View Full Version : found this quite useful - jelly leg feeling

24-08-12, 16:25
Most of us probably know this already, but i found it quite good to read if you get that jelly leg feeling!:

This feeling can be associated to a very common response during an anxiety attack, the ‘fight or flight’ response. This is a biological mechanism for the survival of species. When species are threatened, the mind and body react by either confronting the fear or running away from it. The same thing happens in an event of a panic attack. The blood rushes to your muscles and organs in preparation for a confrontation of any kind. In some cases, the increased rush of blood makes you feel that your legs are suddenly sore; however, your leg muscles are merely reacting to your feelings. Your legs are just getting ready whether you’re going to run away or just topple down.
When you’re in an increased state of anxiety and you feel that your legs are like jelly, your typical reaction would be to give in to the feeling, sit down and wait until it doesn’t feel like it anymore. Do not do this. This is the worst thing you can do. Do not give in to your anxiety. You’re making it stronger by feeding its symptoms. Do not obsess on the thought that you’re about to fall down at any moment. You won’t. If you’re worried you might even faint. You won’t. You’re just carried away by the moment. You need to confront your anxiousness. Do not indulge it. Challenge the sensation. Focus. Concentrate. Fill your mind and body with positive thoughts. Stand up. Take solid steps. Run. By doing so, you’ll realize that your legs aren’t really weak. Your anxiety is just making you feel that they are.
You’re bigger than any anxiety. Do not let it control you. You can get rid of it as long as you’re committed.

26-08-12, 18:40
This happened today as I was walking out the door to talk to my fiancé about some of my fears (we have a deal that as soon as a new intrusive thought gets stuck in my head, I have to tell him about it so we can sort it out, and this one was about him). There was nothing I wanted to do more than go back inside and tell him to leave. But you know what? That advice is pretty true. I went out and talked to him and he was totally calm about it and talked me through my fears. And if we weren't able to deal with each other as we are, then we wouldn't work very well as a married couple anyway. It was much better to just go out there and tell him what was happening, rather than hiding from it for another day.

26-08-12, 21:22
hey, yes sounds like you 2 have it good and it is good to talk! I am trying to talk to myself when i get that feeling, tell it to bugger off and that i'm fine!


26-08-12, 22:40
That's a good article, thanks for sharing it. Did you get it from the Calm Clinic website?