View Full Version : acid reflux

21-08-12, 20:00
hi guys
does anyone with acid reflux have a very bad cough
iv had every test and xrays all clear i have now got to have something to see how much acid i produce fittered
but this cough is very bad night and day allso throat clearing a lot

21-08-12, 20:27
I only get sore throat no cough

21-08-12, 20:42
Are you on any acid reducing pills? I get a cough from reflux and its a well known possible symptom.

22-08-12, 09:43
I have cough with acid reflux too. Maybe not too frequent but I do have it. It's normal. Acid irritates the throat and some people do cough.

22-08-12, 17:07
thanks guys
yes im on omerprazle x2 20mg and gav but my cough is realy bad and throat clearing if i try to leave it and not cough my throat goes realy dry and i will want to be sick
allso it wakes me up in my sleep lol
as i say iv had all xrays so i know theirs nothing to worry about there as they all come back clear
im waiting to have something fittered in my nose or mouth that measures acid so i will know more then

22-08-12, 18:01
i am on omprozole too for GERD i have a cough which is irriting my throat and if i am talking i have to keep clearing my throat loads

24-08-12, 06:59
hi spuder
i get that a lot to

24-08-12, 12:00
its horrible sum mornings i retch and bring sum fluid up not actual food its horrible. i am always coughing it feels like mucus is stuck in my chest