View Full Version : can someone please anyone help me

23-08-12, 18:39
Please can someone just listen to me
I keep talking to doctors pyschiatrist and messaging on nmp
And it feels like I'm just being ignored and that no one cares
And I'm on the edge

23-08-12, 18:44
Hi R. Barratt

Firstly can I say im sorry your feeling like this, and you feel you are getting no help. Sometimes with the forum people maybe feel that they can not give you any advice or prob feel the same way themselves. I personally do not think you are being ignored.

I will check your prev posts and see if I can offer any advice.


23-08-12, 19:13

Sorry you feel like you're being ignored but I really don't think you are. You've started 61 threads since you joined in November and have had replies to all but one.

Can I suggest you're clearer about what you want? Are you looking for advice or to make friends to chat to? There are lots of people on here who would love to chat to you and who understand just what you're going through.

You're not being ignored and you're not on your own.

Take care


23-08-12, 19:21
People do care. I tend not to reply to posts because I feel I don't give good advice like other people seem to, so I keep quiet.

I know how it feels that doctors and the CPN I was seeing didn't really understand what I was saying or get how bad things were.

You aren't alone, we are all experiencing these things and do understand.

Has something particular happened?

24-08-12, 17:23
I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be horrible or anything. I'm just begging people for advice and friendship. I have gone to so many people asking for help and people seem to not be taking me seriously. So any advice is appreciated. I want to get it sorted out before I end up being sectioned.

24-08-12, 17:48

You can't post on the penpal forum as you're 17 according to your profile but that doesn't stop you building up friendships with people asking for friends on other threads. I'm sure they'd appreciate it as much as you would. It would be a great way to give and receive mutual support.

Take care


24-08-12, 17:55
Thank you that's really kind of you :) xxx

24-08-12, 18:32
Staying in the mental health hospital might be good. :) it's there to help you.
What support do you have at the moment ?

24-08-12, 19:27
At the minute I live at a place where there's 24 hour support but its a bit crap to be honest and they don't listen. I also see a psychologist but she also doesn't seem to listen to me or take me seriously when I say how I want to hurt myself . I feel like no one cares or listens to me

25-08-12, 16:14

Seriously does it matter how many posts people make ?

R. Barratt Im sorry you feel as though you are not getting help, stick with it and when people can help, they will.

I thought this website was to help people and simply counting how many posts people have made is totally inconsiderate.

R. barratt, you will find the answer and will get loads of replies soon, Im sure, people cannot comment if it does not apply/happen to them.

Hope you feel better soon.


25-08-12, 16:43

Seriously does it matter how many posts people make ?

R. Barratt Im sorry you feel as though you are not getting help, stick with it and when people can help, they will.

I thought this website was to help people and simply counting how many posts people have made is totally inconsiderate.

R. barratt, you will find the answer and will get loads of replies soon, Im sure, people cannot comment if it does not apply/happen to them.

Hope you feel better soon.


Moira - you misunderstand me. Of course it doesn't matter how many posts people make, or how many threads they start. I'm merely pointing out that people do care and reply. I wouldn't want Rececca to feel like she's being ignored because she's not.

Rebecca - I hope you're feeling a bit better today. Remember that we're all here to listen. We all need support from time to time, myself included. That's why this site is so good.

Keep posting and take care

Pip x