View Full Version : Itchy spots

24-08-12, 20:29
So basically i've been getting these spots near the top of my foot. They look like mosquito bites and they itch as well. But I think I have a illness with the symptoms of these spots. I know it sounds silly, but it's scary since I have HA. Is it just that a bug is in my house and is biting me. Are these bug bites?Or should I go see a doctor? Help?:weep:

25-08-12, 09:45
I have had them and they are insect bites. Apparently we have a huge ant invasion at the moment and I got mine after sitting in my brothers garden last week and I was wearing flip flops. didn't even know I had been bitten until I started to itch.

There are loads of little bity insects around at the moment, I think due to this odd hot / wet weather.

I don't think your silly at all - HA is horrible I know, but I would bet that is what they are. In a few days / week or so they will go - though of course you may get more.

25-08-12, 10:09
I am guessing there are plenty of mozzies in the US in Summer.

25-08-12, 10:31
Hi Kevin,

I normally tell people not to google but there is some really good information here from the NHS which might help:



25-08-12, 12:43
Thanks alot guys! Man, am I glad I found this site. They are going away, And I know I was being irrational. My HA is taken it's course and it is getting better. IT was worse before. Again, thanks!
