View Full Version : Mornings are a killer - any tips

22-08-12, 15:32
I've been on Escitalopram for 9 days now and the mornings are absolutely unbearable. I suddenly wake up at 5 and my the panic in my stomach is horrendous. It feels like i'm worried to death. My head also blanks out and goes hazy and full of bad thoughts.
Any tips on overcoming the initial really bad days? I take a diazapam (2mg) but it doesn't seem to help and have to take another one a couple of hours later so I can get the kids to school (even though I feel totally zombied).
The stomch bit is the worst. I was thinking maybe a hot water bottle, diazapam and paracetamol. Any thoughts????? It's killing me at the moment and am at the stage were I'm thinking about jaking it in.

22-08-12, 15:50
Hi hun, mornings are always the worst, when i was really bad i was just the same as you to the point i used to be retching in the kitchen sink whilst shaking to death :ohmy:, slowly they have got better, maybe if you try taking 4mg of diazepam it will help you a bit more than just the 2mg thats what i used to do xx

22-08-12, 15:58
Cheers Nicola. I was actually thinking about doing that. Might have to see the doctor again though as I'm only supposed to be on 6Mg diazapam a day. I'm sure he'd understand though - would he?
Did the 4Mg take the edge of the morning any better?

22-08-12, 16:02
What dose are you on ? I have been on 5mg for 16 days now and after day 10 the morning tiredness ad nausea went away completely x

22-08-12, 16:04
Aslong as you don't go over your 6mg then it doesn't matter what time you take them, but id def try the 4mg, if i have a bad morning i take a 5mg one as a 2mg just wouldn't touch it, don't suffer hun xx

22-08-12, 16:46
I've been taking about 8-10 Mg anyway throughout the day, so 4Mg in the morning sounds good. I'll give it a go tomorrow and let you know how I get on. I'm dreading it.

22-08-12, 16:56
I know how you feel, i dread opening my eyes in the morning, i can go to bed calm but still wake in a panic x x

23-08-12, 10:26
It's the thought of what the day will bring and how bad it'll make you/me feel. I freaked out taking my daughter to school this morning (wide open spacees, lots of noise and people going about and had to speak to the teacher). Felt like I was floating when I was walking - horrible. Wasn't too bad getting up, but will dread tomorrow even more because of that experience.