View Full Version : So tired, fed up and sore!

24-08-12, 17:40
Hi all, I have had HA for as long as I can remember, due to the fact my mum died of a heart attack suddenly infront of us when I was 16 (Im now 38) she was 38 then my dad with same thing when he was 57. My birthday is tomorrow and this is the last day of me being 38 which was a terrible year for me, anyway for weeks now Ive had a sore chest, I was admitted overnight to hospital a fortnight ago and had an xray, blood tests and an ecg, they said my heart was fine. About 2 years ago I had an ambiguous perfusion scan which thought there may be slight narrowing of coronary artery, needless to say Ive had regular panic attacks since although my gp said that since I have no other symptoms it was nothing to worry about since I had an excellent stress test result. Anyway for weeks now my chest is aching and sore, has been for weeks, have an appointment with gp but not until 3rd, could have seen another gp sooner but I like my own and trust her. But this is now freaking me out, Im totally fed up and down and scared and dont know how ill manage until next monday, I feel like this HA is always there in the background, had cbt which really helped but still get these episodes. Sorry if ive rambled on but everyone else just gets fed up hearing about it.

24-08-12, 18:37
Could you visit an out of hours doctor, clinic or the ER if you simply cannot wait for your appointment.

If you've been aching for weeks then it could simply be tension :)
Sorry you're so stressed out at the moment

24-08-12, 21:39
I could phone the out of hours service but Im even worried about that, its the exact same pain I had when they did admit me, and they said it was just muscular or they didnt know, but in my mind its something they missed ,I think as well I get worried at this time as my mum died on her birthday and my birthday is always stressful, but then again every day I think im going to die anyway. Its always the "what ifs" what if i think its stress and its not this time? what if i leave my kids? what if i die just like mum? I just wish I could have peace from it all. But as you say if ive been sore for weeks its probably stress, I made the mistake of googling as well although i should know better. :lac: