View Full Version : Hi there - boyward

23-08-12, 22:48
Hello, my name is Chris and I am a 35-year-old from Durham.

Always been a bit of an anxious person (nervous cough, inwardly shy-ish) but have been dealing with driving panic attacks for about a year.

They started to try and creep into other areas of my life recently so have been to the doctors and am awaiting further notice etc.

I thought I would join here and share my experiences with you all.

Happy to be here, thanks for having me.

Dad of two boys and married for 9 years.

Hope you enjoy my company for a while. :yahoo:

23-08-12, 22:50
A huge warm :welcome: to NMP.

You'll receive lots of advice here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the articles on the left for advice and post on the forum for support.

Best Wishes

Di x

23-08-12, 22:59
Hi boyward

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

rachel m
23-08-12, 23:41
Hi Chris. A great big :welcome: to you.

24-08-12, 00:45
Thanks for the welcome everyone. :)

I've had a brief look around and I am sure I will enjoy it here.

I've already joined the Facebook group too, so thanks for having me there.

Looking forward to understanding my panic and anxiety, getting on top of it and then hopefully being able to help others. I think it's so important to know other people know what you are going through and sharing your experiences.

There has been so many mental health stories around recently, and I can only see this as a positive step in un-stigmatising these issues and helping people to understand the problems they have and how to help themselves.

I am quite lucky as I have never been embarrased about the anxiety I suffer, although I don't broadcast it openly either.

I am sure I will get a lot of help here, and hopefully I can go on to help others. Would nice for something positive to come out of things.

Cheers everyone.

rachel m
24-08-12, 00:59
Well Chris its certainly a step in the right direction coming on here. :) Positive thinking is what its all about. You will be able to get in the chat room in a few days time. ill look out for you. :D

24-08-12, 01:33
Many thanks.