View Full Version : Basically-Need help sleeping.

23-08-12, 13:20
Right, well i sleep all night, every night, for around 12 hours.
However, im so depressed, it seems ideal to be asleep, well, all the time, all day & all night.

No pain, right?

So, can anyone tell me any idea's on how i could sleep, close to constantly?

(I dont want to go down the route of overdosing on tablets i shouldn't even have, again though)

23-08-12, 16:36
It is difficult being depressed and finding any motivation, I know.
Set yourself one small task each day, write it down the night before, something that will improve your quality of life. Think of something that you would want to do if you did not suffer with depression.

take care.

23-08-12, 17:00
I just feel it would be ideal to be able to sleep not only at night, but all day as well, there is abs no pain while sleeping :shrug: Just don't particulary want to overdose on tablets every hour like i used to....
and i can't think of any small tasks, something I'd want to do if i weren't feelin' depressed ;/

23-08-12, 19:06
Sleep is the first cure for emotional disorders...to have a good sleep. If you feel you need a good 12 hours, maybe you do.
But not all day. You can't run away and hide like that. With one good sleep each night, you are doing the healthy thing and helping yourself.
Depression makes you want to hide away and hibernate, some people say they wish they could sleep forever, and I've felt like that before. Sleep is there to refresh you for a new day so you can start life and tackle your problems. Time spent in the day sleeping is time spent avoiding the problem and therefore prolonging it! Plus you feel groggier and more depressed when you are awake. It also really helps for depression to get up as soon as you wake up rather than lying in, I would put that tip as the third most useful part of my recovery from it and anxiety.
What therapy or meds are you on please? What were you overdosing on?

23-08-12, 19:15
12 hours is normal for me, yeah >_<
and gaaaah, it would be soo much easier to sleep all the time V_v
and i stopped counselling and told him i love life. so nothing.
and i was overdosing every 2 hour or hour or so, or whenever really, on just the usual paracetamol, ibrufen and went through quite a lot of solpadol...

23-08-12, 19:41
Why were you overdosing, was it to sleep? And why did you stop councilling? You need to go back and see your doctor if you are getting no help.

23-08-12, 20:07
to harm myself, to make 'self tired, and the last time i did it, was to kill myself, (bout 40 solpadol & paracetamol etc... but i got my liver sorted out in hospital so im healthy again now >_< and idk, just no point in it... i CANT talk about things like this with people in real... so i cant help but tell them lies, that i feel amazing etc... just weren't workin' out.. & no. **** IT. im ****ing leaving now, goodbye. no-one cares Nd dads just told me he doesnt love me & im "a ****ing stupid whore", because i told him i will do housework in a minute.

---------- Post added at 20:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

right its fine. i can ****ing control myself, and yanno, i even find opening up on here a challenge sometimes, all these people concerned inboxing me, i just wanna say everythings amazing....

24-08-12, 18:18
I'm glad you reconsidered. I won't be concerned about you if you don't want me to. You can take care of yourself. However I don't think you are going about helping yourself in the right way. You say you have trouble opening up and I can see you have a lot of stuff bottled up that you feel compelled to keep down. There are people that want to help you and you, deep down, want that help even though you are pushing us away.
People are concerned about you because of posts like that in all fairness. Is your dad always that horrible? He sounds awful.
...Listen, try me. Send me a message, tell me as much or as little as you want and I will non-judgementally read through and try to help you as best you can. We love helping people here. I know you are in a very bad place. Hugs :hugs:

24-08-12, 18:52
It's fine, its just how he is >__< And i will message you later methinks, or tommorrow, just had a REALLY, open, good, emotional chat with my mum and im just... idk, just feel everywhere at the moment.. >__<

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

and i find opening up, scary... but talking of opening up, ive just told my mum everything, exactly what went on before i had to leave & just how i felt and feel, and the anger thats usually there, just wasnt.. first time in 'bout, 2 years, we've openly talked together...

24-08-12, 22:10
That's an excellent step forward! It's amazing how different you can feel once you've got stuff out. Well done.

03-09-12, 12:25
That's an excellent step forward! It's amazing how different you can feel once you've got stuff out. Well done.
step forward? :C
ive made a huge step backwards tbh...
right now, im taking pleasure in starving myself as best I can...
the feeling of sickness from not eating numbs emotional pain.
plus im feeling Extremely self destructive, maybe even at my worst...