View Full Version : Just got a call from the docotors :-(

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 09:37

As some people might know I had a blood test taken yesturday, I got a phone call this morning from the doctors asking me to pick up a prescription today because my calcium levels were wrong.

I'm in such a panic right now, it must be something really serious if they ring me first thing the next day and already have a prescription for me, I'm so terrified.

I've looked up calcium levels and it's nearly always causes by a tumour :-(

I don't know what to do, I've got an appointment with my GP for next Thursday but I don't think I'll have that long. :-(

23-08-12, 09:39
You will be fine im sure they rang before the patients started coming in...if your so worried why dont you ring the docs for s chat about it? x

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 09:54
Oh no! Now I've just read it can be caused by very advanced cancer! I'm so scared it's unbelievable! :-(

---------- Post added at 09:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 ----------

I've just read 99.6% of the time it's always a tumour, and the rest of the time it's a sign of advanced cancer :-(

23-08-12, 10:05
Low calcium levels gave me palpiations.

The low calcium levels Are caused by your diet as in you're not eating enough calcium rich foods.

What website are you reading that off ?
It's not true.

You are seeking out the worst case senario !
Why are you doing this to yourself? Maybe you it's helping you feel more in control or more prepared? :(

I wish anxiety responded to logic.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 10:05
Also, a parathyroid tumour can cause depression in anxiety is 1/2 of people with it, which could explain my why I've became anxious again the last few months, and might even be the cause I why I got anxious in the first place 4 years ago.

23-08-12, 10:07

I don't know anything about calcium levels but I can see you're panicking. Ring your GP back and ask for an appointment today or you'll be in a terrible state by next week.


23-08-12, 10:09
It can be caused by not having enough magnesium, not enough vitamin D or too much Vitamin D.

23-08-12, 10:09
You really need to stop reading up on the internet, you really are making yourself ill. If it was something serious they would have had you in, not just left a prescription. It's probably a calcium deficiency. My bloods picked up a folate deficiency so I have to take folic acid everyday x

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 10:11
Low calcium levels gave me palpiations.

The low calcium levels Are caused by your diet as in you're not eating enough calcium rich foods.

What website are you reading that off ?
It's not true.

You are seeking out the worst case senario !
Why are you doing this to yourself? Maybe you it's helping you feel more in control or more prepared? :(

I wish anxiety responded to logic.

I'm reading it all hear http://www.parathyroid.com

I don't know if she said my calcium was too low or too high, but at the dentist last week he said I had a calcium build up on my teeth, so I'm thinking it must be too high, which is what the website is about...

I'm so terrified, it says it can cause heart problems, and nobody lives more than 20 years with it, and most people have had it 5 years before it is diagnosed.


23-08-12, 10:16
You really need to stop reading up on the internet, you really are making yourself ill.

Absolutely! Step away from Google. You're seeing a tiny fraction of possible causes and without medical knowledge, none of us can comment or really reassure you.


Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 10:21
Thanks everyone and I know I shouldn't have googled it but because they rang me first thing the day after my blood test must mean it's serious.

My mother and sister both had a vitamin d deficiency but they didn't get phone calls, they just got a letter saying come to the doctors to talk about your blood results.

The person on the phone said I'd need to see my doctor no more than 2 weeks from now. :-(

23-08-12, 10:27
try an NHS or a government website so you know the information is reliable.

I had very low calcium levels. I had tones of blood work done, and heart tests.
I didn't have cancer and no one mentioned cancer and if it was a sure thing like you say I'm sure a doctor would have told me.

That was 5 years ago and I'm still here :)

Calcium build up on teeth is normal, you can also get calcium deposits on your face which are these tiny white hard dots.

Isn't that website about tyroid problems ?

Ive had tones of tyroid tests as I have lots if the symptoms too, but it always came back clear.
You can get a simple blood test.

You have to see the patteren and accept you have a problem .
Even if you are in fact sick you are causing yourself way too much stress .

You get a symptom, google it , choose the scariest illness, go to the doctor, get results, google results , again go to the worst cast senario , get scared .

You're stuck in a cycle .

It's not one illness you worry about its lots :(

Maybe it would help if you had a therpist to talk to?
Someone to listen to you and to help with the anxiety side side of things?

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 10:33
Just read this on the BBC website:

One of the commonest causes of hypercalcaemia is cancer. Up to 20% of people with cancer have high calcium levels, especially with cancers of the breast, lung, head and neck, and certain blood cancers.


---------- Post added at 10:33 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

I'm really sorry everyone for being such a mess, but this has got to mean something, they rang me less than 24 hours after a blood test that they said would be at least a week to come back, and have already written a prescription for me. :-(

23-08-12, 10:40
It doesn't say 20% of people with high calcium levels have cancer, it's the other way around. Stop googling or you will really make yourself ill. Ring your GP.


Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 10:58
I think I'll ask to see the results, or at least get more information on the results when I go and pick my prescription up later.

My dentist finding calcium deposits on my teeth, and having abnormal calcium in my blood within a week of each other can't be a coincidence. I've never had calcium build up on my teeth at all.

Some of you might know that I've been prescribed diazapam but haven't taken any yet because I'm scared I'll pass out, now I'm even less likely to take it in fear that it will effect the prescription I'm getting today :-(

Sometimes I just wish I could curl up in a tiny box and forget about everything :-(

23-08-12, 11:12
Jim, do you live in a hard water area? Does your kettle or iron fur up?

Btw neither your kettle nor iron have cancer.

The docs rang you to collect a prescription. They did not call you in for another consultation.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 11:18
Jim, do you live in a hard water area? Does your kettle or iron fur up?

Btw neither your kettle nor iron have cancer.

The docs rang you to collect a prescription. They did not call you in for another consultation.

But they did say i needed to see a GP in no more than 2 weeks.

I do live in a hard water area actually, but that cant seriously be a cause?

23-08-12, 11:36
Hard water causes a build-up of calcium on your teeth as well as on your kettle and iron.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 11:50

But my sister has a condition called tuberous sclerosis that can cause tumors and calcium deposits on the brain and kidneys, shes 4 years younger than me now im scared ive got it too, but un diagnosed


Veronica H
23-08-12, 11:53
:bighug1:Sorry to hear you are struggling Jim. This deficiency is easily treatable. You have been told this over and over in the above posts but your health anxiety is so out of control that you are missing the message. You really need to commit to addressing your health anxiety, to release yourself from this cycle of misery. You can do it. You are young and bright. Make a stand today. Ban Dr Google from your life.xV

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 12:02
I dont know whether they said my calcium leves were high or low, and being high is worse and with my sister having something where she gets excess calcium deposits its got me worried.

23-08-12, 12:05
The prescription is likely to be for calcium supplements.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 12:46
The prescription is likely to be for calcium supplements.

I really doubt it, I'll make sure I ask if it was high or low though, and I'll let people know what the prescription is for.

I also told my GP the other day that I've been urinating a lot, and that's another symptom of kidney disease, which can happen with tuberous sclerosis.

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 ----------

The only thing I've got in my head at the moment is that I was right the hole time, something is wrong with me, I just diagnosed it wrongly and was worry about the wrong conditions, but was right about something being wrong.


23-08-12, 12:53
Sorry to be harsh but you are looking things up online and then finding the worst possible senario that it could be and deciding you have that.

Jim you need to STOP googling and start to trust what your dr is telling you.

in reality if the dr was worried he would have told you to make an appointment TODAY not 'in the next 2 weeks'

in reality your calcium level more than likely stems from your diet...i am pretty sure in your previous posts say you are over weight which as you know is mostly a sign of a poor diet.

In my opinion, you need to be thinking about your Health anxiety which reading all your previous post you quite clearly have.

PLEASE PLEASE talk to your dr about that too when you see your GP next..... maybe print off all your threads off here and take them so he can have a look at them!

again sorry to be harsh but this needs sorting as you will make your self a LOT worse if you pick the worst senario each time.

get your health anxiety treated and STOP GOOGLING

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 13:11
I would really like to put everything down to anxiety, but I don't think anxiety could mess with my blood test :-(

23-08-12, 13:26
No the blood test is probably due to your diet not anxiety... as I said.

but I was saying that you are taking the results of your blood test that more than likely have a very simple explanation like diet, googling them and coming up with the worst it could be, which very much SHOUTS out health anxiety along with your other posts and threads..

hope you get it sorted

23-08-12, 14:06
I hate to jump on the tough-love bandwagon, but it really you do need to step away from Google and distract yourself.

Googling stuff can turn anything into a massive panic. For instance, I could easily diagnose myself with bowel cancer today if I so chose, as I have most of the symptoms. Or, I could realise that it's all caused by an already diagnosed fissure and the fact I was out having a curry and few beers last night.

If you're unsure of your test results then of course double check them, most surgeries will have a doctor call you and quickly explain them over the phone, but in the ultimate easier-said-than-done thing, trying to guess what they mean yourself is just going to end in a very bad day.

Hope you feel better!

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 15:24
Well I've just got back from the doctors after picking up my prescription, I asked what was wrong with the blood test, and they said I had low calcium levels, and I've got a prescription for 28 tablets of adcal-d3 (calcium+vitamin d). I've got to take 2 per day and I've got another blood test booked for 7th September.

Low calcium matches up with my yellow stools symptoms of liver/pancreatic/kidney cancer/disease.


On a slightly positive note they said my other results were fine.

23-08-12, 16:04
Low calcium, as I said. It was high calcium you were worried about. Your negative filtering makes you see bad in every situation. The glass is half full...

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 16:13
I was more worried about having high calcium than low, but having low levels is still quite serious.

I can see what people are saying, once one thing has been "ruled out" (which I rarely believe) I move on to the next most serious thing, I can kind of see the cycle of anxiety, but I also kind of think it's a good thing, I think it's good that I'm trying to work out what's wrong with me, because it will probably give me a very slightly better chance of survival if I'm always vigilant of my symptoms, I might catch things earlier than other people.

23-08-12, 16:27
It's not a good thing if every little thing sends you into a blind panic. I wouldn't think a calcium deficiency is a serious thing, you just need to take the supplement. I'm a very anxious person and I hate it but if it consumed me all day every day I would seriously seek help. I hope you find some peace soon x

23-08-12, 16:31
'Hypocalcaemia, or low levels of calcium in the bloodstream, mostly results from poor eating habits'

that was the FIRST thing I saw when I just looked it up on the net... not the major things.

try not to worry yourself over it as this as it says is most likely the cause... maybe try drinking more milk and having more calcium rich foods such as cheese, yoghurt etc

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 16:48
I've read the most common cause is hypoparathyroidism and that it can cause heart attacks, heart rhythm problems and kidney failure, among other things.

I'm going to ask my GP when I next see him if he's considered it, I just hope he takes it seriously.

I'm still getting yellow stools, and stomach pain, which really worries me about liver/pancreatic/stomach cancer. Which I'm going to talk to my GP about next time too.

23-08-12, 18:07
Yes Heart rythem problems ! Which come first ! Which your doctor would hear which would have showed up when you're in the hospital .
If left untreated it may become more serious but you have a prescription and that'll fix the problem.

My doctor sent me right to hospital when he heard my palpitations .
I stayed the night, and it was only a minor problem so if anything was even slightly wrong they would have kept you in.

You're not able to be logical or rational and you won't take your anti anxiety medication.
You really need therapy of some it maybe a stay in a mental health hospital to help with the anxiety.
You're health anxiety is rather bad.

You're not taking the doctors Seriously , they went to medical school you didn't yet you think you know more than the doctors, but all youve done is cause yourself anxiety and diagnoise yourself with lots of things .

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 18:16
The reason I haven't taken the sedatives, is because it says on the leaflet do not take these if you suffer from sleep apnoea (which I do) and talk to you doctor, and I've not got an appointment until next Thursday now.

All I want is the test to rule out the things I've got, but my GP doesn't think they're nessecary. And I think that's because when I'm telling him the symptoms I rush through things, and miss (maybe important) bits out.


23-08-12, 18:29
This has to be the most severe case of HA I have come across either on this board or elsewhere.


Sleep apnoea is usually caused by being overweight. How about dieting and introducing some exercise into your routine? It will improve your mood and make you healthier. Get some therapy for your HA or you will live the rest of your long life ahead of you worrying and that would be a waste.

23-08-12, 18:37
Honestly, I agree with something somebody else said earlier on in this thread - get an appointment and either print off this thread or take your laptop down with the page loaded up.

You're clearly having a really bad time of it at the moment, and what you said about staying vigilant to increase your chances of catching something and fearing doctors aren't taking you seriously are almost word-for-word with definitions of HA.

Doctors aren't just there to treat physical pain. If you're this upset with what's going on, there is no shame in heading down there and getting help. Almost every one here has probably done it. I did, and it was the best thing I ever did.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 18:40
Hi Jules,

Thanks for the message, I have actually lost quite a lot of weight since last Thursday 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) because I haven't been eating hardly anything since the beginning of last week. I'm really trying to get healthy now, but because I'm so over weight I must have done some serious damage already :-(

Maybe 5 or 6 times throughout the day I feel very calm, and feel like everything is going to be OK, each lasts between 15 minutes and an hour, but never longer. Everywhere I look people are dying (news, friends of friends), and I'm so scared I'll be next, I've got a lot of symptoms of serious illnesses and my blood results weren't normal which isn't helping

I'm really sorry for basically taking over this forum for the past week, but I can't shake the feeling that the doctors don't really understand my symptoms, or that I must have a really serious illness. I really do wish it was just anxiety, but I don't know how to believe that. I'm in tears most nights, thinking of what my family will do if I'm dying.


23-08-12, 19:32

You've got no need to apologise - we can all see that you're anxious and very worried about your test results and we all sympathise.

You've really had an excellent response today because people really want to help you. What's happening though is that posters are telling you your main problem is an anxiety disorder and that you must get help for this. Each time, you go straight back to your symptoms or test results. I don't want people to get frustrated with you for not listening which they will.

At your GP appointment next week, you must explain how you're feeling. Venus had an excellent suggestion for you to print this thread off and show it to your GP. I think that would demonstrate how bad your anxiety is.

Please try to take this on board.


Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 19:58
Hi Pip,

Thanks for the message, I have told my GP I used to suffer with health anxiety, and that I've been having panic attacks recently, he's prescribed me diazepam (that I'm too scared to use because it says not to on the leaflet if you have sleep apnoea) and given me a 'book on prescription' about dealing with health anxiety which I plan on trying to get tomorrow.

He's booked me in to see him next Thursday to talk about my health anxiety, and to possibly start me back on citalopram, he said he'll also talk about my blood test results, and I plan on bringing up my fears of the various health problems I think I may have.

I know I've got health anxiety, and it's not the thing I want to get treated for first, I'd like to rule out the other things I've got, hopefully that would calm me down a bit and then I could start on the health anxiety problem, I don't want to risk starting citalopram or any similar anxiety medication yet because it might alter some results for other things I might have.

I really do know I've got an anxiety problem, but at the moment it's not high up on my list of things to deal with.

Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions so far, and I'm sorry if it seems like I'm not taking them on board, I'm really trying to but it's very difficult at the moment.


23-08-12, 20:08
Hi jim. Im sorry you feel so rubbish. I really know how you feel I have been in the high state of panic you are in many times. But this may help, low levels of calcium can be caused by hyperventilation which I am with sure high anxiety would be the case. There are certainly other conditions that can cause hypocalcimia but a doctor would be looking at the whole picture not just one result. For example it can point to pancreatits but then liver blood results would be deranged again if it was to do with kidneys the egfr would be low. Take the supplements is it calcichew? Have your bloods rechecked and take it from there. In thr meantime relax, eat well and enjoy yourself. What do you like doing? Have you got friends you can talk to? You are young the most possible senario nothing at all is wrong. Good luck

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 20:19

Thanks for the post, the thing is about the hypocalcimia is that he can't have done all the tests in that one go to rule everything out, and I'm scared that the thing that hides best from blood tests is cancer. I did see a couple of websites saying it could be caused by hyperventilation, but I don't think I have been hyperventilating, I'm quite good at controlling timing between breaths, but they are always shallow even when I'm not anxious (probably because of my weight).

The tablets are called Adcal-D3 they are calcium and vitamin d together, which because its got vitamin d in has got me a little more worried.

I've got 4 good friends (pretty much my only friends too, I suffer from social anxiety too, but I never get into the same sort of state I do with health anxiety), but I've not got the courage to talk to them about it, I don't think they'd understand.

I don't think I'm eating well since last week, I've only had 500 calories so far today, from 2 sandwiches, and I'm not particularly hungry either, which I'm seeing as another symptom, I hope it's not a symptom, but I can't shake the feeling that it is.

I'm about to go for a 10 minute walk, to try to get some exercise and some fresh air and then try to eat something else.


23-08-12, 20:33
Oh Jim. Honesty you would be hyperventilating even if you didn't know it. It can't be helped with anxiety. Do you know what blood tests were done? I can't talk to my friends either they would be so shocked. I come across as very together calm person. Only my gp and me know the truth!!! I can get in some awful states. I have two lovely children and my fear is leaving them. But you know its ironic really because im not enjoying them properly whilst im here due to my stupid stupid anxiety. I love my food but even I don't eat when in a high panic so I really think lack of appetite is normal. I always put the weight back on anyway-unfortunately. I am on the verge at the moment of stomach/bowel cancer. Have a gp appointment on Wednesday. Always have my heart fear in the background. Its a nightmare isn't it. Keep posting we all need support sometimes. Ps you are very good going out for a walk I need to do more of that x

23-08-12, 20:57
I agree with everything daisydoo has said, I also have two gorgeous children and worry constantly about leaving them. I was in a terrible state about a month ago, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, felt constantly sick and although I'm still worrying all the time that I have cancer (lots of symptoms) I knew I had to snap myself out of it. At Dr's tomorrow which I'm dreading but since not thinking about it day and night my symptoms are not as bad. I also have hypothyroidism and a folate deficiency, have lost loads of weight (supposed to gain with hypothyroidism). So you see you are really not alone in your fears and we understand, but googling constantly, focusing on it constantly is driving you crazy and making you ill. Sorry for the essay lol, just wish you could relax for one day and I'm sure you would feel much better x

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 21:33
I'm also thinking stomach/bowel cancer at the moment, I never feel hungry and when I do eat I always feel really full afterwards, only in the last 2 weeks though.

I've been for a walk but I don't think it's helped at all, I had a tingling feeling above my left temple before the walk, it's still there now but now it goes all over the left side of my head from my eye upwards which is making me think stroke / bleed on the brain / tumour :-( And to add to that I'm getting left arm pain too.

Yesterday I thought an infection was coming back too, and I think it's well and truly back now MALE PERSONAL ISSUE BE WARNED: I had balanitis a few weeks ago and antibiotics cleared it up, but it's well and truly back now, along with the green discharge.

I wish I could be told "you've got 50 years left, enjoy them" but I can't see it, I don't even think I've got 50 days left :-(

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

ALSO: I think I've said this before somewhere but I can't remember, I've also got frequent urination, I've just been for the 3 time in less than an hour :-(

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

That now makes it 4 times in an hour :-(

It's very clear with hint of yellow, and there seems to be quite a lot each time.

23-08-12, 21:36
Frequent urination is anxiety. I don't wee enough and that worries me. Have told my gp I have kidney failure!!! Im still sure I have. That sounds uncomfortable thou could you get a gp appointment tomorrow or out of hours to get some antibiotic cream? Make sure they send a swab as well to make sure its the right antibiotic. I get exactly what you described with the face tingling etc all the time. Hate it. Also have terrible palpitations sometimes every second beat. My stomach is really painful tonight so no eating here either. Just remember you are not alone. Step away from google, watch some rubbish tv and chill

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

Clear and lots is good kidneys working well

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 21:44
Thanks again,

I think I'm gradually getting it into my head that quite a lot of my symptoms other people here have had, it's calmed me a little, but I've still got the fear of cancer or some other serious disease.

I'm hoping the frequent urination is due to the balinitis, but I can't find anything that relates the two. I think I'll go to the GP tomorrow and get more antibiotics, a swab wasn't taken last time so I might ask this time.

If I see my usual GP I hope he doesn't get annoyed when he sees my name pop up.

23-08-12, 21:51
That's what they are paid (very well) for so never think that. And you need to see him this time. But the rest of the stuff just our very clever minds causing chaos. But why can't I take my own advice!!! Totally understand the symptoms/pain are very real

rachel m
23-08-12, 21:53
jim you realy do need to try to calm your self down. Its easier said than done i know. all these posts from other sufferers should help you to achieve this. most of us have been or still are going through exactly what you are going through right now. all these symptoms you have described most of us have expierienced at some point just take a few minutes to look around the forum. you will find an answer. You say you dont want to start back on your ADs until you get answers from your GP about your physical symptoms well i think he will tell you that taking your ADs is the answer because you need to treat the anxiety before you feel any relief from the physical symptoms. :)

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 22:35
Yeah I do want to try to help with my anxiety, but I'm worried symptoms will automatically be put down to that.

P.S. The tingling is now down the side of my face too, on my cheek :-(

23-08-12, 22:46

The best advice I can give you for now is log off here, stop googling and go and watch tv or read a book or do some relaxation or anything to get away from feeding your worries and long list of symptoms.

Reassurance isn't working so just get away from the computer and stop analysing your body as you are actually making all these aches and pains etc come on.

Anxiety Jim
23-08-12, 22:57
I'll try but no doubt I'll be checking in an hour at most, I think being on here is more of a help than not, but maybe being on here too long is less help than being on occasionally.

23-08-12, 23:08
hi,i really do feel for you but you really aint doing yourself any good!!!
you are googling things and only taking notice of the really bad things,i bet if we all look at cancer symptoms we all have a few,but it dont always mean it is cancer...
and if you really think it is cancer then go get a 2nd opinion,stop looking on the internet for answers...i think you need to treat your anxiety 1st and things wont get overlooked,if the dr thinks there is something else wrong they will tell you,like they did this morn when they rang you...i dont think you realise how bad your health anxiety is..i hope you get to see the dr soon and please tell him/her that this is taking over your life!!!
all the best :)

23-08-12, 23:45
Jim has all the signs/symptoms of elevated levels of anxiety.

Jim, ask for the DSM IV questionnaires for anxiety and depression. The results will give you the diagnosis you need and the treatment - CBT.

I am as certain as anyone can be that all of your physical symptoms are caused directly by your thought patterns. I have been where you are and I have been cured. Ok, I get the occasional blip but I am in a far better situation than I was 12 months ago both physically and emotionally.

Anxiety Jim
24-08-12, 01:33
I'll ask about the questionnaire when I next see him.

But I really am starting to totally believe I'm seriously ill, I've got a lot of symptoms, abnormal blood test results, and I've never felt this weak and generally down in my whole life.


24-08-12, 01:58
You haven't got abnormal blood tests though.

I think if you start on a diet and healthy regime it could improve your life no end.

Stress is not good for us so calm down, chill and concentrate on things you can change