View Full Version : Worried about work

23-08-12, 16:21
I seemly started having anxiety/depression issues around 8 years ago when my thyroid was out of whack (overactive then treated so I became underactive). For the last 6 years or so I had my moments but have kept my anxiety in check. Over the last 6 years I have worked full-time earning a decent wage,got married last year to my lovely lady but then about a few weeks ago I started getting regular palpitations which used to occur every few months but now they are increasing in frequency. But the palpitations aren't even the worst of it, I started bad bout of anxiety and depression which has made me from a reasonably confident functional person into a wreck. I have been signed of from work for a couple of weeks as I do not have the ability to focus and concentrate on anything I have gone to the doctors to have blood tests done as the last time I felt a bit like this was around 8 years ago when my thyroid troubles started. I have started taking anti depressants for the first time (15 mcg Mizarepine?) 3 days ago and have adjusted thyroxine medication and now its a wait an see approach to see if I improve. Strangely its hard to tell whether I'm improving as I'm not sure the lethargy or anxiety I feel is the natural kind or the kind that happens when someone is unwell if that makes sense. My work/boss has been supportive as they are willing to pay me for up to three weeks. I'm worried about bills etc and its kind of a race against time to get well within the next couple of weeks as my work are only going to pay me for so long. I know I have employment rights and I understand my work are not going pay me to sit at home indefinitely but they cannot sack me can they?

23-08-12, 21:14
u can apply for esa which is for ppl who feel that they cant work