View Full Version : Partner that doesn't understand....

23-08-12, 18:22
Hey, I just wondered what other peoples other halves are like with their anxiety?

23-08-12, 18:52
mine didnt understand which lead to a break up but we r getting back toghther soon

23-08-12, 20:53
Mine is kind & tries to help, but I get upset with him because I know he hasn't really dealt with anyone that gets anxiety before, I was ok for the first couple of years of our relationship but its just come back :(
What happened with your partner? is he more understanding now?

23-08-12, 20:56
he moved out of my house i moved in with parents i just hope he can b more understanding we still have sum discussion about getting bk with each other

27-08-12, 11:08
Hi wafflewaffle, My ex never really understood my problems with anxiety, she was more concerned about how people would think about her for dating me, in the end she left me for someone else. selfish b***h. My life since has just got worse and worse. She left me when I needed her the most. I hope things work out for you, best of luck.

27-08-12, 13:00
My husband dont understand he gets mad n says its all in my head n forget about it n b normal.....if only x

blue moon
27-08-12, 13:05
Mine is my lifesaver,without this wonderful caring kind human being I may not be here today
I love you,my husband of 40yrs.

27-08-12, 13:31
Mine has no understanding and I can't go to her when I really need to the most.

27-08-12, 13:45
Mine had no idea which was hardly surprising seeing as I kept it to myself. When things started getting a bit too much for me and I decided to go and see the doctor, I spoke to my husband about it. He still doesn't understand exactly what I am going through but he does ask me how I am and when I've been to see the doctor he is interested in what she said etc. I mentioned about possibly seeing a councillor (the doctor suggested it) and he can't see why I would even do that. So, he doesn't really get it but he is trying to help me when he can.

27-08-12, 23:10
My wife dont understand, changes subject when i try to speak about anxietx or how i feel, never once asked me how i feel. Being alone in this makes me feel stronger.

27-08-12, 23:15

My ex did not understand and we divorced mind you i was quite bad then.

If you have a partner that understands and supports you with mental health issues i would say you are very lucky.]


30-08-12, 14:40
I was lucky that my partner had had one or two panic attacks when she was younger so she understood.

But she does get frustrated at times when I go through bad patches that last long periods. Says I should fight it more but we are ready when we are ready.

30-08-12, 14:44
My husband says he can't understand how I am feeling because he has never been anxious, but he can see that it is very distressing for me and is very supportive and when I am really bad will just sit and hug me. I feel bad sometimes that I feel like I let him down a lot.

30-08-12, 15:08
Hey, I just wondered what other peoples other halves are like with their anxiety?

My wife has tried the hardest of anyone I've ever met to understand my OCD and ... she just doesn't get it.

And, frankly, I'm happy for her.

Let's face it, if you've never experienced this like we do (the heavy, dragging you down, soul crushing burden) then you aren't going to understand it any better than a blind man trying to understand my explanation of 'red'

Learn about your disorder and manage it. Get a therapist, have them teach you coping strategies, get meds if you need them - but YOU need to understand it in order to live with it.