View Full Version : Funny Turn in London Dungeon

25-07-06, 12:43
Hi all,

I went to the London Dungeon yesterday and had to be hurried out after 10 min (wasted 30 quid on tickets [Duh!] due to depersoanlisation and feeling I was gonna faint. I am writing this to warn everyone with anxiety not to go there - its claustrophobic beyond belief, plus the darkness and heat makes you feel faint. Thats all we need on top of everything else we have to put up with

Anxiety Is Evil

25-07-06, 14:27

If it makes you feel any better about wasted money we paid nearly £30 to go to the Eden Project last year and I couldn't stand it in the domes so we were in, had food and out in less than 30 minutes. They were far too hot and claustrophobic for me.

I have been to the London dungeon and I have to admit that I did like it there but this was a few years ago now.


25-07-06, 15:03
I went to the eden project to but to please my hubby I went in all the domes but VERY QUICKLY shot round them without looking at the plants - he thinks Im getting worked up about the heat and humidty coz he copes with it and cant understand why us girls let it get to us so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wenjoy x

25-07-06, 18:31
So sorry to hear about your experience Farr. If it's any consolation I went to Scotland a few weeks ago and went to visit Blair Castle and was in done and out in about 20 minutes!! Everyone else was about 2 hrs......

Face, accept, float, let time pass

25-07-06, 18:31
So sorry to hear about your experience Farr. If it's any consolation I went to Scotland a few weeks ago and went to visit Blair Castle and was in done and out in about 20 minutes!! Everyone else was about 2 hrs......

Face, accept, float, let time pass

Will Loynes
25-07-06, 19:41
Hi Farrah,
this ahs happened to me on many occasions, the worst was this year when I went to the wedding of my wifes uncle. I had to leave after less than an hour. Still, looking on the bright side, Im not in any of the wedding photos. I have a phobia of having my photo taken, Im convinced people can see my anxiety.

Will :D

26-07-06, 15:40
Hi Farr,
I went to london dungeons few months ago on a bank holiday..big mistake...we waited over an hour in a long queue right up the road and the whole time i was thinking i dont wanna go in ,let me get out now the usual helpful self-talk ...I moaned and made hundreds of excuses trying to get myself off the hook...but still ended up going in ..only to wait in yet another queue inside!! this was another 30 mins and the walls were so close and it was stuffy ..anyhow somehow i managed to get through the ordeal...yes a family day out is an ordeal for me....the misery did'nt end there it got hotter and hotter as we went round and there is a ride which you go on and for some reason it stopped for a long while and every-one was saying it had broke down...I was just about to abandon the car i was in and start yelling ..when luckily we moved on....all i can say is the whole experience was pure torture for me ..I could definately sympathise with the historic occupants of the dungeons!!!
It was enlightening to read i'm not the only one that does every tourist excursion in record breaking time!! I did put a smile on me face!! Take Care jodiex

J Baker

27-07-06, 12:34
Hi Farr

If it makes you feel any better, the same thing has happened to me in the cinema about three times in the past (not for a few years though), I seem to have got over it now but I used to have major problems with being in the cinema and having to sit still for so long. I would have to leave, feeling like I was about to die. Only four years down the line, when I had my panic attack last year, do I now realise what these episodes in the cinema were. But even now, when I go to the cinema, I have to sit on the end of a row so I can 'escape' if I need to.

You are not alone!!! x

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'