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22-08-12, 17:01
Hi I've just found this site but I'm no stranger to anxiety. I've been a sufferer on and off for over 20 years. I have recently been told I have health anxiety and am taking citalopram. I have tried various anti depressants non of which have been very helpful. I am currently trying CBT but the waiting time between appointments is stressful. A new symptom cropped up last week and I am currently trying to contain the panic that I have a serious disease (it's usually cancer). I don't no why I suffer with it but I am hoping the CBT helps. Seeing the same Dr would be beneficial too but GP's seem to come and go at my surgery and I guess i'm not the only one who fears looking like a nutcase as I go with yet another symptom. I do have a supportive family but I fear I'm driving them mad. It's only been 6 months since my last episode and that was an allergy to amalgam fillings! Got to fill 2 weeks before I can see my councillor but don't no if I can make it without a trip the docs.

22-08-12, 17:12
Hi daska

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-08-12, 19:00
I feel for you. i have the same problem. i am going through a really bad patch at the moment i have been like this for about 5 months now,i am on citalopram but they havent worked this time,going back to see my GP next week to change them and hopefully start feeling better.

22-08-12, 19:45
thanks for the message it helps to know I'm not alone as I don't know anyone personally who suffers with health anxiety and sometimes I feel as tho it's just me. Hope you get the help you need from your GP.

22-08-12, 20:22
Hi Daska, why do we always think it is cancer i am exactly the same,i thought it was because i had small children but they are adults now and to be honest it is worse than ever. at the moment i am suffering with a racing heart all my pulses are racing throughout my body ,fuzzy head i am convinced i will have a heart attack or a stroke. i have been to the docs and also the hospital but i dont feel like they are taking me seriously.every waking minute of the day is taken up with worrying ,checking my pulses etc.i can't relax because the minute i do the pulses and heart start. all my blood tests and ECG are ok but doesnt make me feel any better.

23-08-12, 09:53
Hi poppy sorry your feeling so bad at the moment. I've woken up with the same worrying symtoms but can't decide whether to go to the docs. I'm going to walk the dog and try to forget them, not easy as you know and will do knitting when I come back as the counting helps. If all your tests are negative try to put your faith in them and treat yourself to something you enjoy. Are you alone most of the Day? I am and it makes things seem worse. I find if I can find someone to talk to about anything else it takes my mind off it. Hope you feel better soon.

23-08-12, 16:54
Hi Daska
i work and whilst i am there i feel ok apart from this week i have had a real muggy head. my problem is when i relax in the evening and at weekend. my job is a god send at the moment. i know where you are coming from when you are alone.

23-08-12, 23:10
Welcome Daska, I am a new member too and have the same anxiety as you (always convinced I have some form of cancer) I am seeing a CBT and so far it's fairly helpful. I am on day 8 of Lexapro and am feeling a little more at ease. I have had anxiety for about 5 years with some panic attacks, all health anxiety related. I teach and practice yoga which you would think would come in handy but I think I was just past my edge and could no longer control my anxiety and panic on my own. I have found this site to be so helpful, even if just for a little distraction and to not feel so alone with this crazy thing. I hope you get to see your dr and be on your way to feeling better!!

rachel m
23-08-12, 23:38
:welcome:Daska. Hope you will feel better knowing we are all in the same boat and always on hand to talk to each other to offer help x

29-08-12, 17:11
yeah great to know i'm not alone thanx