View Full Version : Will I ever let it go ?

22-08-12, 12:08
Hey ! I woke up this morning with a sore arm (in the tricep area where your arm meets your side when standing straight) ... it feels swollen and hard but no bruise although it feels bruised! Im so worried ! every ache or pain I get I relate back to lymes disease! I havent knocked my arm or done anything differently and from what I can gather it doesnt relate to pregnancy! I have had sore ribs too and my doctor told me I have a sebaceous cyst on one rib which is beinign ( I think ive had it for a while but only noticed it whilst prodding excessively ).
I googled and it said there could be a link to lyme disease and cysts and now Im going out of my mind!!! lymes disease symptoms are so varied and fit into anxiety alot of the time but this one has made me think omg! what if my arm swelling is another cyst!
im so scared for myself and my baby!
I have had 2 tests that were negative for LD but on the interney its a well known fact they are not reliable so I will never have a true answer! Im gonna be like this forever wondering anxiously!
my anxiety is 24-7 all because Im worried I have lymes disease and it will pass to my baby and because theres no 100 percent test I cant get out of this cycle! what if it really is LD !!!!