View Full Version : New Member saying Hello

24-08-12, 13:53
Hi everyone,
Was browsing the web the other day & thought I'd join to see if I can find help. I've always had a social phobia (ever since my teens). After stopping playing sports & going to Uni, I found that I broke into a complete panic when having to sit in a classroom or mix with more than say two people at the same time. I found that the only way of overcoming this problem was by having a drink or two & after doing this I felt 'normal' and could mix & socialise.
However having a drink often meant having to take a drink early in the morning to cope with morning lectures or seminars. My choice was - don't have a drink & be a nervous wreck until I escape a group situation, or, have a drink & find mixing no problem.
Obviously I couldn't continue with this drinking early in the morning, so spoke to my GP & the solution was tranquillisers. I have been on these for approx 25-30 years & my only problem was a fear of social situations.
I still have the same problem though now also take Paracetamol & Codeine on & off. I have weaned myself off this every now & again, but never managed to come off tranquillisers.
I have been married with children & held down a reasonable job for all these years. The only way I could see myself coming off the tablets would be stopping work & experimenting or going old turkey though I need to work, sadly.
I'm not too down hearted as I know of others in worse situations than me but would be nice to cope without holding onto my bottle of tablets (never lost them in 25+ years, not bad eh?)
My GP is good and has offered hypnotism, therapy & everything under the sun (without much success).
So that is my story, never off the treadmill & coping, though would be great do so with medication:shades:

24-08-12, 15:48
hi and:welcome: to nmp