View Full Version : Shaking at random times - why?!

21-08-12, 16:17
I've had social anxiety for several years now and i am seeing a doctor about it soon as i am feeling less in control of it recently and its worrying me.

In these past few weeks though, i've been getting the shakes at home. Its so random, i will start getting shakey, and then i'll feel uncomfortable and fidgety, and just have to sit it out and try to ignore it. It can last for ages.

At first i thought it was shaking whenever i went out, which never used to happen, so it worried me that i would have to deal with the shakes as another side effect of my anxiety - but its happening when i'm totally safe and content in my own home.

I've not been out for a long time, i'm struggling with typical symptoms of agoraphobia at the moment which is obviously very upsetting, but what on earth is this shaking? Its so crazy. Its not the shakes leading to a panic attack as they're extreme shakes (for me, anyway). Its just a real uncomfortable, shakey, horrible feeling which doesnt budge for what feels like forever.

Urgh, does anybody else have this or could anyone shine a light of what this may be caused by? I'll ask my doctor about it on thursday aswell, but any personal expereiences with this would be appreciated. :hugs:

21-08-12, 16:55
I get the shakes, but I have come to realise that it is a result of the rise and fall of my blood sugar levels.

I have asked the doctor about it in the past and he was unwilling to aknowledge that it was my blood sugar, but I know it is because when I eliminate sugar from my diet it does not happen.

I get daily panic attacks, so I can relate to most panic symptoms.

21-08-12, 21:18
Are you shaking due to anxiety ? Cause that is pretty normal.

You might be low in b12 or slightly dehydrated too, try and drink extra water so your urine is more clear than yellow :)

As always tell your doctor about any new symptoms :)