View Full Version : Do splinters come out on their own ?

23-08-12, 18:56
Have a pain in toe looked at it and saw what I think is a damn splinter .... Don't think a little cut would hurt to walk on so much it's really painful don't know how I got it but did feel something go in toe a few days ago ... Scared as hell of infection etc etc like that I have no antiseptic what to do??

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:47 ----------

I've had then before never a painful one though

---------- Post added at 18:20 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

The only thing to do is to pop to see if I can see a nurse after work tommorow? Does that look silly on my part lol and will I look like a paranoid ha freak??

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ----------

ive heard freak stories like splitners have travelled to the blood stream and killed
def gonna see if i can see a nurse tommorow afternoon
it hurts

---------- Post added at 18:56 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

ill have to cancel my dentist check up but its the only chance i will get to see someone
hope i can see someone to

23-08-12, 19:06
hate to scare u but my daughter had a splinter in the finger and she never told us it swelled and she had to go A E to have it taken out

23-08-12, 19:13
scared i wont make it through the night and tommorow morning now

---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ----------

how long did she have it in for before having it taken out
im terrified of waiting till tommorow and even then might not get seen
nearest a and e 10 miles away no way of getting their

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

feel like crying now

23-08-12, 19:21
sorry ive scared u she had it in for months and it got infected i would go your gps 2mora emma

23-08-12, 19:25
i will do
ill have to go in the afternoon and hope i can get seen then
also is their a chance one day will create an infection?

23-08-12, 19:30
i think she didnt wash her hands properly as ahe was only 8 at the time so that might have caused an infection

23-08-12, 19:32
ok was it their for months and months?
i want to make it through tonight dont know how ill sleep tbh

23-08-12, 19:34
have u tried a sterlie needle to remove it yrself?

23-08-12, 19:38
yes no luck tried bathing it etc all that no luck

23-08-12, 19:44
ok u should see a nurse or doc 2mora then emma hope all goes ok

23-08-12, 19:46
thanks youve scared me into thinking something could actually happen overnight
what if they cant see me?
i cant get to a and e

23-08-12, 20:12

I'm always getting splinters and I can usually get them out myself with a sterile needle. If not, they've always moved to the surface themselves as the skin renews itself and have just fallen out.

I've never had to go to the docs about it and I'm still here 41 years and counting... If you really feel you need to go and see a nurse tomorrow, I really don't think you'll come to any harm overnight.


23-08-12, 20:52
thanks pipkin thats what i thought aswell
ill see what its like tommorow if i feel i need to go i will
thanks so much x

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:29 ----------

one q
did urs hurt to walk on

23-08-12, 20:57
I've never had one on my foot - they're always on my hands but yes, I imagine it would be really painful. I got one up my fingernail once and it was excruciating.


23-08-12, 21:07
I've had a few splinters and so has my daughter, mine was in a few days because I couldn't get it and it didn't get infected. Don't worry x

23-08-12, 21:42
Thanks how did you get it out or did it come out on its own? Thanks pipkin I'm sure the trying to get it out made the Pain worse lol

23-08-12, 21:48
I had one in the back of my thigh last week, it was in too deep for me to get out so i waited two days and then used a sterile needle to take it out once it had come to the surface of the skin.

It was huge...........more like a plank of wood lol!

23-08-12, 22:01
It moved closer to the surface, plus I waited until the soreness had eased a little from me constantly poking it with a needle lol x

24-08-12, 10:24
Lol thanks people. Not sure whether to go to docs or not . If I don't I'll have to wait till next Friday to go .. Would it be ok a week inside me? Not sure how long it's been their for ..... Or should I just go and ask I feel silly going when I could watch it the next few days but if it went wrong I couldn't see a doc or anything in that time space . Do you think it will come out when it's ready ??

24-08-12, 10:42
It ought to come out when it's ready, your body will push it out. Do you have an NHS walk in centre far from you? Could always go there.

24-08-12, 16:13
No not one near me... 10 miles away..... Still undecided whether to try gps now or not . If not it'll be till next Friday

---------- Post added at 13:04 ---------- Previous post was at 13:02 ----------

Is a splinter ok left one week ??

---------- Post added at 13:20 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

It's either try and go now or panic all week about it .really undecided

---------- Post added at 13:31 ---------- Previous post was at 13:20 ----------

Got about 10 mins to make mind up

---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

Managed to get an app at 4pm today . However it's the doctor not the nurse. I feel silly lol.

---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

She got it out tiny little thing feel I can enjoy my weekend now though

10-09-12, 18:29
got another one in foot i think dont know how
going to wait for it to come out this time cant be bothering with it

10-09-12, 18:47
I usually put a little bit of magnesium sulphate on (from chemist) it draws the splinter out really quickly.