View Full Version : Weird veins in mouth, pic included... Help

24-08-12, 12:25
Hi this is the main reason for my anxiety now purple veins one side of mouth, does anyone else have this or anything similar?

I keep googling pics and never seen anything like it on the internet anywhere. :weep:

Looking for some reassurance and wanna know if anyone else has veins there? Is it anything to worry about? Am I a freak... It dont cause pain and is not sore..


24-08-12, 12:45
looks normal to me the purple veins r blood vessals

24-08-12, 12:48
Ok thanks :). Do you have anything like it?

24-08-12, 13:02
i dunno dont look in my mouth lol

24-08-12, 13:04
Oh ok... anyone else? Looking for serious answers... :(

24-08-12, 13:07
i just looked at myn felt abit weird when one of my colleges past me and im going ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR in the mirror but yeah looks normal

24-08-12, 13:16
Well thanks for looking! So you reckon it's normal then? :sofa:... I just keep obsessing over it all the time, it's driving me a bit nuts lol... I just thought if other people had similar I'd stop worrying about it so much! :wacko:

24-08-12, 13:38
Your throat looks a bit irrated ? But might be the camera flash or colour settings.
Those veins are normal , I have them there and some horriable looking ones under my tounge

24-08-12, 16:37
I had a whole episode with my mouth last time my HA was bad and took to checking my throat with the light from my mobile.

Huge mistake. The inside of your mouth lights up like a Christmas tree when you shine a light on it, and those collections of various veins and stuff inherently look plain weird. Add HA into that, and it's easy to imagine a problem.

So, long story short, don't worry about it. It just looks weird regardless!

24-08-12, 21:37
The flash was on, when I took the pic with my phone. It doesn't feel sore or anything, that's just how it always looks as far as I know.

Anyway I'm glad I'm not the only one in the world, that has something like it.

It has put my mind at ease a bit, I will try not to keep looking at it and worrying myself sick over it. As I can't change the way it looks.

I am a bit of a perfectionist as well which doesn't help I suppose, I like everything to look perfect ie symmetrical... as in why are those veiny bits only on 1 side. Guess it's just my HA? Thanks for all your input and support! :)

24-08-12, 22:51
Totally normal, just blood vessels. Everyone has these.

05-10-12, 12:37
Hi there, been a while since I last posted... Feel my anxiety creeping back about these veiny bits in my mouth.

I was wondering if anyone has anything similar, could you post a pic. So I don't feel like I'm the only one that has anything like it.

Thought maybe if i could see something like it, I would stop worrying. :weep::unsure:

05-10-12, 12:58
They look extraordinarily normal to me.

Edit I just went and looked at mine and they are very similar, but I'm not taking a picture as I am in work and people might think I am mad.

Edit, edit - sorry I didn't mean to imply you were mad btw. :blush:

05-10-12, 14:02
It's completely fine!
There is no killer illness that has the symptom of "Veins in the mouth" :P

05-10-12, 16:07
Those are definitely normal sweetie :) My kids have them too XD

05-10-12, 17:25
Mine are exactly the same. I have even more of those little veins than you!! Totally normal and NOTHING to worry about!!!