View Full Version : hey guys, new poster

silent bob
24-08-12, 07:19
hey everyone first time poster here.

ive been reading these forums for a few months and have been uplifted by alot of the stories and finally decided to post. ive been diagnosed with anxiety, stress, panic attacks and slight depression.. awesome combo huh? but im surr everyone here understands.

ill start from where it all began, i moved interstate late last year into my current partners place.. and had been abusing alcohol and weed for about 2 years previous and this kept going for a few more months. and everything was good n fine, until one day i decide to experiment and tried mushrooms... the first time was amazing and i wanted another go, but the second time was the catalyst for everything im feeling now. i had an accidental overdose and had a very very bad trip, throwing up, feeling like i had messed up and was going to definatly die... and then a following 4 hours of waiting for it to end. i ceased drinking and all drugs then and havnt tried any since.

the following 2 weeks i was fine but after that the anxiety kicked in hard. this eent on for about 2 months before i went to the doc, had all the tests done and discovered i was fine and actually very healthy. except i suffer migraines apparently.. but the feelings just keep going. im okay with the derealization and spacey feelings now because i know they will go. but what terrifies me is everything else.. irrational things run through my head and cause me to panic. such a yesterday i was freaking out about the weather.. and i knew it was fine but it still made me feel those feelings... and being afraid of sleeping, eapecially the half way between awake and asleep stage... i dont know if any of this has made any sense but im just typing as im thinking.

any help would be much appreciated, and hi again guys :)

24-08-12, 07:30
Hi silent bob

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.