View Full Version : How to deal with my father who is abusive and aggressive due to mental illness?

23-08-12, 18:14
Hello I'm 22 years old and live with my parents (I get free rent due to claiming benefits) I'm currently disabled with balance problems and bowl disease along with Anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and panic attacks. My mother has to care for me I cannot move out or live along. Anyway my father suffers from Clinical depression and has done for 25 years along with this he has been diagnosed with mild OCD and GAD. My dad has always had problems with anger and controlling his frustration but in the last 5 years he has got a lot worse, he get easily irritated and frustrated for example... If i make toast and leave one or two crumbs on the work top he will scream, shout, bang his fists against the wall and cause a fuss about what a mess it is, (bare in mind these are just a few crumbs) the same thing happens with spilled water or any untidiness in the house he will totally have a melt down to the point of screaming out the window at people passing by the house even shouting racist abuse. He cannot go less then 1 mile in the car to the supermarket without shouting out the window abuse or complaining about something or somebody for example somebody driving too slow, He will scream and shout so loudly i have to put my fingers in my ears and pray that nothing else sets him off, While in the supermarket he always complains to the manger about the food or service and ALWAYS shouts at the shoppers who get in his way. If children are outside are house playing, laughing and making noise He will scream at the top of his voice and shout abuse but not usually in front of them. Today i left the toilet seat up as i had to rush downstairs to answer the phone, an hour later and he is still screaming about it and has now directed his anger to Asian and black people (for some reason he blames them for the way people are today ). I don't know how to cope with him anymore as I have my own problems and my mum is pulling her hair out over him. He has good periods where he is normal but then it suddenly erupts out of nowhere, I need him to get help but i don't know how or where to get it. Thank you sorry its a bit long xx

rachel m
23-08-12, 23:27
hi lebe18 :). you could speak to your local citizens advice beurau. they will put you in touch with the relevant people who can help you. It seems you have alot to contend with. Good luck let us know how you get on.