit better as the day has gone on, but ive really crashed now... feel rubbish really heady and spaced out, just dont get it! :(

17-09-12, 16:26
maybe to a little to much Gav
aer you at home now? maybe you need food have you eaten today

17-09-12, 16:32
Still at work, going to finish soon, ive had abit of food through out day.
I hate all these ups and downs :(
Maybe i need to up my dose??

17-09-12, 16:40
when were like this up and down it's horrible just don't know what to do for the best do we!
I bet sat can't come quick enough for you. they say try to switch off and distracted yourself but when thoughts and symptoms are coming through it is so so hard.

on the plus side you are going to work and eating ( thats more than me Gav) you should be proud

what do you do by the way? I dont work im on ESA somedays I cant even get out of the house.

17-09-12, 16:44
Gav i had alot of ups and downs when i first started the ven, i could feel great one day and the next be overcome with anxiety etc :ohmy: its a case of just going with it for the min until you stabilise, did your doctor want you to increase? xx

17-09-12, 17:08
Gav i had alot of ups and downs when i first started the ven, i could feel great one day and the next be overcome with anxiety etc :ohmy: its a case of just going with it for the min until you stabilise, did your doctor want you to increase? xx

Yes my doctor wanted me to increase 2weeks ago, but i felt it was to soon, so i didnt.
I wanted to settle on 75mg before going to 150mg, just incase i was ok on 75mg. I think ive been on 75mg now for 4 weeks on wed.
My mood has been quite low recently aswell?
Nic how long did it take you to settle and what dose were you on?
Thanks Gav.

17-09-12, 18:22
I didn't settle until i was on 150mg which i increased to 9 weeks ago and since then ive been getting alot better xx

18-09-12, 15:02
Well again today not feeling all there?? Feel so down and flat?
Felt shaky, nausea, and on edge this morning again, head is foggy.
Struggling to eat as well :(

Maybe i do need to up my dose now to 150mg, tried to phone my doctor but cant speak to her 2day.

18-09-12, 19:42
Sorry to moan, but really feel down 2nite.
Feel so heady, almost like ive got flu?
Ive managed some tea, and have eaten abit through out the day at work.
Just feel so numb and not with it?
Really dont know what to do, and thinking about things isnt making things better!

18-09-12, 19:56
Gav sorry your feeling so bad :hugs: i think you would benefit from an increase, if your gp told you to increase to 150mg then id def give it a go xx

18-09-12, 20:07
Hi Nicola
Yep im going to run it passed my doctor 2moz, im really worried about jumping up to 150 and the side effects again.


18-09-12, 20:37
i went up in 37.5mg dosages, they do do a 37.5mg in slow release so you could ask for that to add that to your current 75mg xx

18-09-12, 21:00
i went up in 37.5mg dosages, they do do a 37.5mg in slow release so you could ask for that to add that to your current 75mg xx

How many weeks did you do that over? (75-150)
Did you notice a difference quite soon after getting to 150mg.

18-09-12, 21:38
Hi Gav,

I went up the doses fairly quickly and found with each increase the side effects weren't quite so bad and settled fairly quickly (apart from the sweats but I think I was maybe unlucky).

I went up to 225mg but the settled back at 150mg cos I felt 225 was too much. But everyones different and its common to have to tweak dosages to get just the right one.

Hope things improve soon x

19-09-12, 09:05
Woke early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Feeling a little on edge, dry mouth, nausea, shaky... It's like I've got start up side effects? But I've been on ven for 4weeks now?

Don't get it?

19-09-12, 09:14
How many weeks did you do that over? (75-150)
Did you notice a difference quite soon after getting to 150mg.
Hi Gav, i noticed a real difference after being on the 150mg for about 6 weeks and its been onwards and upwards since then xx

19-09-12, 10:10
hi Gav

sorry your not good again, maybe they don't suit you, not everybody is the same what suits one may not suit another. :bighug1:

19-09-12, 10:20
Im speaking to my doctor shortly on the phone, see what she says.
I feel so down to add to it all! :(
Last week i thought i was getting some where, starting to feel better, and this week is completely backwards again?

Thanks for the support peeps.

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 ----------

Hi Gav, i noticed a real difference after being on the 150mg for about 6 weeks and its been onwards and upwards since then xx

Hey Nic
how did you know that you had to up the dose? were you feeling unwell etc, thanks

19-09-12, 10:42
Gav, I hope you get some good advice from the doc today.
I felt just like you do for about a week, also had the dry mouth, well, still have. I am definitely feeling better after my extra dose last night - so for me, I'm sure it was because I needed to up the dose. Good luck, let us know how you get on :hugs: x

19-09-12, 10:45
Yes gav my anxiety was still v much there and altho i had some good days i still wasnt right so i was increased to 150mg and im so pleased i did x x

19-09-12, 10:58
Im not suffering so much with my anxiety, just alittle edgy in the mornings, nothing like i was.... so i guess thats good.

My mood is so low, and feeling shaky/sick etc on top of that makes it worse at the moment.

Last week i did feel more alive and on top of things?
Im on my own today at work so that makes my day even worse, and i cant close up and go home because ive got a job to finish.

19-09-12, 10:59
I'm mean tto be starting Ven this week and am terrified after being on Citalopram (that gave me horrific panic attacks) and then Mirtazapine for the past 6 months that's not made me one bit better, in fact I am worse. I just want to get better so much now but am really bricking it over trying yet another AD to help get me well.
Hope you start feeling heaps better soon Gav and glad you are beginning to Kitti xxxxx

19-09-12, 11:07
Hi Karen thanks

I was on Cit and Fluox and they didnt agree with me .. i was very ill on all of them, i dont feel anywhere as near as ill as i did on them now im on Ven.

Good luck.

19-09-12, 12:40
That's really consoling to hear Gav, I'm ever so poorly at the mo on Mirtazapine (no sleep, panic attacks etc) so I just keep telling myself it's better to try another Ad than feel like this but have become so terrified of them, which makes me all the more anxious! I really hope Ven gets you better too :yesyes: I've not even got my pills yet as the hospital are going to prescribe them for me but I've began tapering off Mirt. Had a terribley dodgy morning but beginning to finally feel more like I can cope with the rest of today, my little boy is off school ill too so that's not helped. Hugs Karen x

19-09-12, 15:26
Karen, i was on Mirt for 2 days, but i changed doctors and my new doctor took me straight of them, and said to go on Venlafaxine as its much better, alot of doctors will not hand Ven out because of the cost of it she said, but she said it really would be the best for me if i failed on Cit and Fluox.
I know the feeling about changing meds, im on my 4th AD in 3months, im always worrying about if its working, but like i said i had a good week last week, so maybe it will be ok in the long run! :)

---------- Post added at 15:26 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

Just spoke to my doctor, she said i need a increase.
So going up to 150mg XL 2moz.

She said its normal to have a good week and then crash, and that im on the starting dose of 75mg and my body is telling me i need a higher dose.

Fingers crossed!

19-09-12, 15:29
Thought that was what was happening Gav, good luck im sure you'll be fine :hugs: xx

19-09-12, 15:38
Thought that was what was happening Gav, good luck im sure you'll be fine :hugs: xx

Thanks Nic! Looks like im in the 150 gang now!..hehe

19-09-12, 15:57
Good luck from me too Gav, you will be ok as I always think the hardest part is starting an AD for the first time not knowing just what to expect, where as upping doses you sort of know what kind of SE's the pill gives you so hopefully you don't get as much anticipation anxiety.
My doctor told me Van is really good too and not to worry as I will be fine on it and I am going to have her support and the hospital's crisis team are going to come and visit me every 2 days and be on the phone 24/7 if I need a chat, I also find this site really helpful, just knowing people are here who know exactly how horrific it is to suffer with depression and anxiety disorders (even if I sometimes scare myself reading about bad SE's.) I've got my Parents too even though my dad doesn't really understand and says daft stuff like "We all get down days Karen and I sometimes feel nervous" If only it was just feeling a bit fed up and nervy hey!!!! But the thing that keeps me going is my little boy and the fact that this is all going to be another bad memory one of these days and we'll be able to come on here and tell people you do get well again!!! (:
All the very best moving up to 150mg's and really hope you enjoy your first day being a WORKER again Nicola tomorrow xxx

---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

PS.the wierd thing is I feel totally 100% normal this time of day.

19-09-12, 17:08
Good luck on your increased dose Gav!! x

19-09-12, 17:50
Thanks peeps, im bricking it going up!
But i guess i dont feel well now, so i prob wont notice any side effects of the increase.

I always find i feel best in the evenings, or just before bed time, im def worst in the mornings!

I managed to get through work today just! Guess its better to be doing something if i can rather than being sat at home thinking about everything!

20-09-12, 08:53
Well woke at 6.10 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.
I'm feeling sick and my stomach is throbbing, I've just had some breakfast and going to take my first 150mg in a minute.

My ears are ringing so badly as well, does my head in!
Just took a diazepam to take the edge off a new day!

20-09-12, 10:22
Hope you are ok Gav after your increase, you've done it!!! You're on the max dose now so let's hope you get better real soon now! :) I get my Ven prescription tonight and ironically I am having a good day on my failed Mirt but I am still going to go for it tomorrow morning (yikeeeeesss!)
Onwards and upwards you, you've done the hardest part now, everything crossed you will be feeling perfect by Halloween, Bonfire Night and defo by Christmas which is my aim!!! :winks:

---------- Post added at 10:22 ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 ----------

PS.Hope you don't have too many new job nerves Nicola xxxx

20-09-12, 10:23
Just a quick one, for those who have gone up to 150 from 75, is there anything i should look out for, im dreading getting side effects again! :(

20-09-12, 10:24
well done Gav, you've done really well to get breakfast done you feeling like you do!
hope the diazepam is now working and you feeling a little more settled. x

20-09-12, 10:24
Hi Gav, Sorry to hear you have felt a bit rough and still suffering with the tinnitus....good luck with the increase, keep us posted on how you are feeling later.

I have definitely noticed a change in mood (for the better) since my increase. Fingers crossed for you. Have a good day :) x

20-09-12, 10:45
Hope you are ok Gav after your increase, you've done it!!! You're on the max dose now so let's hope you get better real soon now! :) I get my Ven prescription tonight and ironically I am having a good day on my failed Mirt but I am still going to go for it tomorrow morning (yikeeeeesss!)
Onwards and upwards you, you've done the hardest part now, everything crossed you will be feeling perfect by Halloween, Bonfire Night and defo by Christmas which is my aim!!! :winks:

Ive got to be better in 6 weeks or im in the dog house!
Im getting married in Cypress, i was thinking i may need to cancel it :(
as im so ill, and scared im not going to be better in time!

---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ----------

Hi Gav, Sorry to hear you have felt a bit rough and still suffering with the tinnitus....good luck with the increase, keep us posted on how you are feeling later.

I have definitely noticed a change in mood (for the better) since my increase. Fingers crossed for you. Have a good day :) x

Thats great news Kitti! :)

20-09-12, 11:45
Hi Gav, congrats on getting married :D i got married last August at the beginning of my breakdown and i too thought id have to cancel :ohmy: i remember saying to my mum 'i can't do it' but you know what on the day i was fine......ok i took a diazepam in the morning and then on the way to the ceremony but i had the most amazing day with no anxiety at all, you've got another 6 weeks to go yet hun and when i increased to 150mg thats the length of time it took me to feel better, you'll be better for your wedding i promise :hugs: xx

20-09-12, 12:00
Hi Gav, congrats on getting married :D i got married last August at the beginning of my breakdown and i too thought id have to cancel :ohmy: i remember saying to my mum 'i can't do it' but you know what on the day i was fine......ok i took a diazepam in the morning and then on the way to the ceremony but i had the most amazing day with no anxiety at all, you've got another 6 weeks to go yet hun and when i increased to 150mg thats the length of time it took me to feel better, you'll be better for your wedding i promise :hugs: xx

Thanks Nicola, i really do hope so!
My partner has put up with alot in the last few months from me, and i dont want to let her down! She does understand though how ill ive been.

20-09-12, 12:12
congrats Gav, try to to put pressure on yourself
but I can fully understand where your coming from! anxiety is such a debilitating thing I have suffered for many years. do you get any other help apart from the doc? I have MH worker and just started CBT (god I hope it helps)

20-09-12, 16:45
I had one counselling session, she said i could have more if needed.
I feel ive got my anxiety under control, its not like it used to be.
Im pretty low though, maybe depressed? The Ven is making me feel ill all the time, so then i get more depressed!

Its strange all these drugs are ment to get you better and half the time they make you feel ill?

Oh well!

---------- Post added at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

Well just got home from work, couldnt do alot today as feeling so crappy! So first day at 150mg and feeling quite light headed?
Almost if my head isnt attached to my body!
And my teeth are hurting???..lol


20-09-12, 17:19
Hope the 150mg's soon pulls you out of feeling depressed Gav but glad your anxiety has decreased so that's one thing hey! I've just got my pills and am feeling SCARED now!

20-09-12, 17:37
Hope the 150mg's soon pulls you out of feeling depressed Gav but glad your anxiety has decreased so that's one thing hey! I've just got my pills and am feeling SCARED now!

Thanks karen, what dose u starting on then?

21-09-12, 08:29
Another rubbish nites sleep, awake at 5.10am and just couldn't get back to sleep? Just don't understand it I used to sleep really well?
Still in bed now, thinking about getting up.
Not sure how I'm feeling today yet, maybe slightly on edge?
Dunno to take diazepam or not?

21-09-12, 10:28
How many weeks have you been on the ven now Gav? Is it about 3 or 4? I'm sleeping absolutely crappy on Mirtazapine too, have done for yonks now and it's horrible isn't it? So at least I'll be used to it if Ven makes me insomniac. Citalopram always did too but you just go normal again as you start to get better. Hope today turns out be be a bit better day for you, I managed to take half of Ven this morning bricking it, lol!!! I feel ok now, just a bit spacey but calm!

21-09-12, 10:45
Hi Karen its 4 weeks now, 2nd day on 150mg.
Least i didnt feel to sick this morning, just got to work.
Got a couple of things to sort, hoping to finish early.
Hopefully il feel better as the day goes on, i just hate the light headyness!

Well done on taking ur Ven!

21-09-12, 11:34
Hi there
Hope I'm not hijacking someone's thread but have been reading through and found it very helpful and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice
I started taking ven 75mg 1 week ago (I was taking cit before) I feel very lightheaded, detached even. I have severe pain in my neck and throat and generally just feel rubbish
I would be really grateful if anyone could put my mind and rest and let me know if you have suffered any of these side effects when taking ven. And if so how long can I expect them to last ? I have a 6 month old baby and it's hard going with these symptoms
Thanks in advance

21-09-12, 12:05
Hi there
Hope I'm not hijacking someone's thread but have been reading through and found it very helpful and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice
I started taking ven 75mg 1 week ago (I was taking cit before) I feel very lightheaded, detached even. I have severe pain in my neck and throat and generally just feel rubbish
I would be really grateful if anyone could put my mind and rest and let me know if you have suffered any of these side effects when taking ven. And if so how long can I expect them to last ? I have a 6 month old baby and it's hard going with these symptoms
Thanks in advance

Hey, yes i felt very detached, almost like you have brain fog and cant function and also i feel light headed all the time. Some days are better than others, think my first lot of SE's at 75mg lasted for about 10 days, i felt rubbish most days, i had a better week last week, but then crashed this week, hence upping my dose.
Im not sure about your neck and throat though?
Hope this hopes i know its not easy!

21-09-12, 12:08
Hope you feel miles better soon Scooby, I'm brandnew to Ven today and only on a very small dose as I am coming off another Ad. It's no fun is it having to look after a baby when you feel so ill though ((((Hugs)))).
Glad the sickness is starting to ease Gav, I have never had that with a AD before but must admit even on half of a tablet this morning I felt a bit that way for a while, it's worn off now but I feel nervous but not terrible. Hope it still wears off by about 4pm like it normally does as I can't imagine half of a 37.5mg pill causing me much heightened anxiety today.

21-09-12, 12:37
Im usually feeling alot better by late afternoon and evening compared to mornings, when on Ven. Try not to think about it to much, i did have heightened anxiety, but it has calmed down now, thank god!

21-09-12, 13:48
Thanks for the replies everyone. I really appreciate it.
Think I'm just looking for reassurance that these feelings will pass
Think my neck is sore because I'm really anxious. Hopefully this will pass too. Don't want to stop taking the ven if it will eventually work
Thanks again

21-09-12, 13:52
Your neck could be hurting because of tension from anxiety?
If theres anything else your worried about then feel free to ask, we are all in the same boat!

21-09-12, 14:01
Thanks Gav
Really does make me feel better knowing that other people have experienced the same things and I'm not going off my head
Think your right about the tension. Iv been way more anxious past few days
Hope you have a good day today.
Thanks again

21-09-12, 18:27
Well didnt have a to bad day, no major SE's from the increase.. keep getting tingling up the back of my head/neck, feels funny. But genually feeling not bad.

Just got in from work, and getting a takeaway for tea :)

21-09-12, 18:29
Great news Gav...hope it continues well for you :) xx

21-09-12, 18:37
Great news Gav...hope it continues well for you :) xx

Thanks kitti, still early days on the increase... im hoping il settle down on 150mg and get my life back on track, my business has been hit hard with me not being well and im getting married at the end of oct!

I must think positive!!..lol

oh well doctors 2moz morning 10am, see what she says!

21-09-12, 18:57
Hi Gav

you sound more positive today! maybe this is the turning point for you.
that tingling feeling you get, I get that or something similar, for me it's on my left shoulder it's a funny sensation it comes and goes havn't really connected with anxiety but i'm sure it is perhaps next time it comes on I will see how I feel

22-09-12, 09:08
Woke today with yet another headache!
Not feeling to bad apart from that though, I'm off to the doctors for check up in a hr.

Hope everyone else is ok!

22-09-12, 09:20
Morning Gav,

Good to see you're doing ok. I'm sure the headache will pass - just make sure you're drinking plenty of water as ven at higher doses can dehydrate you a bit hence the dry mouth and eyes etc.

I'm ok - just the usual morning jitters but I've had them for long enough now to ignore them. Hope you get on ok at the docs - give us an update later.

Take care


22-09-12, 14:09
Cheers Pip,
Everything was ok at the doctors, shes pleased at my progress.
I got 200 paracetamol, codine and some anti-sickness tablets, im so pleased ive got a good doctor who understands atlast.
Shes pretty sure the 150 dose should sort me out, but its not going to happen over night.

My headache is slowly going, and im feeling quite good in myself! And no diazepam 2day! Im slowly putting on weight again after losing well over a stone when i was on Fluox and wasnt eating, so that is good aswell, im usually around 12st but dropped to 10st 7lb in 3-4weeks!

So all in all things could be looking up atlast, fingers crossed!

22-09-12, 15:23
Thats great news Gav, onwards and upwards!!:yesyes:

22-09-12, 15:27
Good news Gav,

I hope the headaches pass soon. Great to hear you are feeling quite good and no diaz either, sounds really positive, even putting on weight!

Take care, Kitti x

22-09-12, 16:16
Hi Gav - you've got a great GP and that can be half the battle. From what you've been posting since you started ven, I'm pretty sure you're going to be fine. You and Kitti have got a great attitude towards your anxiety and have really put in some effort to help your recovery, and you've helped others along the way, even though you've not been feeling great yourselves. In fact, there are some very strong people on here at the minute who prove that we can all get through some very difficult times.

I think you all deserve a hug :hugs:


22-09-12, 17:06
Thanks guys!
I know theres going to be ups and downs, and my doctor said that.
Its def not easy, and yes it is all about helping yourself aswell.
Il have to see how the 150mg goes, ive got and appointment with my doctor in 2 weeks to check up on me.

Hope everyone else are doing ok!

22-09-12, 18:19
So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better too Gav, don't worry about your wedding either. I'd been on Citalopram only a month when I got married and was worried sick I'd be too ill but I made sure I took a Diazepam pill on the morning of my wedding and honeslty, you are so preocupied and busy, you just don't have time to think about being anxious. Hey and congrats by the way! :D
I've been a total chicken and didn't take my Ven pill this morning as I had such bad SE's yesterday ranging from feeling dizzy and sick (but that soon wore off) to horrible heart burn last night, then I was awake at 2am having panic attacks so blamed the new meds when it's probs coming off Mirtazapine. I've been waking at that time for weeks in truth and since the doctors at my surgery cut my Diazepam down to only 4mg's a day, my anxiety is really terrible! Plus the Mirtazapine AD I've been on for the past 7 months hasn't agreed with me at all and I should have come off it a long time ago not sallied on hoping it would suddenly work one day! I also think I'm getting bad withdrawel from cutting it down. Yep, so I've come on here now and I'm suddenly thinking how stupid I am as look how well you guys are all beginning to do and you've all tried the SSRI's with their evil SE's and keep on saying how Ven's not half as bad to start up on. :blush:

22-09-12, 18:20
Headaches are a nightmare, Gav. I get them every pretty much every day and it's horrible. Still, it's great to hear that you're doing well on the increased dose, and that you're putting on a bit of weight! Not the kind of words you normally like to hear, ahaha, but in your case it seems to be a good thing. I hope you do continue making good progress. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too! :yesyes:

22-09-12, 18:35
Karen sorry your having a bad time, i know its not easy. Half of your problem is prob withdrawal from Mirt, when i came off Fluox i felt terrible.

The side effects for Ven lasted about 10days for me, dizzyness, shaking, hot flushes, sweeting, nausea. It def isnt very nice, and its hard to understand how this pill is ment to be helping you when it makes you feel like this!

Maybe speak to your doctor about how you feel etc

22-09-12, 19:05
Hi Karen, i think its mirt withdrawal your having not the ven, i suffered awful withdrawal off it but it does pass in time, i went from 30mg to 0 in 2 weeks and felt shit with panic/anxiety for about 2 weeks after xxx

23-09-12, 09:32
Well woke again early today at 5am, managed to get back to sleep on and off, but had some mega weird dreams! It's raining here so just sat in bed with cuppa tea at the moment. See how I am when I get up and il report back, day 4 of increase.

23-09-12, 10:33
It's sounding like it could be a good day for you so far Gav managing to drink a cup of tea in bed. I'm always too anxious to touch anything but water.
I am def having withdrawel from the Mirt as I've still not plucked up the courage to take another Ven pill. I'm only down to 15mg of Mirt so far (you can take mirt in 7.5mg up to 45mg doses!) and I feel absoltuely terrible. I think I shall come off as quickly as poss too Nicola as I just don't want to draw out this nightmare much longer! I had a fully blown panic attack this morning at 5am and am mad at myself that I ran and got my 4mg's of Diazepam for tonight so had to beg a walk in centre for some emergancy supplies and my doctor is tapering me off it. I'm just not coping on the 4mg's at all .

23-09-12, 11:07
Hi karen.... when you think about it ,you are coming down on your mirt and supposed to be taking the ven as well(but not at the mo) well what you are getting is the dreaded side effects of coming off ad's.

my ad's wasn't working for me after being on it for 4years, had a bad meltdown in nov and again in aug, so mh worker suggested changing to another ad well I was crapping it as I not really like taking medication but needed to do something. well I had to take half of my cipralex and I ven for 2 weeks then stop the cip(which I was very scared of doing I thought of all sorts of thing happening to me(none never did) I've now stopped the cip and take 2 ven one morn one night. still not there by any means but a lot better than I was in the meltdown
so this might be why your having all the bad symptoms karen because your coming down of you meds I would go back to the doc's and tell them how you feel.
is it you want to come off ad's altogether? thats why you lowering your mirt

23-09-12, 13:35
Well after alittle lay in, i got up about 11.30..
Just done the weekly shop with the misses and had a roll for lunch, just feeling alittle light headed/spaced out and my teeth are still aching, wanted to get out for some fresh air and a walk but its still rainning!

Ive not had half the SE's upping the dose as i thought i would have, so fingers crossed it doesnt get any worse. (day 4).

23-09-12, 16:09
I've just not got any better at all, in fact I am worse than before starting meds on the Mirtazapine Clio, that's why I'm coming off it. It's really messed me up unless I was just always going to end up like this and Mirtazapine's just not worked at all. :unsure:
I've never had SE's coming off ad's before you know but Mirti is horrible but was I was 100% better when I tapered off Citalopram 3 times where as this time I've never got better and an anxious wreck (or most of the time anyhow :wacko:)
I need to see my doctor tomorrow so I'll ask when I should chop my Mirt into another half and hopefully then I'll be off it. :D
Hope you feel back to normal really soon Clio. The chappie who came to see me today from the hospital told me Ven is a brill AD and it's got a really high success rate.
Well done on getting out for your groceries Gav. I never had as many SE's going up to 40mg's on Citalopram, it's probs because you are kind of already used to the meds in your body a bit by the time you increase to full wack!

23-09-12, 16:27
Hey karen, its a real shame your getting real bad SE's coming off the Mirt, are you going to give up on the idea of taking Ven then now?
You prob felt worse because you were tapering accross the drugs. I do think Ven is highly recommended by doctors, but it wont be the first AD to be handed out because of the cost. I would consider trying it again?
But have a good chat to your doctor 2moz, see what he/she recommends.

23-09-12, 16:51
I'm going to start up again on Wednesday morning Gav as I need to get better now and it would be nice to think once Mirt had left my blood stream I'd be fine on my own but I'm still going through a nasty divorce so the MH worker who came to visit me today did say he thinks it's best I am on medication as it will help me through it especially when I am so prone to panic attacks when things upset me and Ven is very fast acting apparently so I might even be out trick n treating near your wedding with my little boy, by that I mean here, not at your wedding! (hee hee) It's not long off now is it, how exciting for you, especially now Ven seems to be doing some good for you too. :D

23-09-12, 17:11
Thats good karen!
The wedding is at the end of oct in cypress, im quite nervous about it all, maybe just down to be feeling well enough or better to enjoy it.
my doctor thinks i should be ok, not 100% but well enough to enjoy it, im just hoping the 150 dose works out ok.
Ive had a nightmare few months what with being ill, moving house, running a business, and the wedding coming up! me and my partner will be happy when things settle down again and im back to my old self.
i am feeling alot better than a couple of months ago, and i hardly ever feel anxious anymore which is all positive, nothing will change overnight and i have accepted that.
I have a good doctor now that understands me, and who is also treating other people with the same issues at the moment with good results on Ven.
So im hoping things will carry on getting better slowly :)

23-09-12, 18:21
Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding Gav...I'm sure you will be fine, you seem to be leveling out again now, good luck. You've had a lot going on in your life, I hope Ven does the job for you.

My doc is great too, it makes such a difference eh? Stay positive :) Kitti

23-09-12, 18:32
Thanks Kitti
I do feel alittle better since my increase.
And yes a good doctor does make all the difference! :)
Some are just hopeless!

23-09-12, 19:06
You'll be absolutley fine for your wedding Gav! I suffered with panic attacks right before mine. I went back on Citalopram and was only on it about 5 weeks when the wedding day came but I took a Diazepam when I woke up, went for a nice long walk, even drank a glass of Baileys with my bridesmaids and by 11am I was so busy chatting away to them and us all getting dressed etc, that I never even thought about being ill. I was just so busy! I'd been worrying for nothing as I didn't have a nervous bone in my body all day either. You will be so so distracted every moment of the day. I can remember going out for a pub meal the next lunch time as it was Fathers day and I had anxiety during the meal so I def wasn't better at the time but all I can say is....you still have 3 or 4 weeks to get the Ven working for you even more and you'll soon see exactly what I mean about your wedding day being a brill distraction!!!! :hugs:
When one of the MH workers came to visit me last week, he also said that moving house is at the top of the list of what causes people to suffer with anxiety.

23-09-12, 19:17
Thanks karen
Yesh moving house was hard, what with all the paper work and stress etc. Ive owned my old house for over 10 yrs and it was my home and safe place, being ill and moving wasnt good for me, as my new house didnt feel right or even my home if you know what i mean? I can report that now after a couple of months everything is fine and it feels homely and perfect! :)

23-09-12, 19:18
hi Gav... no wonder you have had a melt down all that going on in your life, itmust of all crept up on you over time one thing after another we never realise till it's on top of us. you seem very positive and well done for going to do the shopping!
as for not feeling anxious any more that's brilliant.

Kitti..... well done you, you are doing really well so pleased for you. I have got the grey trio but havn't got round to reading them yet.

karen.... remember day at a time if you can't manage a day do hour at a time luv.


23-09-12, 19:23
Hi guys i actually want to move house now as i associate my house with my breakdown.......where i had my panic attacks etc :-( i would love a fresh start but we simply can't afford to move :-( i used to love my house, i was so house proud and people used to comment it looked like a show house as i kept it spotless and made it really homely but now i hate it, when i was going through my breakdown i actually moved back in with my parents which was my childhood home and i felt so safe there....my poor hubby thought id left him lol but he works strange shifts and i needed help with my son so i now associate my parents house as my safe place and run there when im having a bad day like today ive had an awful day the first one in weeks, ive felt so panicky and its scared the life out of me so ive spent all day at my mums xx

23-09-12, 19:30
Aww Nicola, sorry you had a bad day :hugs:

23-09-12, 19:37
Thanks Gav it just scares you when you've been so good, i forgot the fear anxiety and panic bring :ohmy: xx

23-09-12, 19:51
Do you think something triggered it?

23-09-12, 19:54
I can't think of anything??? xx

23-09-12, 21:22
Sorry to hear you had a bad day Nicola, hopefully just a blip. Stay positive hun, you've been doing so well :bighug1: thinking of you xx :flowers:

24-09-12, 10:21
Another night of crazy dreams! Woke up at 4am sweeting! Managed to get back to sleep but had more weird dreams? Pouring with rain here and I don't want to get up! Il report back later on how I'm feeling!

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

Well im up, just got to work.
Feeling alittle lightheaded and spaced out, slightly on edge... trying not to take a diazepam.
My mood is pretty low, but it usually is at the start of the day.
Hope everyones good.

---------- Post added at 10:21 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

Just gave in to 2.5mg of diaz!..lol

24-09-12, 10:55
Nicola, so sorry to hear you're having a blip day. Did you know moving house is meant to be the biggest cause of anxiety. Or that's what this chappie from the crisis team here told me last week.
I'm having a real bad day too....I've been awake since 3am with terrible panic attacks, I've even been sick. I'm more reluctant than ever now to go on Ven going through Mirt withdrawal. It's just as bad as starting drugs like Citalopram only in reverse and I'm only down to 15mg's! I'm so scared but just keep telling myself it will pass and it's just a chemical imbalance. :scared15:
Hope your day gets better Gav x

---------- Post added at 10:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 ----------

PS.Thanks Clio (:

24-09-12, 14:34
Hi all, how did it go at the docs Karen? sorry your suffering at the min its a nasty bloody illness this :hugs: Gav hope your feeling a bit better, well i got up and was promptly violently sink in the kitchen sink :blush: so went to the docs and ive got a water infection which he suspects has gone to my kidneys so this would explain why ive felt so bad the past few days xx

24-09-12, 16:13
hi guys

hope your day as got a little better for those of you having a bad morning.
why are mornings so bloody awful!

24-09-12, 16:21
Hey Nic, least you know why you were feeling off now.
Im not bad this afternoon, the poor girl next to my unit at work was broken into for the second time this month last night, so ive been trying to help her and give her some comfort. Ive done a couple jobs at work, and should be able to finish early hopefully.

Still feeling alittle lightheaded, but not to the point that its stopping me from getting on with a few things, the diazepam sorted me out this morning aswell.

I do hate mornings! Least im not as bad as i was :)

24-09-12, 18:01
Get well soon Nicola xxxxx
So pleased you seem to be getting better every single day Gav. I've just read your post about crazy dreams, I was with Take That the other night as you get them on Mirtazapine all the time too! ha ha! The weirdest oen I had though was when I dreamt I was driving round lookign at everyone's Christmas lights back in about May time, ha ha, they were like Blackpool illuminations they were so good as this rich lady had paid for everyones, but this hit man was after tracking her down!?????? I have no idea where it came from, at least I'd seen Robbie onthe news when I dreamt I was with Take That! ha ha ha!
Mornings are always terrible for me too, espeically today as I was sick twice because my withdrawal from Mirt is so bad. I'm 100% normal right now too, isn't it weird this illness!!!

25-09-12, 08:21
Well more crazy dreams and awake at 5am for me this morning.
Also have a headache!
I better think about getting up soon, but my bed is lush and warm.. And it's cold and windy outside!

25-09-12, 10:52
Morning all, it's horrible weather here again too. After my nightmare day yesterday I'm ok today but have taken extra Diazepam. I've got a meeting this lunch time in town so had to feel ok for it and not scare people showing up for it like a dithering old dog! ha ha!
Hope every one else is ok too. I'm still looking at my Ven pills, have defo decided to see what I am like once I have totally come off Mirtazapine and if I need Ven because it wasn't just the Mirt disagreeing with me and even after 7 months I'm still anxious over becoming the EX Mrs P then I shall def go on Venlafaxine. :scared15:

25-09-12, 12:47
Hope you have a good day Karen!
My headache has passed now, and im feeling not to bad :)

25-09-12, 18:54
Well had quite a good day at work, no diazepam today either.
Ive eaten through out the day and just had some tea, the only thing i can moan about is that ive been quite light headed all day. I want to start down the gym again, but not to sure with being spaced out and light headed??

Hows everyone else doing?

25-09-12, 18:58
Thays great news Gav :yesyes: ive had a shocking day with being poorly which has made my anxiety play up :mad: so spent most of the day dosing in bed or on the sofa xx

25-09-12, 19:04
well done gav, seems like you are on the up! think i'd leave the gym for few weeks let you body get over it's shock and wait till your back to normal in your eating.

I've gone backward today, felt i was getting somewhere as well,back on diazepam today 2mg felt too anxious. think it was my MH worker yesterday was going over few things with me and it made me feel bad about myself when he went nothing he said. so been trying to get back on the postive road again this afternoon hard through. gone off food again but really pushed myself to eat it tonight you know how it is when you have it in your mouth and it's hard to swallow. oh well role on tomorrow :D

25-09-12, 19:13
Sorry to hear your both having a hard time at the moment, im just waiting for myself to crash again..lol

26-09-12, 10:20
Morning all!
Well woke early again.. and with more dreams!
Just been for a quick walk and im now at work, not feeling to bad, quite settled really... just alittle light headed/spaced out and ringing in ears.
Early night to night i think, as my sister came round last night and i didnt get to bed to gone midnight.

26-09-12, 11:06
Morning Gav, sounds like your doing really well which s great, by the time your wedding comes around you'll be flying high im sure :yahoo: im so much better than yesterday, i think the antibiotics have kicked in now thank goodness xx

26-09-12, 11:48
Thats good news Nicola, if i continue the way i am, i may just be ok!
Im hoping anyway! Praying i dont crash again on the meds!

30-09-12, 08:48
I had a call from the crisis team nurse last night and the lady told me to take Ven at night to help me sleep! Is this right as I thought you had to take it on a morning?
I only had a quater of a Mirt pill last night and feel zombied as at lower doses it has that effect on you, zombied but anxious and low as I still woke up at 3am and nothing worked to get me back to sleep. Really starting to think I do need Ven now so any advice when to take it greatly appreciated. Im still scared it will give me panic attacks too and my doctor won't up my Diazepam not even for a couple of weeks to help me through if I do get bad SE's!
Hope every one is ok today (:

30-09-12, 08:53
Hi Karen,

When I first started Ven, my GP told me that it makes some people drowsy and some alert, and to choose the morning or evening depending on how I reacted. It seems to do neither to me but I take it in the morning as it's easier to get the timing right - you have to take it after food.

I guess you won't know until you try.

Pip xx

30-09-12, 08:59
Hi Karen, the ven made me drowsy when i first started taking it, it even says on the label 'may cause drowsiness' so id try it at night xx

30-09-12, 10:30
I found Ven hasnt made me drowsy, just feeling sick etc!

Im still feeling pretty good, although got a sore throat today?
Slightly light headed still.. but feeling alot better in myself.
Hows everyone else?

30-09-12, 10:38
Thanks Pip, Nicola and Gav, I harldy ever eat at morning time as that's when I am most anxious so think I'll give it a go at night first (when I do eat loads, ha ha!!) I already have insomonia with Mirtazapine, in fact the only SE that really scares me is if my anxiety gets worse before better or never even goes away like it hasn't on Mirt. Oh and once the doctors want me to stop Ven being as horrible to come off as they say even though my Mirt Wd only lasted a day when it was really bad! ):
Nicola they want me to to totally stop Mirtazapine now. Scared! (I'm not usually so indecisive you know, ha ha, it's just Ad's that terrify me now!)

30-09-12, 11:01
Karen id stop the mirt now and take the ven tonight, i stopped on 15mg of mirt x x

30-09-12, 11:14

The worry about what might happen and what SEs you'll get is much worse than the reality for most people. It might be worth you having a chat with Kitticat who was terrified of the SEs but has found it fairly straightforward and it's also helped her loads.

Good luck and remember that we're always here and most of us have been through it.

Pip xx

30-09-12, 11:42
Karen you may find the start up SE's on Ven not to bad compared to what you have been going through on the Mirt. The only way to find out is to do it! :)

Ven is my 4th AD in a few months, so i was very reluctant to try another after failing on 3 others, but im glad i did because 5 weeks in im alot better, my anxiety has dropped right off now, and depression is easing.

I know its hard but try not to think about all the negatives etc, because as i know it makes you feel worse and anxious. The SE's will pass, mine did around day 10.
Good luck! :)

30-09-12, 13:33
I completley agree with Gav, Karen. I have posted on the other Ven thread for you, I'm doing just great atm, but like Gav, I am having some weird dreams!! I am sleeping well and feeling really positive about this medication.

Only you can decide, best of luck to you :hugs: nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say!! xx

30-09-12, 15:46
I'm going to go for it as I'm now down to 7.5mg of Mirt and feel rotten today...it's like I have flu! I just wish I had some more Diazepam incase I do get the heightened anxiety but now I'm down to 4mg's a day, they just won't up it even for a short time. If my anxiety disappeared I'd never moan about anything again Gav (ha ha ha, well until I forgot about being ill, lol!!!)

30-09-12, 16:43
Good on you karen :D the side effects of ven are no where near as bad as the SSRIs x x

01-10-12, 16:17
I FINALLY took my Ven today and though I am Wd-ing from Mirt really bad again today after dropping down to the final dose before I stop it altogether (I was physically sick with anxiety like last weekend but luckily it only seems to last a day, phew!) apart from a very dry mouth and indejestion I've not had any anxiety since about 10am today (I'm sure that's just a one off though and Ven's not that good or fast acting, ha ha!!! Watch I'll be full of it tomorrow cos I've said that!! :huh:)
I felt pretty spaced out too before lunchtime, in fact I went and laid on my little boys bed and just felt totally numb like I had no emotions but that's worn off now. But apart from a bit of an headache, I feel okish really right now. Defo not anywhere near as bad as when I used to take my first Citalopram pill so far!!!
Thanks to every one who's posted their experiences, it's cos of you guys that I've dared go for it!!! :yesyes:
Nicola how did you find sleeping after coming off Mirt? I've not been sleeping any how but at least Mirt always got me off to sleep as soon as I took it but I've not slept past 4am for months and last night I was wide awake and really aggitated at 2am. I know Ven can cause insomnia too. I was so anxious first thing but never had an actual panic attack despite being sick.
Hope every one's had a good day ((((hugs)))) Karen x

01-10-12, 16:33
Great news Karen!!!! I felt quite spaced out on my first tablet, very dry mouth too, had a rather euphoric moment (which I quite enjoyed :winks:) and also had that flat feeling, I think I described it as being comfortably numb, but that was ok too as I had been ruminating so much it stopped all that.

I hope this is as bad as it gets for you, you need to expect to be a little up & down though, but if you can manage to go with the flow you should be fine. I have slept great on the ven so I hope it helps you there too. Keep us posted, we are all here for you :hugs: take care, Kitti xxx

01-10-12, 17:31
Awww taaa Kitti, I was actually laid there during my spacey hours not caring what SE's I had where as I am usually body scanning all the time making myself more anxious. It was wierdy though feeling so numb but I had that with Mirtazapine at first too. I'm still a bit scared of what to expect next but I know if I'd taken a Citalopram pill I'd already have an head like a pressure cooker by now and I'm 100% normal at the mo, I've struggled a bit with my tea but my Mum will be glad I'm not raiding her fridge or cupboards tonight for once, ha ha! (and she'll be even happier I expect once I hopefully am well enough to move into my own flat. We've been there wallpapering today!)
How are you anyhow? Is this week 4 for you?

01-10-12, 18:08
Sounds good so far Karen. I know what you mean about the Cit, it nearly killed me off!! Just in week 5 for me now and things are definitely looking up :yesyes: I feel really good actually. I hope it's the same for you. Try not to focus on every little thought and feeling....you are doing just great :hugs: xx

01-10-12, 18:46
well done Karen :yesyes: regarding sleep i don't sleep well at all and use zopiclone, this is all due to an abusive relationship i was in, i won't go into details but nights aren't good for me and unfortunatly my hubby works nights so my physchatrist has kept me on the zopiclone for the time being and im working thro my night time issues with my cpn xx

---------- Post added at 18:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ----------

Kitti sounds like your doing well :yahoo: so pleased for you :hugs: xx

01-10-12, 22:50
Well done Karen!
and it's good to hear ur doing well kitti!

I'm much the same as last week, feeling quite good and more human.
I get a little bit of light headyness through out the day, ears are still ringing, and getting mad dreams..lol

I've got doctors on Thursday for my 2week check up, so il see what she says!
I'm pretty happy with how things are going, and everyone has been saying I look and sound like the old me! Although I need to put a stone back on after losing so much weight!.. I haven't had the need for diazepam for well over a week, and mornings are getting slowly better.

Lets hope all this good lasts!
Hope everyone's good!