View Full Version : too much? please help!

22-08-12, 08:17
Hi. I have been on venaflaxine for about six years and it has.worked perfectly. But a couple months ago I started feeling really sick. Like, not myself, not right feeling. Almost like there wad a weird filter over my brain. I was scared it was my anxiety again, but it was a different feeling. I went back to the doc and he increased my dosage and I feel so.much worse. I feel really.agitated, and just WEIRD. Very, very hard to explain. Almost like the feeling when you are in a room.that is too bright,.I.feel.that all.the.time....and just a weird,.unusual, uncomfortable feeling. Could this.be a side.effect of too.much serotonin? Advice.is Greatly appreciated! Thanks!

22-08-12, 08:29
Hi what dose are you on? It could be just side effects from the increase or it could be that you dont need that higher dose? Im on 150mg of ven x x

22-08-12, 08:47
Well I went from 150 a day to 225... But I was feeling bad before then too. So, do you think.maybe it is.my body telling me I don't need the meds anymore?

22-08-12, 08:57
When did you increase? X x

22-08-12, 18:32
Like, four days ago.

22-08-12, 18:44
Its prob side effects from the increase, id give it a bit longer and see how you go xx

22-08-12, 19:15

Nicola's right - give it a while longer. It can take a few weeks for your body to adjust to new seratonin levels.

Take care

Pip x