View Full Version : need another course of macrobid for uti

23-08-12, 20:06
OK so I have been so good for over a year, havent googled anything, havent been to the drs for minor complaints and thought id actually cured myself of HA but a week ago i got UTI symptoms and was prescribed macrobid, msu sent and it all cleared up within 3 days, wasnt too worried now i finished the course 2 days ago and been back to drs today becasue the infection is back, i got leucocytes and trace of blood in urine, he has prescribed me another bout of macrobid this time 7 days instead of 5. Im freaking out, I go on holiday on saturday and cannot bear the thought of this uti getting worse and developing into kidney failure while im away, its destroying my whole life at the moment, im obsessed with it being some sort of cancer as usual please please please help, is it normal to need a longer course of antibioitcs for utis? as my doctor panicked me saying it was unusual???? also go this pain in my right hip and thigh, so now convinced its ovarian!! please help i just want to be ok for my holiday!!!!

23-08-12, 20:59
It is very common to need a few extra days antibiotics. Not sure why your gp said it wasn't?? When you get back from your hols pop another sample to the surgery and ssj them to send it to the lab to make sure the infection is gone. Drink plenty and enjoy your holidays you will be fine. Ps my urine sample alwaysshows blood and leucocytes but when sent to the lab never shows infection so may not even still be infection there

23-08-12, 21:27
Thanks for reply, i forgot to ask him if my msu actually showed up an infection, he just said it was sensitive to macrobid so that was the best for me, he had a student with him so was being quite guarded, as i usually say things like do i have cancer? he said im not saying that but we do have to be careful!!! which freaked me out even more!!!

23-08-12, 21:48
Maybe he was been like because of the student??? Not really sure. Honestly uti are often hard to treat. Leucocytes can seen on the dipstick urinalysis from vaginal discharge. When is your period? What symptoms are there? It must have shown an infection to know what it was sensitive to but often 7 day course is needed. At least you know it is been treated with the right antibiotic so the risk of a kidney infection is very very low and the risk of cancer is none! But do take another sample after hols to put your mind at rest