View Full Version : Really cant carry on like this

26-07-06, 09:06
I know i shouldnt have done it but yet again i went onto my boyfriends private messages.

And again there were some in there from a lass he been chatting to. Now it turns out that she did think something was going to happen and he told her no and that he had a girlfriend and wouldnt cheat

To cut a long story short he has asked her if she was talking to some lad she had argued with and and she said no at the bottom of that post seh said he would have to take her on his bike to some woods and bend her over and bam her (if you know what i mean)

He said something in his reply about her not speaking to this person and then he said to the woods thing PMSL Yeah i Will ;) (he put the wink in)

After that she wrote at the bottom of her next pm my missing is to pull Steve (my fella) he didnt seem to reply to this and there was nothing more from her.

Do you think im just over reacting, all my mates reckon he is just having a mess on and a joke and they said he wouldnt do anything (they know him)

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

26-07-06, 10:25
Firstly how are you getting into your boyfriends private messages? Correct me if I am wrong but if you are hacking into his email account then I think there might be some kind of law against that

I really think you need to speak to him about your insecurities...just tell him how you feel and say that you are worried in case he goes off with someone else, obviously dont tell him that you know about the messages!! just find some other way to word it.

I can imagine it must be hard but you need to stop checking his messages- it will drive you mad .

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

26-07-06, 10:32
I can only comment on what I would feel in this situation, but to be honest I would be really angry and hurt. Even if it they are only joking Istill think its too far, I mean having a flirt is one thing but talking about sexual things is more than flirting.
How would he feel if you were having these conversations with another lad, more to the point you probably wouldnt ever do it cos you know its wrong.
I'm really sorry if this isnt what you want to hear, but in my experience friends just say everythings ok to try and make you feel better.
Havent got a clue how you can handle this tho as im sure he'd be pretty peed off if you admitted to going through his emails


26-07-06, 10:47
I havent been reading his emails, it was private messages on a forum that he goes on. I know his password, and he probably knows i know it, but hasnt said anything.

He knows about my insecurities and he knows that i dont like him talking to his girl, but at the same time, why should he stop because i have problems. Its not really that he is talking to her its more about what its about as he knows she is interested in him so why is he leading her on. And why has she now said her mission is to pull him? She hasnt even seen him properly or spoke to him face to face!!!!

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"