View Full Version : Day 11 Escitalopram - shaky

24-08-12, 10:08
Still just managing to go to work. Stomach ful of butterflies, feel on verge of panic attack, bit shaky, wobbly legs. I'm worried about the weekend as I might have to go out and about into public. It's scaring the hell out of me. Roll on week 5 or so on these tablets. I pray to god they're working their magic by then.

24-08-12, 10:18
You might not have to wait that long ! From day 14 the shakiness and tiredness and anxiety had all gone away ! I am on day 18 and feel pretty good. I am on 5mg. What dose are you on ? xxx

24-08-12, 10:32
I'm on 5mg a day as well. The shakyness and tiredness are bad enough, but it's the increased derealisation that's most concerning. I've been assured by other forum members that this gets worse before it gets better, but just hope that's sooner rather than later.

24-08-12, 10:37
Are you eating enough ? Chamomile tea really helped me I drunk about ten cups a day really calms me down ! Stick with it and try and distract yourself as much as you can, it WILL get better and you will slowly get your life back. You have been very brave in taking the meds and its a positive step towards being happy and getting your life back. Be kind to yourself xxx

24-08-12, 10:48
I take diazapam to calm me down, but even that's not working that well now.

24-08-12, 10:53
Well I personally wouldnt touch that. That can cause dp and anxiety withdrawal too. If its not working dont take it. Have you spoke to your doctor ? My partner and I started on 5mg and havent had any dp at all. Maybe its the diazapam causing it ?

24-08-12, 11:10
I was having the dp in the first place about 3 month ago, that's why I started taking the diazapam. It did help at first but the dp has got worse ever since I started taking escitralpram. I'm only still taking the diazapam until the esc starts working to take the edge off.