View Full Version : Dehydration or Anxiety?!

23-08-12, 20:00
Help! Im really scared right now! since I went on holiday I have felt dizzy/lightheaded and tired...I did worry alot while I was their but I drank loads because I was scared I was dehydrated and I also had a re-hydration drink or something. Anyways im back now and on the taxi back I felt so ill and I threw up everywhere then I felt fine. But later on in the day I felt ill again and I had a glass of blackcurrent and threw that up. But since then I have kept water and everything down. I do not have diarrhoea either 4 days straight now I have had 9-10 bottles of water but I feel soooo hungry like starving! I still feel tired and I sometimes get tingly sensations on my head...my mum keeps telling me it's me worrying because I have had plenty to drink what do you think? Because I can't stop crying and ive had enough! I keep thinking im going to end up in hospital and die :'(

23-08-12, 20:04
Its defiantly anxiety! I drink over 15 bottles of water today and still feel like i'm going to get dizzy! Don't worry about it. You are fine! Just keep drinking water!

24-08-12, 00:03
Your going to be fine you have had plenty of water so your not dehydrated you said you feel hungry have a piece of toast see if you keep that down the more you worry the more you will have horrid anxiety symptoms so have something to eat see stick something on telly a comedy or something to take your mind of it and see how you go x

25-08-12, 12:14
Thankyou both of you :) I just keep getting dead panicky about it and it scares me because I think it's never going to go off :/

25-08-12, 12:19
hey there hope your feel better soon dry crackers should help bind your stomach and you b able to keep those down and then try other stuff if you keep those down x:)