View Full Version : HELP Dvt phobia. Popping and tenderness in chest

21-08-12, 19:23
I havnt been on here for a while thought my hypo was finished but clearly not.

Lately i been sitting alot maybe 2 hours or 3 but id always b moving about changing seating position etc my qs is is it still ppssible to get dvt if im sitting in the same spot but moving.

Secondly i notice when i breath my chest wall makes a popping nose and now theres tenderness any ideas.

Also got tailbone pain atm

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 20:32
I thought I had DVT last week, my calf was swollen and hot, and painful too. I went to my GP the next day and he said he didn't think it was a clot, I got myself so worked up about it that I took myself to A+E that same night, and they gave me a d-dimer test (a test for the markers of clots in the blood), and said everything was OK, and sent me home.

Yet I'm still very worried about it, I'm constantly panicking because I sit down most of the day. I went back to my GP with my leg as well as worries of a different condition and he said he really didn't think it was a clot, I'm still worried again though! So I hope it's just one of those fears we get...

Not sure if my post will help, but it at least show's you're not the only one who's worried about a DVT