View Full Version : I feel as though I have been born into the wrong era

24-08-12, 11:24
This is a very strange subject but does anyone here sometimes feel as though they have been born into the wrong era?

I am constantly thinking about the 1920s/30s and feel I should have been born into that time.
I feel a connection with it when I watch films/read books about that time - which I do a lot.

I like to look at old photos and imagine myself being there.

Is this something related to anxiety? Does anyone else experience it or am I the strange one?

24-08-12, 11:52
I often joke about this to family/friends! I wouldn't say I constantly think about it but I have a fascination for history especially tudor, victorian and egyptian eras. In saying that though I did go to Cairo a couple of years back and I felt like I'd been there before - now that's weird!

I don't think you're strange at all. It's a form of escapism. When I read I'm totally engrossed and for a short while I forget my worries and fears. xx

24-08-12, 17:04
I also feel like this, I feel like I am not living in the right era, so many things about modern day life make me feel anxious and unhappy. But I used to say this even before anxiety affected my life, I have a fascination about the 1940's and always wish that I had been around then despite the 2nd world war.

24-08-12, 18:11
I'm a sixties seventies and eighties person, I should have been born in the hippie era.