View Full Version : New pill isn't helping anxiety

25-07-06, 19:26
Hi guys. I posted a little while ago about my anxiety focusing on my relationship. It did go a little, but now it's starting to come back. The mini-pill I was on was discontinued & I got put on another one called Norgeston. My doctor said I shouldn't have any problems with it as it was a similar pill, but I don't think I'm getting on with it very well.

I've been on it for just over a month & when I first started taking it I got really hormonal & felt angry lots (& I'm not an angry person!!) & the next minute I'd be bursting into tears. It's not so bad now, but I'm still quite hormonal.

The worst bit is I've lost my sex drive. Apparently this is a "common" side effect, but quite frankly I don't see the point of being on the mini-pill if I have no desire to have sex :( Normally there is a big spark between me & my boyfriend, even though we've been together for 1 year & 3/4's. We still fancy each other like mad, but this "side effect" has left me feeling flat inside & not wanting to do anything even remotely sexual. He doesn't mind, bless him, but I do!! Because my anxiety has latched onto the fact that I'm not feeling sexual towards my boyfriend & is once again worrying me about our relationship. The floodgates have opened & the questions, questions, questions are flowing once again :( They're saying 'why aren't you feeling more passionate towards your boyfriend?', 'is something going wrong?', 'maybe you're not right for each other after all', 'how strong do you really feel about him?', 'do you really love him?', 'how do you know he's the one?'. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Please help me! I wish I could get them to stop! Has anyone ever had any problems with Norgeston or any other contraceptive pill? I love my boyfriend so much, we're on the verge of getting engaged & once again, anxiety is threatening to ruin the best thing I've got going. The fact that we are going to be getting engaged is probably making it worse because it's making me evaluate our relationship. But I'm not going to put it off. I won't let anxiety win & take control. I just wish it would let me enjoy my life & my relationship :(

xxx Rosebud xxx

25-07-06, 19:50
Awww Hun -
I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time of it right now. Maybe you should go back to the doc and tell him/her what you just posted. Obviously this just isn't the right med for you.
I sure hope things get better real soon

25-07-06, 20:02
I was also on the pill and then the mini pill, I've come off both now and think I feel better for it. I still worry I don't love my boyfriend, hundreds of times a day, but it feels less important and obsessive than when I was on the hormones.


27-07-06, 19:40
Hi guys. I've made an appointment at the doctors, but it isn't until next Tuesday so I will just have to stick it out.

xxx Rosebud xxx

06-08-06, 13:48
Hey all, I just wanted to say that my doctor was very sympathetic & she has given me a new pill. I've got a couple more weeks left in my current packet, but then I can switch. YAY!!! Let's hope that helps.

Also, my anxiety has eased up over the past week because I told my boyfriend that I'm not ready to get engaged yet. I want it so much, but I felt that our impending engagement was putting a lot of pressure on me to get better quickly. When you're about to get engaged you tend to spend a lot of time evaluating your relationship. However, over-thinking about my relationship is not what I need right now!! I need to STOP the constant analysing & questioning & chill out! Plus now I can recover at my own pace & not worry about having to be totally okay in my head about us. Which in a funny way might actually speed up my recovery.

Because the thing is, when we do get engaged, I want it to be a big deal. A REALLY big deal!! & so that is all a bit scary when you have these constant questions, & anxiety attacks going on.

And I know I said I wasn't going to let anxiety win, but I don't think it has. It only really wins if it actually convinces me I don't love my boyfriend & destroys our relationship. We will get engaged. But only when I'm better. & when we do it will be a real celebration that I've gotten over my anxiety. At the end of the day, we're still young & we have plenty of time. So there's no rush. & best of all, my boyfriend has once again proven why he's so wonderful & special by saying that he'll wait as long as I need :)

So I just wanted to give you all an update on the situation!

xxx Rosebud xxx