View Full Version : Strange head feeling?

21-08-12, 17:31
Does anyone else get a strange feeling on the top of your head during anxiety? Kinda like as if someone grabs the muscles across the scalp and pulls them tight?

21-08-12, 18:42
hello, Donny!! each of us reacts differently to panic and anxiety... there is a wide range of bodily reactions and none of it is more 'normal' than any other... they all are the same thing; subconscious responses to a chemistry phenomenon inside our bodies. the bright side is that you can actually alter the way you subconsiously react by consulting a psychologist and limit or even vanish that kind of feeling!!

21-08-12, 21:08
The neck muscles kinda travel up over the head, so it can make your head heavy or tight. I hate the feeling even though I should be used it sometimes it can be scary :(

21-08-12, 21:36
Ahhhh the old tight scalp symptom. I used to love this one NOT. It felt as if my scalp had shrunk and it used to hurt or give me headaches.

Very common symptom of anxiety. Trhttp://www.4headaches.co.uk/y


22-08-12, 13:17
Is it just me but it sometimes feels as if someone has a hand inside the skull and is having a slight feel around?

I KNOW its not and this statement may make me look like a bit of a prat but that's what it feels like to me sometimes.

22-08-12, 15:42
i been getting this i had it yesterday its not a nice feeling i think its anxiety what causes it but not sure i feel that too what ya feeling like someone has a hand inside the skull and feeling around too its also like a tight feeling we all know what ya going through hope ya head feels better soon :hugs:

22-08-12, 16:38
Thank God for that.

It's such a bloody weird feeling I was scared to say in-case it was just me who had it and I was having some other problem.

Does anyone else get this or is it just us two?

I know it can be embarrassing sharing the weirder side effects but if we all do it then we can relax about them and they will lose their effect.

Just knowing that gem7 gets this has took away the fear for me now. Thanks.

22-08-12, 19:08
I get strange head sensations all the time and it can last continousley for months it really scares me x