View Full Version : This can't be normal?

23-08-12, 20:10
Not to give you guys too much information to make you uncomfortable but for the past week I have been having green feces/craps, whatever you wan't to call it, I've read on the internet that it could be from eating too much green vegetables, but to be honest I haven't had any in forever. I have been perfectly fine but this is just worrying me because this can't be normal. Or is it? I'm not that nervous suprisingly but I know if this keeps up I will be! Can anyone help me? :\

23-08-12, 20:11
What about grape juice? I know that can have the same effect...

23-08-12, 20:14
Haven't had grape juice in awhile :\

23-08-12, 20:17
hmmm... it can also be the result of a diet with a lot of iron-fortified food, or a diet with a lot of fatty foods... maybe one of those fits your situation?

23-08-12, 20:20
Hm, I don't know. For the past week all I have been eating is hotdogs, chicken patties, and tator tots, and pizza.

23-08-12, 20:23
well, THAT sounds well-balanced! :winks:

23-08-12, 20:24
well, THAT sounds well-balanced! :winks:

So I'm guessing what i've been eating this whole week is all fatty foods which is causing this?

23-08-12, 20:26
of course, I'm not a doctor or a dietician, but I'm thinking it's a very strong possibility.

23-08-12, 20:27
Hi! I had that before, some of my friends got it from a stomach virus, but I never had a stomach virus. It went away after a week without me doing anything and I don't think i had any green vegetables during that time. If it lasts for some time it wouldn't hurt getting it checked out by a doctor, but honestly it's probably nothing.

If I remember correctly, I think it can be caused from it going through the intestines too fast? Either way, it should clear up on its own.

23-08-12, 20:39
Hi! I had that before, some of my friends got it from a stomach virus, but I never had a stomach virus. It went away after a week without me doing anything and I don't think i had any green vegetables during that time. If it lasts for some time it wouldn't hurt getting it checked out by a doctor, but honestly it's probably nothing.

If I remember correctly, I think it can be caused from it going through the intestines too fast? Either way, it should clear up on its own.

I would go to the doctors but i've been there 4-5 times in the past week, and if they're going to take my blood I'm not going. I'm terrified of passing out and it almost happened last time, so now im afriad of even a little needle going in me. I really hope this isn't anything serious :S

23-08-12, 21:01
I really, really don't think its anything serious. Just drink plenty of water and try to eat healthy, it should go away on it's own in a couple of days.
Also I don't think a blood test would be needed, and you probably won't even have to go to the doctors at all. It really is more common than you think :) Try not to worry everything will be fine :hugs:

23-08-12, 21:03
i have been getting yellow stools and loose as well but i have ibs

23-08-12, 21:03
I really, really don't think its anything serious. Just drink plenty of water and try to eat healthy, it should go away on it's own in a couple of days.
Also I don't think a blood test would be needed, and you probably won't even have to go to the doctors at all. It really is more common than you think :) Try not to worry everything will be fine :hugs:

Okay ill try my best :)

rachel m
23-08-12, 22:08
hi clank :) sounds like colic to me. Any other symptoms?.

23-08-12, 22:41
hi clank :) sounds like colic to me. Any other symptoms?.

No other than that i have been normal. What is colic?

23-08-12, 23:27
I would go to the doctors but i've been there 4-5 times in the past week, and if they're going to take my blood I'm not going. I'm terrified of passing out and it almost happened last time, so now im afriad of even a little needle going in me. I really hope this isn't anything serious :S

I used to be scared of having blood taken for the exact same reason until the doctor explained that the only reason people faint from a blood test is due to one of two things.

1) Anxiety
2) Not drinking enough water before

He said the actual amount of blood being taken is the maybe a teaspoon or sometimes a little more. Since he explained that my anxiety about blood tests has gone and so has the worry. I had one last time and it was fine, just made sure I drank lots and lots of water!

23-08-12, 23:37
I used to be scared of having blood taken for the exact same reason until the doctor explained that the only reason people faint from a blood test is due to one of two things.

1) Anxiety
2) Not drinking enough water before

He said the actual amount of blood being taken is the maybe a teaspoon or sometimes a little more. Since he explained that my anxiety about blood tests has gone and so has the worry. I had one last time and it was fine, just made sure I drank lots and lots of water!

I drink about 15 bottles of water a day, maybe more. I have to just keep drinking water, I don't know why. I have never been scared of getting blood taken till one day I wen't and got some taken, and I almost passed out, but suprisingly I didn't, and passing out is my biggest fear! So now I won't even let a needle get near me. At the doctors a couple days ago I had to get a shot, and it gave me such bad anxiety that I just couldn't do it! So now i'm going back 2 weeks into school hoping school with get rid of a little of my anxiety.