View Full Version : Health anxiety

22-08-12, 08:59
Hi I just need someone to talk to about my anxiet as its spiralling out of control and ruining my life and everyone around me. About 6 years ago I went to a mobile health screening thing he said my heart was really fast and to see my gp straight away, I was on holiday at the time. I went to see my gp she said everything sounded fine but would send me for a blood test it came back that I had a thyroid problem so had medication. I was still worried as I started to get palpatations she then sent me for a stress test. I stayed on the treadmill for the whole time, then my results came back saying there may be a problem with the blood supply to my heart I was distraught as my nan died of a heart attack when I was 11 I was walking home from school holding her hand when she just dropped down. They suggested doing an angiogram but I was so scared that my husband kindly paid private for a heart scan where they inject a dye to check for blockages I was told there were no blockages and I just have a fast heart rate. I was still obsessing over heart problems that I went to Bupa to see the top cardiologist he was lovely he listened to my heart and said all was fine and that palpatations are common and don't worry about the stress test results. Since then I have had 24 hr monitor,chest x ray many ecg's but I'm still so anxious. I dread going out or on holiday as I'm scared I will die. I'm having counselling but it's not helping as I have terrible OCD too. I'm so drained my whole body aches I get awful palpatations my doctor put me on anti depressants but they haven't done much. The thing is I'm in constant panic mode I have panic attacks just sitting in the cinema or just going out in the car. Now when I walk anywhere I get chest pains and I'm so worried its angina everything scares me I'm in such a state and I'm ruining everyone's life around me as I'm so scared to do anything. I just want to stay at home. My doctor said its all anxiety and my BP is fine it's just I'm on high alert 24/7 is this really anxiety ? X sorry for the long story but I have no one to talk to as my family don't understand they thing all my symptoms re in my head:weep:

25-08-12, 17:30
i am going through the same thing, i have been to the hospital had the ecg and blood test and all were normal. my heart races all the time and feel my blood pressure is through the roof.pressure in my head you name it i am feeling it,

25-08-12, 20:19
How long have you been on the anti depressants? They do take a while to work. You have seen the best doctors and they have told you that your heart is fine, if there was a problem then they really would have found it. Your anxiety is the problem you need to address, if yoir medication and counselling aren't working go back to your GP and tell them you need something different. Is your husband supportive?

25-08-12, 20:24
Meds do take weeks to work... You need to believe the specialists- they have done lots of tests on you and they have said all is fine. I totally empathise with you over thoughts and life spiralling out of control it's happened to me so many times... But you need to think about the fact that lots of tests have been done, you've seen specialists and they have all been fine so the chances of anything being wrong with your heart is literally 0.