View Full Version : Acid reflux and heart palpitations/pains

22-08-12, 18:52
Ok i havent been properly diagnosed with acid reflux but basically the doctor said i have all the symptoms of it. I was getting heartburn/chest pain/ heart palpitations etc and when i was put on omeprazole the symptoms went away for ages.

Anyway recently ive started getting heart palpitations again and im starting to panic. I never thought anything about it until a read some posts here about people worrying about sudden death. Now im starting to worry what if theres something wrong with my heart :mad:

Has anyone else been put on meds for reflux who has got heart palpitations and chest pains but have never had their heart checked?

I hope im not the only one in this position, everyone else seems to have at least have had an ecg and now im panicking.

22-08-12, 18:55
Were you anxious before the palpitations started? X

22-08-12, 18:59
no they mainly happen when im lying in bed. But in saying that ive been very stressed recently x

22-08-12, 19:05
When I first started with anxiety years ago I suffered palpitations all the time and although they are bloody awful I was reassured that they weren't harmful. This anxiety business is weird, I never worry about my heart so don't suffer them anymore. I really think its because you have been feeling stressed hun but if they don't ease why don't you ask Dr about an ecgs to put your mind at rest. I had mine done at the surgery by the nurse x

22-08-12, 19:14
yeah i was thinking they are quite easy to get done. I was just at the doctors 2 days ago to ask to be referred for therapy for HA. I think il try an get an app for next week and just ask can they do an ecg. im gunna drive myself mad, i never even thought about heart problems until today

22-08-12, 19:19
Yes I would, just to give you peace of mind because they will feel worse if you're focusing on them. Hope they ease later x

22-08-12, 19:32
I'm getting these almost every night and don't get any sleep. Whenever I try to sleep, palpitations wake me and they are very frightening. They are then followed by chest pain. I'm ok during the day except for being drained of energy through lack of sleep. I've had a 24 hour ecg monitor fitted and fortunately they showed up on this. I'm now waiting for a CT angiogram. My GP says its probably anxiety but for peace of mind am having this test, but not till October unfortunately. I would urge anyone who hasn't had an ecg to go to their GP and get one arranged, preferably a 24hr one. Its worth it just for peace of mind, although I'll still be anxious until I've had the other test done. Last night was terrible and if you're anything like me,you start to dread bedtime. It seems these experiences are very common.

22-08-12, 19:35
I dont know why i was never even given an ecg in the first place when i told the doctor i had chest pains and palpitations. Maybe it was because i was also getting heart burn that they knew it was acid and they werent concerned. Im going to try and nott worry about it because i know itl just make me worse x

22-08-12, 19:47
I think the only reason I got a 24hr ecg is because I went to A&E during the night a few months back as I thought I was having a heart attack. Tests there showed it wasn't thankfully, but back at my GP's, I was referred to the cardiology clinic and they took it from there. Apart from the lack of sleep, I think our energy is sapped through nervous anxiety during these spells. I'm at the end of my tether during the nights. I always hope I won't have any more,but if I do, I'll think of you all who are in the same boat.

22-08-12, 23:12
I have read that palpitations are more common in bed because your heart rate slows a little, which allows the palpitation to sneak in, and because lying down allows the heart to touch the chest wall, which can trigger palpitations. They are more common when lying on your left side too, for the same reason.

Anyone with palpitations should have at least an ecg, just to be sure, though most palpitations are found to be benign. I have been quite anxious this week - I'm sure this is to do with reading a couple of stories in the papers about sudden adult cardiac deaths. Amazing how just reading about stuff can set you off feeling anxious, even when it has nohting at all to do with you and cannot affect your own health in any way.