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View Full Version : hi, i'm new & a bit scared! :(

25-07-06, 23:26
hi everyone,
I'm su. Sorry this may be a long post but I thought I should explain my situation in the intro bit hope you don't mind..[:I]
I was diagnosed with depression on Monday but never realised I was actually depressed since I got used to feeling really crap about myself all the time (it's been about 2 yrs). I thought it was hormones as I get emotional and cry lots around my period but recently I've been getting more and more anxious about absolutely everything even going to the shops on my own and speaking to people at work! After a particularly weepy and awful week of PMS last week, (where I became more certain it was starting to affect the wonderful relationship I have with my boyfriend) I went to the drs to see if I could get counselling for social anxiety but she said I was actually depressed so gave me Citalopram 10mg tabs.

It is day 2 of my citalopram and I am feeling rather strange. So decided to surf the net to see if anyone else felt the same as me, both in the depression aspect but also the citalopram aspect. By strange I mean light headed, head-achey, a bit not-with-it, heavy-headed (my head's just all over the place!), jaw feels funny like it locks or trembles. Side effects are making me worry even more! I am considering stopping my pills as I am due to go on hol on fri and don't want these side effects spoiling my hol! silly as it may sound but i want to have a good time, be able to drink and smoke and not worry about going out with my friends.

Any advice anyone can give would be much appreciated, thanks everyone for reading and hello!
Su xx

26-07-06, 09:45

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

If you go to the medication part of the forum, you will find a lot of information about citalopram.

I am on it myself and it has helped me a lot.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

26-07-06, 10:00
hi su,
these horrible symptoms you describe are exactly what i had for a short while on anti deppressants, you are worring about the side effects (bet you read the leaflet) also your head and the muzziness you describe are probably down to the humid weather as well. i was dizzy and suffered strange headaches and tight jaw that i kept trying to click for 3 months, and the more you worry the longer it stays!. you go on your holiday on friday, have fun, and remember its a bit of anxiety and depression but you are bigger than both of them. have a great time luv tracie xxx

ps a little tip; when your head is muzzy and light , suck a menthol sweet like the ones for colds, they really work.


26-07-06, 12:47
Hi Su,

Welcome aboard. Here you will be made to feel very welcome.

Take Care

26-07-06, 14:43
Hi and welcome. I was just like you and though it was down to hormones but like you I got really anxious about anything and everything. I have been taking 20mg of Citalopram for the last month and for the 1st month I took 10mg of Citalopram.

I know exactly the feelings you are feeling. If I was you I would stick with it. I started to feel better after the 1st week of the meds. My side effects didn't seem to last that long. Although at the time it was horrible but my advice is to stick with it and you will feel better.


Will Loynes
26-07-06, 15:13
Hi Su,
welcome to NMP, Im sure you will notice that there are many of us in similar a situation as yourself so I know you've come to the right place.
I had a bad time on citalopram and had to come off it, but having said that I know quite a few people that have had a great deal of success with it. Please try the chat room, it has really cheered me up when i have had quite severe depression.

Hopefully speak soon


26-07-06, 15:18
Welcome aboard Su,

Try this link within No More Panic

Citalopram, Cipramil, Escitalopram & Lexapro (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1949)

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

26-07-06, 18:30

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


26-07-06, 19:09
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your replies, you are all really supportive it's such a nice change talking to people who understand what I'm talking about! :D

I am still unsure about the citalopram, I guess my side effects aren't particularly severe but they're still unpleasant. Talked to a dr on the phone (not the same one who prescribed the medication) about stopping after 2 days and she said that was fine and I shouldn't have withdrawal effects.

She thought it was a good idea if I wasn't sure about taking medication in the first place - I wasn't, I was upset when the doc prescribed me with the meds - so going to go on holiday and see if I manage to enjoy it, if I feel okay when i come back then I will just arrange counselling or CBT myself, I only want to use the drugs as a last resort because I don't like the idea of chemicals messing with my brain! So, if I still feel really down when I'm back and lack motivation in everything and find it hard to cope, I'll go back on the meds and see how they go.

Thanks again everyone!...right let me see if I can work out the chatrooms and stuff... :)

26-07-06, 19:39
Hey Su,

Welcome to the site,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

26-07-06, 20:59

Welcome to the forum! You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

Two heads
26-07-06, 23:48
Hi there!
Welcome,you will find alot of help here when you most need itxx

polly daydream
26-07-06, 23:50
Hi Su and welcome to the forum, I too am on Citalopram and can reassure you that the side effects don't last forever, if you stick with them you will feel better once they start to kick in. Hope this helps you, PM me if you need to know more.

Best wishes,


27-07-06, 11:02
Welcome to the forum Su
love helen

27-07-06, 11:30
hi sue.

meds can work for many people and the side effects are usually short lived, i hope that is the case for you because they can help many

i have chosen the herbal homeopathic route which is another option if you cant stick the conventional meds

i hope you get help and that we can help you


27-07-06, 16:52
Hi Su and welcome. You'll find lots of help and support here. I've been on citalopram a month now. i never wanted to go on meds but i am so glad I did, after two months of being anxious and starting to becomd depressed i knew I needed to do something to restore my positivity, the first couple of weeks were really yuck, but i now feel so much better. I am going out and slowly getting my life back.

Take care

'This too will pass'

28-07-06, 19:20
Hi Su,

If you're unsure if you need meds. I would try the CBT or other therapy for at least a few weeks first to see if you improve. If not, meds are always an option.

29-07-06, 01:52
im feeling the same way my dr told me just to put up with it and it would ltake 2 weeks to feel better so fingers crosssed xxx
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi everyone,
I'm su. Sorry this may be a long post but I thought I should explain my situation in the intro bit hope you don't mind..[:I]
I was diagnosed with depression on Monday but never realised I was actually depressed since I got used to feeling really crap about myself all the time (it's been about 2 yrs). I thought it was hormones as I get emotional and cry lots around my period but recently I've been getting more and more anxious about absolutely everything even going to the shops on my own and speaking to people at work! After a particularly weepy and awful week of PMS last week, (where I became more certain it was starting to affect the wonderful relationship I have with my boyfriend) I went to the drs to see if I could get counselling for social anxiety but she said I was actually depressed so gave me Citalopram 10mg tabs.

It is day 2 of my citalopram and I am feeling rather strange. So decided to surf the net to see if anyone else felt the same as me, both in the depression aspect but also the citalopram aspect. By strange I mean light headed, head-achey, a bit not-with-it, heavy-headed (my head's just all over the place!), jaw feels funny like it locks or trembles. Side effects are making me worry even more! I am considering stopping my pills as I am due to go on hol on fri and don't want these side effects spoiling my hol! silly as it may sound but i want to have a good time, be able to drink and smoke and not worry about going out with my friends.

Any advice anyone can give would be much appreciated, thanks everyone for reading and hello!
Su xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by su54321 - 26 July 2006 : 00:26:35</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

29-07-06, 02:35
Hey there, welcome to the forums.