View Full Version : Hello

21-08-12, 19:44
Hi everyone,
I have been here a while but not posted yet, I suffered depression and anxiety about 5 years ago & was on citalopram when I was at uni, but moved back home when I finished, got myself a job, a house & a fiance & thought everything was all going ok.
Then the last couple of months things have started to go downwards again and have been getting really anxious, especially struggling at work, so doctor put me on amitripyline tried that for about a month and hated it, been to the doctors again today (saw diff doctor) and he has put me on Propranolol - beta blockers & he's referring me for counselling so got to see how that goes.
Has anyone tried these before?

21-08-12, 19:59
Hi wafflewaffle

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-08-12, 20:07
Thank you

21-08-12, 20:58
:welcome: good luck with the counselling. You will receive a lot of support on here :)

21-08-12, 21:36
Welcome to the forums and good luck with the counselling. I've found these forums very helpful.

21-08-12, 21:43
I have suffered anxiety and depression in the past and have been treated with citalapram and propranalol and counseling.
I have recovered from the depression but there are times when anxiety attacks strike; I am currently suffering ATM.
I am prescribed regular propranalol and find that they work really well to take the edge off things. I have also learnt to manage the anxiety and put different things into action, like occupying myself keeping busy gardening or meeting friends for a good old natter. Today I went to my first Tai Chi class which was really good and I came away feeling very relaxed.
I find that I am in control of taking the Propranalol as it acts so fast I can put off taking it and see if I can get over the anxious period without it.
I hope that my ramblings have reassured you. If you have any other questions please message me and I will be happy to help.:flowers:

21-08-12, 23:46
Thank you for all the good wishes and thanks for the reassurance panic pod, I have lost most of my friends because of my anxiety I always put off seeing people in case I get panicky when I am with them, but I trying gardening too and taking my dog for a walk seems to help. It is day one on the prop so I will keep posted on how I get on, I am worried about the side effects of stopping the amitrypyline cold turkey :s sorry that u r suffering at the moment, give me a shout if u ever need to talk :) x

22-08-12, 09:53
What time of day do you take your prop panic pod? X


22-08-12, 22:50
Waffle waffle, my doctor has prescribed it 3 times a day, so I usually take 1 in the morning, mid afternoon and before bed or if I am feeling particularly anxious.