View Full Version : Bump on roof of mouth?

21-08-12, 14:30
Hi Guys!

Back again, was doing soooo well too!

I have a little bump or maybe lump on the roof of my mouth, its central towards the back.

The thing is, i think it may of been there a while but my anxiety is making me think otherwise.

Does anyone else have anything similar? I cant go to the dentist cause im petrified! x

21-08-12, 16:33
If its been there for awhile, and nothing has happened to you yet, I don't think you have anything to worry about! Maybe you should just see a dentist, even though you are scared of it, It will be only a quick look no longer than 5 minutes, and you'll be out the door feeling so much better that you now know that its nothing!

21-08-12, 22:43
Hi, I have a bump on the roof of my mouth also... it appeared when I had a cold about 3 years ago. It's to the right of the bone going down the middle, of my hard palate. Showed the dentist once but didn't seem that concerned, said it could be build up from the infection or something.

But it still plays on my mind all the time as it never used to be there. :shrug:

Keep us informed if you find out anything regarding your bump. I'm sure it's nothing sinister though.

21-08-12, 22:51
I have a hard bump that comes and goes . No idea what it is!

21-08-12, 23:22
i've had mine forever lol, show the dentist though, it will give you peace of mind.

di x

22-08-12, 10:17
Strangely even though its in my mind im not worrying completely. Which leads be to believe that in the back of my mind i know its always been there! Couldnt afford to pay the dentist even if i wanted to go lol! im hoping i will just forget about it! fingers crossed xx

22-08-12, 11:05
Well try not to obsess over it, if it gets any bigger its best to get it checked. I've had it for 3 or so years and its not grown. Think it's about £17 to get a check up at the dentist. Or you could ask a dr to have a look.

25-08-12, 16:51
i have had mine forever and whenever i get anxiety i always think that it is something to worry about.your mind is playing tricks on you :hugs: