View Full Version : GERD and panic attack

21-08-12, 16:54
Hello everyone.

I am a 24 year old male with no history of any medical problems. I have been diagnosed with stomach accid (GERD) and have gotten three different panic attacks in the last 3 weeks. Is there a connection between GERD and panic attacks?

During my attacks i felt a lot of fear and pain and i honestly thought that i was about to die. My legs were also shaking for about an hour or so and i found it very difficult to calm myself down. I felt pain in my shoulders and my chest and ever since my attacks i live in fear of another one?

Has anyone had any similar experiences? What did you do to prevent the attacks?

Thank you

rachel m
21-08-12, 19:06
Hi :). The answer to your question is yes. GERD is very common in panic disorder. I suffer with this myself. I take Omeprazole and this seems to help. All your other symptoms are also panic related they are typical of this vile illness. Ihope you feel a little better now.

21-08-12, 19:15
So do you think that the panic attack causes the GERD or vice versa? I have suffered from stomach accid for a while now but have only recently encountered with a panic attack.

rachel m
22-08-12, 01:17
hello again :). Gerd is stress related. Then the stress brings on the panic attacks so its a vicious cycle. Worrying about the symptoms of gerd will bring on panic attacks as this is what happened to me.if you can try and speak to someone who can proberbly explain it better than me like your GP. but try to be reassurred in knowing that the two go together. If i can ask you which of the two worrys you most then i can try to help you with that if i can. trust me im an old hat at this panic lark. :wacko:

22-08-12, 21:12
I agree; GERD can be caused by anxiety and/or panic. Feels uncomfortable, but realize it's not dangerous when you have it under control.