View Full Version : Blood test question...

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 20:48

I've got a blood test tomorrow, and I've got the form to take, and I've just seen that the GP has written "light stools" on the form, which was one of my symptoms, he's also written "TATT" I've got no idea what this means, and it's gotten me a little worked up that it's something serious he's testing for...


21-08-12, 20:54

As far as I'm aware, it's doctors' shorthand for tired all the time and related to constant fatigue as a main symptom. Is this one of your symptoms?


21-08-12, 20:55
In medical speak, TATT is short for Tired All The Time. Did you mention this as one of your symptoms?

21-08-12, 20:56

21-08-12, 20:56
X-posted Pipkin!

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 20:58
Ah OK yeah I did mention I always felt tired, that explains it.

Thanks everyone!

21-08-12, 21:02
see you are getting worked up, fair enough you may be actually sick, but you really do need some help with the anxiety too as anxiety can actually make you feel pretty sick too :)

What blood test are you having tomorrow?

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 21:12
I think I'm having:

FBC, PV, Liver, GGT, Glucose, Renal, THS, Fasting Lipids, Vitamin D

Just reading through the list has gotten me worried. :-S

21-08-12, 21:25
They look pretty routine to me.

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 21:41
I guess so, but they still worry me.

And now I'm thinking that I may have a DVT and the d-dimer was wrong, because I'd only had symptoms for not even 24 hours, and also the test is only 95% right. (I went to A+E a week ago today with the symptoms).

My calf is very hot and sore, and I feel a pain going up the middle of it under my calf muscle, and even when I saw my GP he said it was swollen, because he measured it.

I'd rather look an idiot and turn up in A+E again than die because of it. :-(

21-08-12, 21:43
How much poking, prodding and squeezing has that calf been subjected to in the last few days?

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 21:50
Not much poking or squeezing, because I'd been more worried about the various cancer's I think I've got.

My calf is really throbbing, red hot, and swollen, with a pain like a knives sticking all up the middle of my calf.

21-08-12, 21:55
That's rather odd your leg is swollen, was it swollen when you were at the ER and what did your doctor say about it?

Are you wearing very tight socks, as they can actually cause your legs to swell! Happened to someone I knew.

Is it your left or right calf?

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 22:03
Yeah my calf has been swollen for a week now, but my GP doesn't seem worried.

It's my left calf, and my socks aren't very tight at all.

I went to A+E with it last Tuesday night, they did a blood test called a d-dimer and said it was fine and sent me home.

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

I'm thinking I should see a GP again tomorrow and ask for a scan on my leg, but that would mean 3 GP trips in 3 days. :-S