View Full Version : My first CBT session today...

24-08-12, 15:54
I'm just back from my first CBT session today... wasn't quite sure what to expect. I filled in a lot of forms, answered a lot of questions about myself and she talked A LOT!!! She told me an awful lot of theory about GAD (it was her MA specialism apparently) but I'm not sure I took it all in.

My first step is an activity log - I have to write down what I do at each point in the day and how I feel. I also have to do at least one thing that I used to enjoy every day (even just watching an old film or reading for ten minutes) and do so even if I don't feel that I am enjoying it.

I am not to fight my worries, but let them come. Any worries that cause me extreme anxiety, I am to write down and take back next week.

Interestingly, she said that she is part of the 'non deep breathing' school, because she believes that it can become a safety net and stop me from realising that I can cope with anxiety and worrying thoughts.

An awful lot to take in, but she was very nice and reckons I will probably need about ten sessions. She feels there is probably an underlying fear beneath my anxiety which it may be necessary to uncover. Yikes!

Anyway it's a start! Just thought this might be of interest to anyone about to start CBT!

18-09-12, 13:42
I start CBT next week. I really dont know what to expect and i am worrying about it. Hope yours goes well

18-09-12, 13:47
I start CBT today! Booked a session for this afternoonand 4:15. I am feeling nervous because its a 15 mile drive there and I don't know what to expect so I will report back later to compare! So glad someone else is starting too!

18-09-12, 18:57
I went! I already feel better! Just unloaded on the poor man. But it helped and I also need to write a journal!

18-09-12, 19:05
Congratulations! A valuable skill which you will develop through CBT is insight into yourself and your problem. There is a direct correlation between a person's level of insight and their ability to recover: a person who doesn't really put much thought into things is obviously going to struggle to break free of an anxious thought pattern.

It's interesting your therapist doesn't condone deep breathing. While it makes sense that she wants you to become reliant on yourself rather than some gimmick, deep breathing is (IMHO) an extremely important skill which counters stress, anxiety and hyperventilation, by restoring a sense of balance and making sure you get enough oxygen. For example, if you're hyperventilating, deep breathing helps more than any amount of self-evaluation. If you take lots of shallow breaths (like Rolf Harris making his noises) you will start to feel like crap very quickly. The theory is, anxious people do take rapid, shallow breaths, and deep breathing is the natural counter.

18-09-12, 19:50
Deep breathing is a god send. I don't think it's something you would depend on. It just helps when you are so anxious that you forget to breathe lol

18-09-12, 20:04
So it went well then !! im happy for you. I cant wait to start mine, its just the torture of the journey there that is scareing me. I also dont really know where to start with the therapist. keep me posted on how you are doing

18-09-12, 20:29
I was worried about the journey too but I got there and it was brilliant. He asked me questions so guided me into it and then that was it..I didn't shut up. lol. Just unloading to someone impartial was brilliant. I honestly had moments during my day today when I felt good and not so disconnected. Brilliant! CBT side my evening is going bad. I have a boild and I am so worried by its size and the fact that I might get blood poisoning and not catch it in time. Sounds like I am paranoid but I feel headachey and cold. Could be me imagining it but I am really worried.

19-09-12, 08:44
So glad it went well, hope you all find it useful. I'm really keen to try it so love hearing how you're all finding it :hugs:

19-09-12, 21:11
Glad it went well. Please dont try to worry about that, i am sure you will be fine. Get an appointment at the doctors tomoro and the chances are you will be started on a course of antibiotics.