View Full Version : Im so fed up.

21-08-12, 10:46
I am so sick of anxiety. 6 flipping years iv had this n I think I can now say it will never ever go :-( I'm walking and it feels like my left leg is weak and just feels strange, my eyes are funny all the time and I'm sooo sick of having this hyper aware breathing. Its ruining my life. I can deal with the chest pains, fast heart, headaches but this hyper aware breathing is the worst. Just needed to let off some steam :-(

21-08-12, 11:11
i hope u r okay! i feel like ive hit a brick wall too today!!!! take it easy and chill xxxx

21-08-12, 11:18
Thanks hun x

21-08-12, 11:46
I know how you feel, I have had this ever since I had a nervous breakdown 17 years ago after I left high school suffered panic attacks which felt like forever, it eased off when I was on prozac for a few years... I started to feel what i thought was my normal self so stopped taking them... Now the past year I have felt bad again, I get nervous and become aware of my breathing etc.

Seemed to have developed HA always worrying about something, examining my body for lumps and bumps constantly things like that... and googling things, worry myself sick at times.

Ended up going back to the docs, and got put on citalopram in december last year so been on it several months now at 20mg a day. I feel not so bad sometimes, I am usually worse in the morning full of doom and gloom... More so on a day I have to go to work.

But theres always hope that 1 day I might feel normal again.

22-08-12, 12:54
I am only new to this forum and i find it comforting to know i am not the only one....I was hyper aware of my breathing in my eary teens mainly in public places. Now I am hyper aware of my eyes.. It's been going on for 5 years.. And no matter how much I try to control my anxiety I am constantly over aware of my eyes... The tension,dryness,blinking ..every Feeling associated with my eyes!
Does anyone have any tips for how to help hyper awareness whether it be breathing/swallowing or heart or eyes....