View Full Version : Just seen a lovely doctor

24-08-12, 10:25
Had my appointment at the dr's this morning and explained all my fears (cancer) and symptoms to him, he checked the marks on my arms, explained what the cause of all my back, leg and arm pain is and is referring me for CBT. I feel I can go on holiday tomorrow and relax now (fingers crossed). All these years of suffering and being fobbed off and it's taken one doctor to make me feel like a weight has been lifted.

Pointless post really but just thought I'd share:)

24-08-12, 10:38
Hi Abby, I'm glad you found someone who makes you feel better about yourself. I've been to the doctor 3 times this year with various 'ailments' and seen different doctors each time. 2 were lovely, very comforting and reassuring but the last one was very much 'what do you expect me to do about it'. I hate going to the doctor at the best of times but I haven't been back since because she made me feel stupid.

Out of interest what did he say was causing your arm/leg pain? xx

24-08-12, 10:57
Tendonitis in my arm which isnt healing because I have an 18 month old who constantly likes me to pick him up, the back pain (which I've had for months), he thinks is just a muscular thing which can cause the pain in my buttocks and legs, he's given me an exercise sheet to see if it helps.

Im sorry the doctor made you feel like that.. I have had the same experiences, it's as if they just want you in and out of there as quickly as possible and it doesnt help, especially with people who suffer anxiety xx

24-08-12, 11:17
ive had back and leg aches for months, ive been really worrying too!! what did you dr say about it! its like a dull ache xxxxx ive had cbt too and then take 5ml escalipram, feel loads better x

24-08-12, 13:46
He said its muscular which can also affect your bottom and legs so I'm going to accept what he said and try to put it out of my head. Focusing on it probably makes it worse. Hope yours eases soon x

24-08-12, 14:56
To me, positive posts are never pointless, because they bring with them a feeling of hope to those who may need it. I am glad your doctor visit went well, and that a weight has been lifted from you. Enjoy your holiday! :)

24-08-12, 15:00
aw lucky you, that's what I need a doctor to actually examine me and then explain to me what it is and not just tell me it's nothing!

24-08-12, 18:46
Thank you. He gave me the name of a website to go on called e couch until my cbt appointment comes through. Have no idea what it is as been too busy to go on but thought id let you all know in case its helpful x

24-08-12, 22:10
This post has really helped me too, thanks. I have been really worried about leg pain, it's the leg where I had a break years and years ago and it has been painful. My GP was really not interested and just told me to self refer to the physio who has a waiting list of months. I have two toddlers (my daughter is two and a half and my son one and a half) and I spend my ENTIRE day picking them up so I am wondering if this could be part of my problem too. I am about to start telephone CBT, so will see how that goes. I am so glad you got some answers.