View Full Version : Lymph node scares, despression

23-08-12, 10:12
Hello, this is my first post on here. I'm glad my friend reccomended this to me, I really need it. My fears focus on cancer, many lymphoma. Or anything serious mostly. I have this sorta small lump under my chin that is under my chin. It's moveable and not painful. I'm not sure what it is, and i'm afraid to go the a Doctor. My father has the same thing under his chin, and I actually was trying to convince myself that me and him both had the same illness. I'm afraid it's lymphoma or any other cancer causing this lump or lymph node to swell. I've suffered with Health Anxiety for awhile and I need help from other people. I locked myself inside my house and I am afraid to go out sometimes. Could you try and explain what this thing is under my chin? I'm really derpressed over it.

Thanks for listening, -Kevin

23-08-12, 16:49
Hi Kevin


It sounds like a lymph node. If it is moveable and doesn't seem to be getting any bigger then it is probably innocent. Have you had a cold or a sore throat recently.

I have one in my neck that I can feel from time to time. It has been there for years. When I went to the doctors just to get it checked out, they sent me for a blood test, which came back fine.

Lymph nodes come up when your body is fighting infections and sometimes they can take a while to go down and in some cases never go down.

If you are worried you could go to your doctors just to get it checked out, as they are really the only people that can tell you for certain.

Please try not to worry it is most likely to be your Health Anxiety. Are you getting any help with that?

23-08-12, 17:11
Hi, I have the same thing in my neck, been there for a few months. I had an ultrasound on it and was told its a cyst. I had same fear as you. Please try not to worry. Just go to go to get it checked for reassurance x

23-08-12, 19:50
Yes I do get help with my HA. My friend Naomi, (Also A HA Sufferer) Helps me get through it everyday. I want to go to the doctor but i'm afraid too. What if they make me take a blood test I couldn'y go through with it. I'd freak out. I'm not sure if it's a lymph node or not. It's not that moveable, but i'm afraid it's also a cancer lump. But it's inside my skin, so i'm not that sure about that therory.

23-08-12, 21:04

Try reading through this thread:


It shows how many people have the same symptoms and they'll all ok. Very, very unlikely to be anything to worry about, especially if your dad's got exactly the same.


24-08-12, 08:47
I mean i'm very active. I don't feel sick or anything. I was sick back in may, around the 20th to the 24th. But I don't think my lymph nodes could still be swollen from that. Can it?