View Full Version : DVT fears AGAIN! :-(

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 23:01
Hi everyone,

I've been posting quite a lot for the past week. My health anxiety seems to suddenly come back last Monday night, when after sitting down for a few hours my calf suddenly went numb and swollen, I spent most of the night looking up DVT on the internet, went to see my GP the next day, and he said it didn't look like a clot to him, and to go back in a few days.

Just my GP merely mentioning a clot had me worked up all day, and I eventually had a panic attack so I went to A+E. They did a d dimer test and it came back normal apparently, so they sent me home, every day since I've been a bit paranoid with my left leg, trying to keep it straight all the time, and elevated too.

Since then I've had panic attacks thinking I've got one of stomach/pancreatic/liver/bowel cancer. And today again the DVT symptoms are taking priority in my mind, my left cal is really burning up tonight, and is VERY swollen, and there is pain in the middle of it going up to behind my knee.

I know I've already had a blood test for it, and that it came back OK but I'm still really worried the test might be wrong (it's only right 95% of the time) and because my symptoms are so bad I'm panicking again.

I really don't want to have to go to A+E again, I went last Tuesday with my leg pain, and yesterday when I felt very dizzy. I think if I turn up again now, I'll be turned away. :-(

Sorry everyone for the long post, and sorry for keep posting ever few minutes, it's just that this site is the only thing stopping me going mental at the moment.

21-08-12, 23:27
Dont worry about going back to a&e I dont think they would ever turn anyone away, sometimes with my HA which is heart related the minute I read ANYTHING about someone with a heart attack/disease/disorder I start having all the symptoms within hours but as with anything I feel could be life threatening I would rather take the chance of yet again being told im fine at a&e than anything else

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 23:27
Thanks for the post, I think I'll leave the A+E trip until tomorrow morning, after my blood test. That way they might be able to get me in for a scan that same day.

21-08-12, 23:32
Thats sounds sensible, its always worse seeming at night there are no other distractions around except your own thoughts, it can be a scary time. Sometimes just sitting talking, writing, anything just to get through to the next day helps, Ive went out in the car at all hours as I know I need to concentrate when driving can just distract me enough to keep me from being in total meltdown.

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 23:58
OK now I THINK I'm having a panic attack, my breathing has gone very shallow and short, and I'm feeling faint. I can't shake the feeling that this is a pulmonary embolism and not anxiety :-(

22-08-12, 00:10
Jim. 7/11. Pursed lips on exhalation..

You need CBT mate.

PS: your avatar says PANIC!

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 00:21
It says Don't Panic in large friendly letter. It's from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, if it might be unhelpful to people I'll change it.

What's 7/11?

22-08-12, 00:56
Breathe in, count to 7 as you do it; breathe out through pursed lips (to slow down the rate of exhalation) counting to 11 as you do it. Keep it smooth, no jerky breaths and do it for 3+ minutes with no more than 5 breaths per minute.

Breathe in through your diaphragm (tummy) and not your thorax (upper chest). Place your hand on your tummy and feel it rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation.

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 01:15
Thanks, I think I may have been doing part of that subconsciously for a while now, I always find myself breathing out very slowly through pursed lips when I'm feeling a little anxious. This was before my massive anxiety problem struck last week, so maybe for the last couple of years I've been keeping myself away from full panic and not even knowing it, or maybe it's just a coincidence, ha ha.

And also I'm still at home, I'm not dead, I seem to be breathing all right so far, so I think there's an OK chance I'll live through the night.

Still far too panicky to try to go to bed though.

---------- Post added at 01:15 ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 ----------

Also doing this 7/11 breathing thing makes me feel like i'm filling my lungs more. When I try to really fill my lungs normally it gives me a bit of pain and is very uncomfortable.

22-08-12, 03:24
Where do you get the pain? When you breath in?

22-08-12, 04:57
Thanks, I think I may have been doing part of that subconsciously for a while now, I always find myself breathing out very slowly through pursed lips when I'm feeling a little anxious. This was before my massive anxiety problem struck last week, so maybe for the last couple of years I've been keeping myself away from full panic and not even knowing it, or maybe it's just a coincidence, ha ha.

And also I'm still at home, I'm not dead, I seem to be breathing all right so far, so I think there's an OK chance I'll live through the night.

Still far too panicky to try to go to bed though.

---------- Post added at 01:15 ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 ----------

Also doing this 7/11 breathing thing makes me feel like i'm filling my lungs more. When I try to really fill my lungs normally it gives me a bit of pain and is very uncomfortable.

More than likely muscle strain. My chest hurts a lot of the time because I don't breath correctly. I either sit and hold my breath or breath very small breaths. When I then try and do normal 7/11 breathing it actually hurts my chest and lungs more.

22-08-12, 08:38
I used to be just like you and would get so worried that I had a DVT. There was a time when I would take myself to A+E about 3 times a month demanding a d-dimer test. It wasnt until the last time, the d-dimer came back slightly elevated. To be cautious and until they could do a scan, they started me on blood thinners and sent me home with lorazepam to calm me down. Well, once home I started having the biggest panic attacks of my life. I was convinced I was going to die that night. In the end I woke up, vomited everywhere, was convinced I could see blood and dialled 999. I was taken to hospital and admitted. They did the scan the day after and all was fine.... The consultant said he KNEW I didnt have a clot, that everything in my leg looked absolutely fine and that the d-dimer can be raised in any sort of inflammation going on in your body (even a cold can raise it), so he said that really D-Dimers arent that useful unless youre sure it's a clot by looking at it (and i believe it's quite obvious). I was an absolute wreck at that time. I very nearly had a breakdown. The blood thinners made me sick and I had such a bad tummy afterwards. I really regretted taking myself to a+e as deep down I knew that I didnt have a clot, but it was that nagging stupid anxiety which took me there and sent me over the edge. Ive not thought about a clot since. However, Ive had a headache on the right side of my head for a week now, and now Im convinced I have a bleed on the brain or a tumour... So, i know exactly how you feel. It's so hard to control. Good luck, Charlotte x

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 12:23
So the d dimer could have been wrong? :-S

I've just has my blood test for liver/glucose/FBC etc taken, so now I'm a bit nervous about those results, but not panicking. I was rather pleasantly surprised that the nurse managed to get my blood first time from my arm, usually my arm is full of holes and they have to resort to my hand.

So now my main concern is back to my leg. My calf is still hot, painful and swollen :-(

---------- Post added at 09:58 ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 ----------

Where do you get the pain? When you breath in?

My chest, the pain is mainly on the right hand side, and seems to move around a tiny bit, and comes and goes in sudden bursts.

---------- Post added at 12:23 ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 ----------

Right, there is still pain in my leg, and its moved up towards the back of my knee :-(

22-08-12, 13:24
i have had 2 blood clots and honestly if you had them you would definatly know, i couldnt even walk the pain was so bad in my chest and side ,and both my feet and ankles were extremely swollen , and i was coughing up alot of blood, mine was detected by ct scan but they definatly would not of sent you home if they thought for 1 minute it was this i know its easier said than done but try not to worry to much if they thought was anything major you wouldnt be at home now if need to chat can always pm me x

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 13:45
They were getting ready to give me heparin, and booked me in for a scan, but then my blood test came back ok so they sent me home with no injection or scan, im just worried the test was wrong because ive still got the symptoms and now i have pain on the back of my upper leg.


22-08-12, 14:13
if you are still worried can you not ring your gp and ask them to refer you for a ct scan? if anything it will give you reassurance , i had the heparin in my stomache and if you dont need it dont have it its not a nice experience, i was also on warfarin for a year is that the only symptom you have your leg

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

if its any comsolation i didnt even have pain in my legs just really really swollen and the pain is usually in the calf if it is clots

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 14:28
The pain started in my calf, and my calf is all swollen for a week. Now the pain is at the back of my upper leg, starting from just behind my knee and is in a line up the back of my leg, about half way to hip height.

22-08-12, 14:46
have they said could be pulled muscles or anything, i understand where your comming from as ive got health anxiety aswell and we always think the worst unfortunatly but id def give gp a ring and explain your fears

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 17:32
I've been to the GP monday and tuesday this week, monday with other symptoms and yesterday I mentioned my leg, he said it was definitely swollen when he measured it but said he really didn't think it was a clot.

I went to the GP last week too, and I've been in today for a blood test, they'll be sick of me soon :-(

I went to A+E last tuesday and they gave me a d dimer, but I'm worried that it was too soon after symptoms started for them to pick anything up :-S

---------- Post added at 14:51 ---------- Previous post was at 14:50 ----------

My GP just told me to take some ibuprofen...

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:51 ----------

I'm not having a good day today, I've not ran off to A+E yet though, which is either a positive or a negative (if I do have a blood clot).

22-08-12, 20:07
if was last week you had the test for clot you would be a lot worse by now, dont think youd be sitting here typing its thats bad the pain which is a positive , try to belive all the healthcare persons youve seen as i said earlier some things are easier said than done but they do know what they are talking about hope you feel better soon

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 21:56
I'm thinking the test might have came back negative because it was taken less than 24 hours after I first got symptoms...?

It's really hard to believe the doctors a lot of the time :-(

I haven't really had any tests, just a d dimer, and I've just had a load of blood tests done today, but I've got to wait until next week for the results, and I'm worried they are not testing for any cancers because they keep saying I'm too young.

I might only be 24 but I'm also 24 stone! I must have done some serious damage at that weight! :-(

I'm so scared I've only got a few days/weeks/months left to live, I haven't done anything productive with my life yet, I can't die! I'm so scared... :-(

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

I keep getting stabbing pains on the right side of my chest now, I'm so scared... I think it's a pulmonary embolism

22-08-12, 22:20
The blood tests will be to detect any abnormalities, so they will be checking for everything if you have had a full blood count. The chest pains are probably because you are so anxious all the time and you said yourself you feel worse at night. I really feel for you. I'm sure one of the Dr's would have known if you had dvt. If you could distract your mind I'm sure your symptoms would ease x

Anxiety Jim
22-08-12, 22:40
Thanks, ive been driving around the hospital for nearly an hour, my chest pains are getting worse feels like im being stabbed all over my chest, its really quite painful.

I dont know whether to go in or not. :-(

22-08-12, 22:51
If you are by the hospital and it will reassure you then you should get checked or you are going to be in a state all night. You probably don't get much sleep if you are so anxious every night and that will make you feel worse. I hope you get some help soon so you're not always feeling like this x

22-08-12, 23:06
If something was seriously wrong with your heart you wouldn't be able to be driving around for an hour.

But if you are like me you fear the symptoms will get get worse?

Did you go into the hospital and get checked out?

The chest pain could be from being so tense, would be a pretty rational to think so too. I know I have gotten some extreme pain simply from being anxious and too tense. The anxious mind really can create horrible symptoms that yes, are real but not dangerous.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 00:14

Ive been driving around the hospital for an hour wondering whether to go in or not, my legs is painful and it feels like i keep getting stabbed in the chest.

Why am i so messed up?


---------- Post added at 23:19 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ----------

Still not decided whether to go in or not.

---------- Post added 23-08-12 at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was 22-08-12 at 23:19 ----------

Well I didn't go in, I'm back home now, I really hope I live through night, then I might go to see my GP again tomorrow.

I don't think that the doctors are really taking my symptoms as seriously as they would if I was say 50...


23-08-12, 02:44
Aw well at least you calmed down enough to go home and try and sleep.
Yeah see how you feel in the morning.

23-08-12, 08:23
If you are that concerned then see your GP but if you had a DVT I am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to drive around for an hour. You should trust your GP, and the staff at the hospital. Seeking reassurance it isn't a DVT then a few days later panicking again and seeking further reassurance just fuels the anxiety, trust me I have been there. You need to see your GP and ask for CBT, it works.

It is a horrible place to be, but CBT can help.

23-08-12, 09:28
If you are that concerned then see your GP but if you had a DVT I am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to drive around for an hour. You should trust your GP, and the staff at the hospital. Seeking reassurance it isn't a DVT then a few days later panicking again and seeking further reassurance just fuels the anxiety, trust me I have been there. You need to see your GP and ask for CBT, it works.

It is a horrible place to be, but CBT can help.


23-08-12, 10:02
I sound harsh but I'm not meaning to be. I've had health anxiety for 14 years on and off. CBT worked wonders for me. I still have blips now but cbt training helps you during those blips.

I've recently had to go on the pill for heavy periods, I've had a fear of dvt because of it. I've had a twitch, like when you've a twitchy eye, but in my calf muscle for 2 days. It worries me but I monitor things to see how they go before taking an appointment for reassurance.

I was a student nurse for 15 months before I had to leave due to family commitments. A dvt is very obvious, I've seen patients with dvt, and you cannot miss it.

Please see your gp but to ask for cbt or go private, it's well worth it.

23-08-12, 12:21
The twitch is an anxiety symptom. The calf is the most common place for it.