View Full Version : racing heart

21-08-12, 23:29
Hi all

so pleased i have found this forum, i have suffered with axiety all my life on and off. but over the last 5 months the anxiety is at a whole new level. i have started the menopause and think it may have something to do with that. i am on citalopram and beta blockers and they have made no difference at all. the most worrying thing for me is my heart racing this then makes all my body pulse,i went to A&E a few weeks ago and had an ECG and blood test all was ok and the doctor reassured me that it was anxiety but since then it has become unbearable. i am finding it hard to get up for work in the moning as my sleep pattern is up the wall and when i wake in the morning the first thing i think about is my pulses . i am back at the doctors next week to change my medication. i used to be on ciprilex a few years ago and they seemed to work but citalopram have done nothing.

21-08-12, 23:40
Hi poppy63

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-08-12, 23:40
Hi poppy63

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-08-12, 18:16
thank you :)

22-08-12, 18:19
Welcome to the forums, you should find lots of help here. How long have you been on the citalopram for? If it's been more than 8 weeks and it's not working you should ask for the medication to be changed to something else.

22-08-12, 18:22
thanks , i have been on both meds since end of may. i dont seem too bad whilst i am at work but as soon as i sit and relax thats when it starts,as i am typing this my pulses are racing so fed up of it.

22-08-12, 18:36
That happens to me sometimes - when I'm at home in the evenings sometimes I feel more tense than I do when I'm at work. I think it's because when I'm at home I really want to be relaxed and I think about it so much that it makes me tense, if you know what I mean?
Yes I think it's a good idea if you go back to the doctors and ask for the medication to be changed if the current ones aren't working for you. Different ones can work better for different people.

22-08-12, 19:22
I think you are right i am so busy during the day i havent got time to think.if i tense up the racing seems to go away must be muscular.