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22-08-12, 11:49
I find going to work everyday one of the things that causes me anxiety, just wondering what coping methods everyone has for getting through 8 hours a day at work.
My job involves sitting at a desk all day in an open plan office and I find this quiet stressful.

22-08-12, 16:57
hi there, i m in the same situation, i find that by cycling to and from work really helps, its like its the REASON i go to work ( can you beleive it !! ) that s how much i m fed up, but every one has to work. than i have option 2, i love reading so since i don t smoke i go to the rest room , and read 2 or 3 pges.option 3, i have some plants on the window sill that i love so much and i prune from time to time, actually its not the work that i dont like, its the people, at my office there are a lot of backstabbers, if you know what i mean. but at the end of the day i m gratefull that i have a job that i can moan about. its part of life i think.

22-08-12, 19:51
Hi dabrucru, I have bought a bike with the cycle to work scheme but its 7 miles there & 7 miles back & I'm quite unfit, so haven't dared to attempt it, how far do you cycle?
Its the same for me about the people rather than the work, there are 2 nice people on my team luckily its just the manager that isn't so good he's just really moody & I always feel anxious when he's around!
I like to read too but how do you sneak a book into the toilet hehe?
I am also glad to have a job, and the money is ok which is nice, but it still stresses me however much I tell myself that I should be happy to have a job :(
I work funny shifts as well which I don't think helps 7am-3pm, then 1pm-9pm, then 2pm-10pm and then back to the early shift.
Its eating I struggle with as I don't like eating at work & I'm really fussy about what I eat, I'm a veggie & I have IBS. how do you go on for lunch?

22-08-12, 23:32
I Have about the same distance, i also was unfit in the begining, but than as time passed i got fitter.i wrap my book in a big envelope ;) .i realy wish i c an become a veggie. i admire you people. as for books i m reading the happiness trap, its a self help book how to deal with stres, anxiety etc.

24-08-12, 20:18
Do you have showers at work? I get worried that I'll get there and be all sweaty & gross lol, plus I panic when I know there are no toilets around, though I guess at least that would make me pedal faster hehe!
Why do you want to become a veggie? I am afraid I'm no crusader I just do it coz I don't like meat, I wish I ate meat lol, its more healthy for your body!
Hehe thats a good idea with the envelope!
Good luck with the book, got any tips yet to share?

25-08-12, 23:36
Yes we have showers, being tropical hot here its impossible not to have a shower. I m a big animal lover , and becoming a veggie wil make me feel less guilty. As for the book , i can t give any tips yet, stil reading, it tackles many isues...