View Full Version : Help Please

22-08-12, 15:21
I'm hoping someone can help me please. I just feel so scared. I don't feel real anymore, nothing looks real. I had a big panic attack this morning and I've been crying for three hours and it won't stop. Just when I think I've exhausted myself with it I panic again - how do I stop this? I just want to curl up and die, I don't know what to do.

22-08-12, 15:27
the more you think of it the longer it stays. think good things say a prayer
it works
wish you better
god bless

22-08-12, 15:43
Hi CherryCola

Can you not see a doctor urgently? I was like that back in January & he prescribed some diazepam just so I could get a grip on things & calm down. Only for a few days but I helped me before I started on AD's.
Is there no one around you can speak to or ring who will help? Just talking to someone else helps calm you at least for a while, it takes your mind off a bit.

Do anything to distract you (easier said than done I know) TV, read, sing along to some music.

Hope you feel better soon x

22-08-12, 16:33
I'm trying, I just don't know what to do; I can't seem to think properly, I just feel complete despair. I don't know how to pull myself out of it this time.

22-08-12, 16:46
Hi CherryCola

Panic attacks come in waves. The actual panic attack can't physiologically last any longer than 20 to 30 minutes. what you are left with in-between this is very high levels of anxiety so it seems as if they are going on non stop.

4 years ago I had a short period of rolling panic attacks like you are having but they DO NOT last for ever so don't worry too much about it.

Seeing your doc for a very small prescription of diazepam might be a good idea. If you ask for 2mg tablets to be taken 3 times a day they will probably give you that for 5 days. This seems to be the standard dose given out for first presentation of severe anxiety.

Hope it gets better.

22-08-12, 23:59
Thank you for the replies.. I was unable to answer earlier, I got myself so hysterical. I now just have a headache and very sore eyes, lol.

I was tempted to call the doctor, I just have a bit of a phobia over starting new medications. I always think I'm going to have an allergic reaction and die :blush:
My Mum called my psychologist though and she said she could see me on Friday as I'm really struggling. Talking about it does really seem to help me.

Yes, I do seem to have continual waves of panic attacks.. I've had this plenty of times before.. It's just hard because I calm down and I get a rush of a really good feeling and then ten minutes later, I feel the anxiety again and before I know it I'm having another panic attack. I lose count of how many I have in a day sometimes. I even wake up out of sleep having them :(