View Full Version : intense dental pain

24-08-12, 19:46
I had had a problem with my back tooth for a month now i visited the dentist 4 weeks ago due to tooth pain they said your upper molar is snapped and the nerve is exposed so they tryed to take it out but the root wouldnt numb. so off they sent me with antibiotics and codine little did i know i would have a reaction to both.
Over the next 3 weeks i suffered dizzyness, nausia, shackes and fever syptoms and tension headaches doctors said its anxiety another said its sinus infection it went on and on had 4 different anti biotics still felt the same. The other day i went back to the dentist and said its driving me mad please just get it out they used a different injuction and it worked. I felt great for the first day then Last night i got a sharp pain in my eye and i went so dizzy it was unreal i thought its a brain tumour so i started worrrying. staded up all night then rang dendist this morning explained it to them they said you have a dry socket. Turned out to be a bad infection in it so back on antibiotics and painkillers but i feel so unwell and dizzy they said dont worry bout it but thats all im doing im its inchy and my head feels like its being crushed and pain killers dont touch it. Iv felt that unwell with this tooth here are the things i thought i had and led me to my anxiety
Headaches- brain tumour
chest stich/pulpertaions- chest cancer/ hear attack
dizzyness, Eye pain- brain tumour again
Feeling week- stroke, bone cancer
toilet issues and stomach cramp,reflux- Bowl or stomach cancer

Hs any one felt like this through a tooth or a health issue leading to anxiety:shrug:

24-08-12, 20:03
Hi, I had my wisdom teeth taken out at hospital all 4 of them and got dry socket in the two lower ones. I had to take 3 weeks off work it made me so so ill I couldn't even eat for 2 weeks other than porridge and icecream.
I had all the symptoms you described & I'm happy to say I lived to tell the tale!
A lot of the symptoms you describe are probably caused by your anxiety over it and also the fact that if you are anything like I was and can't eat very well, then that will be causing headaches, dizziness & bowel problems, I hope this helps.
Feel free to ask me any questions :bighug1:

24-08-12, 20:34
thanks for reading my post iv just never been ill before and its just snowballed iv felt a bit dizzy ect with the headaches before they extracted the tooth i just dont know what to think any more the lack of sleep makes me feel like jelly and googing the syptoms is the worse thing i did that this morning and brain tumour and ms came up. did you have any odd spells befor they had taken them out?

24-08-12, 21:05
opps sorry only just seen this i have messaged you back though :)