View Full Version : Constant cancer fears

21-08-12, 10:16
I have a whole bucket-load of niggles and symptoms at the moment, and as is often the case, I obsess that the root cause is cancer.

I've had a dull ache in the left hand side of my pelvis/hip for about three weeks now. It's more noticeable after prolonged periods of inactivity - so first thing in the morning when getting out of bed it's very annoying. I've also had a bad back/shoulder for a week - and this is on top of now chronic functional abdominal pain.

I'm 38 years old, a smoker and cancer is a near-constant fear. At the moment I'm worried that this is some serious cancer which has spread to my bones.

I don't go to the GP very often, and when I do I never tell them the extent to which I obsess over cancer/my health. I suppose I'm ashamed of feeling like this. I had a few months of extreme anxiety two years ago where I thought about my mortality every day, and eventually presented these symptoms and received anti-anxiety medication. These levelled me out for a while and stopped the mortality fears, but eventually I developed a symptom that I began to think was cancer.

I'm going to have to go to the GP about the hip/pelvis thing soon, just to get it checked out. I just needed to vent my growing anxiety...

Thanks for reading.

21-08-12, 11:46
I've been going through the same thing for ages. I've had pain in my left wrist, up my arm, lower back, buttocks and legs for months, plus these marks on my arms and I worry constantly its cancer. At docs on Friday which I'm not looking forward to (go on holiday day after with my kids so if he says anything bad it will completely ruin it x

23-08-12, 14:50
That is my biggest fear too...... every slight pain my first thought is cancer.... Its draining isnt it?? I feel sometimes its taking over my life. I suffered with various pains and aches too so im constantly stressed - my gp has told me its all related to anxiety.

Im not taking anything at the minute tho, but got appointment 2 moro.

23-08-12, 15:33
I thought it was just me with a cancer phobia. I want to see my GP but worry that I'm wasting their time or that they'll find something . How do you know whether to go or not? I usually wait until the fear is paralysing me. Seeing my councillor in 2 weeks hoping she'll be able to help. Good Luck all.

23-08-12, 16:53

My main health anxiety is Cancer, so I totally understand. I am also trying to work out when I really need to go about something or not. Sometimes having to wait is really awful. Also I don't want to be told the worse!!

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 17:14
I've got all of the symptoms for several abdomen (stomach, liver, pancreas etc) cancers at the moment, and it's really worrying, and I've just had a blood test that shows low calcium levels which is also sometimes due to cancer.

I don't know why I fear these cancers so much, and why I can't ever get them out of my head.


23-08-12, 18:11
I've just decided I'm going to the docs cos I hav to know whats causing the symptoms before I go on holiday. I'm going to ask my daughter to come for moral support.