View Full Version : Numbness. MS fear. Really frightened

24-08-12, 10:55
Hi all

Well am scared out of my wits again. About a month ago I noticed an odd feeling in my right arm which came and went. I then noticed a numbness in both arms when running which came and went. Well, last weekend 'the feelings returned and I made the stupid mistake of googling. !!! Since then I have tingling and numbness in both arms, hands, calves and feet. I cannot shift these feelings and can't seem to operate myself. Health is uppermost in my mind and can't think about anything else. I am in Spain on hols and have looked forward to this for so long and it's being spoilt by feeling this way. The feelings are so real. I have woken with a feeling of dread and my tingling and numbness is still here. I am do' scared that I have ms or something else incurable. I have two lovely daughters and need to be here to care for them. If this is anxiety how can I make these symptoms go? Can anyone help and reassure me? So hope so X

---------- Post added at 08:00 ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 ----------

Well have just been for a run and found it very strange. Still numb and pins and needles. Could I still run if I had ms? Had a shower and sadly still feel the same. Hoped a run would calm my anxiety and make me forget. Does anyone else bring on symptoms when they google? Please reply someone. Could really do with some friendly advice. X

---------- Post added at 09:55 ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 ----------

Is there really no one out there who can help me? :(

24-08-12, 11:03
I also fear i have ms as my mum already has it. my symptoms are strange head sensations and tingling n numbness in my face hands arms legs n feet ive to go see a neurologist n as much as i want to go n find out im frightened of the outcome. try not to worry xx

---------- Post added at 11:03 ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 ----------

The more u think about it the worse ur making it try do something to take ur mind off it n stop googling! im sure its just anxiety x

24-08-12, 12:05
Hi Melon - I went through an MS fear earlier this year when I started having anxiety issues. Didn't know what it was at the time but Dr. Google diagnosed me with either MS or ALS! Of course my symptoms went through the roof and I was a nervous wreck for weeks and even (embarrassingly) ended up in A&E one night because my right side went completely numb. I did alot of self testing; running up/down stairs, hopping, skipping and going out for runs - all of which I could do. Even now I sometimes do this just to prove I can!

I don't know when it happened but all of a sudden I moved onto brain tumours and strokes and all my tingling, numbness stopped! I'm now caught up in a cycle of weird head sensations but struggling to shake this one off.

I don't really know what my point is here but I believe yes; we can bring on symptoms. The mind is very powerful and anxiety can make us believe anything. How I wish I could listen to my own advise because for all I'm telling you, I don't believe it for myself :doh:!

24-08-12, 17:33
Hi meche. Thanks so much for your reply. HA is such a hideous thing. Never experienced it til I had children and now it seems to reappear every few months. Dr google has diagnosed me with ovarian, lung cancer, bladder cancer and now MS. I am embarrassed to see my doc. They know I suffer from HA but I feel stupid and as if they don't take me seriously. I just wish this numb feeling would bugger off. I now have numb teeth! Am meant to be enjoying my holiday in Spain but it's hard when HA is all I can think of. I too keep doing things to see if I'm normal. Went running today and felt alright albeit in 35 degree heat!! I sometimes jump up and down on the spot and do press ups just to show I am ok. Have tried CBT, counsellor but nothing seems to get to the root of my HA. Luckily my husband is do' understanding, but I feel so sorry for him as when I feel like this he gets lumbered with the kids etc. He works hard and this is his holiday too! Phew. Sorry about the rant. Off out for a meal tonight so am going to try really hard to relax. Easier said then done! Lol! Hope all fellow HA sufferers have a peaceful eve. Lots of love Xx

25-08-12, 07:54
Hi again everyone. Just awoken and still have numb and tingling hands, arms and toes and weakness in legs. It's so scary. I also woke seeing little flashes like stars, but when I blinked they went. Every time I shut my eyes for a while and the opened them in the dark I would see these flashes. Am fine now but it's scared me. Do you think it's because I read about flashes being associated with MS? I just really don't know. Someone please help. Xx

25-08-12, 08:21
Probably melon but im in the same boat im convinced i have it. if i were u id go see ur doc wen u get bk..not coz i think u shud b worried but just for ur own piece of mind. x

25-08-12, 08:30
is there a test you can get to rule out MS?

Numbness can because by being low in B12, maybe ask your doctor? I know if you are very low they sometimes give you injections of b12.

25-08-12, 08:53
[/COLOR]The more u think about it the worse ur making it try do something to take ur mind off it n stop googling! im sure its just anxiety x

If the more you think about it the worse you make it, ergo it is anxiety.

The more you think about it the more you worry. The more you worry them more shallow your breathing becomes (fight/flight response). The more shallow your breathing (and you can do this quietly) the more oxygen-rich/carbon dioxide-poor your blood becomes. The more this happens the more you will experience any or all of the following sensations:

Tingling and possibly a burning sensation in your hands or feet.

Tingling around your mouth, eyes and forehead.

Dry, watery or stinging eyes.

A prickling or maybe itching sensation on your skin, notably on your chest, torso, back, neck or legs and arms but virtually anywhere on your body.

The odd finger, toe or even patch of skin that feels numb. The randomness and lack of symmetry of this one can be quite scary. It is still caused by shallow, overbreathing.

Depending how long your breathing pattern is disturbed the above can last from a few minutes to full days.

The above convinced me I had MS for a while. The vicious cycle is broken when you accept that these powerful sensations are brought on by your thoughts.

25-08-12, 12:10
Hi, I thought I had ms last week.

Went to the drs and she looked for ages in the backs of my eyes. She said there is no signs of ms developing. apparently its u can see it via ur optic nerve its supposed to swell or just not look healthy.

I am happy now that mine look healthy. I would pay a visit to your optrician or even ask the doc to look in ur eyes.

I hope this helps and your fears fade. xx

25-08-12, 13:48
Thanks for all your replies. It's very strange the sensations. It's almost I can't function properly. My head is so wrapped up in anxiety and I feel a nervous wreck. I look at everyone around me who is happy and normal and wish I were like them. Can I really bring on these symptoms? I really can't believe I can! Am ruining my lovely holiday with worry :(